
Fury to the extreme momentum, from the ancient Xuan and sand wolf king gush out, seems to have a towering power.

Circles of energy ripple from the two people.

The third master and apprentice of yuesanren are already at the most edge of the forbidden area. Otherwise, they really want to continue to retreat for a certain distance.

Xuezu flew to the forbidden area, the only towering tree, hanging upside down.

I'm afraid even it will be difficult to intervene in the next battle.

In this case, it's better to conserve energy and wait for the opportunity.

The withered grass half saint's face is full of puzzled color.

He didn't understand the conversation between Gu Xuan and sand wolf king just now.

"Master, what were they talking about just now?

Why did the old woman cut a chain for Tuling

At the moment when the arrow was pulled out, the half sage of the withered grass was still impatient. His curiosity made him ask.

The man on the moon sighed and laughed bitterly.

"In short, the old woman seems to be helping the Earth Spirit, but if she really wants to help, why not cut off the second and the third chain?

She didn't even show the idea.

Therefore, she is not helping the spirit at all, but giving it a hope. "

"Give it a hope?" murmured the half saint of the withered grass

He still hasn't figured it out.

Yuesanren some hate iron is not steel, shook his head.

"The Earth Spirit can't rush out of the four chains, but if there are only three chains, it will certainly fight for its life, and all want to seize the opportunity to break free from the shackles.

The problem lies in the three words "fight for life".

If the Earth Spirit wants to break the remaining three chains, even if he doesn't go all out, he will have a lot of consumption.

When it comes out, I'm afraid that none of its strength will be saved.

At that time, it is the best time to accept it! "

One and a half eyes of holy grass.

"So it is. The old woman seems to be helping the Earth Spirit, but in fact, she is calculating it. She wants to take advantage of it when it is weakest."

Yuesanren nodded.

"It's true that both the Han Tan Dan emperor and the sand wolf king can see this.

Therefore, they did not choose to entangle with the Earth Spirit, but chose to solve the opponent first. "

The withered grass half saint's eyes narrowed.

He thought of more.

"Master, that is to say, gu Lord Hantan, have you changed your strategy and are you ready to take over the Earth Spirit? "

Moon Sanren's expression is somewhat dignified.

"Now it seems that it is. The chain of suppressing the Earth Spirit has already been broken, and it will come out sooner or later.

Rather than this, it is better to put it together and accept it.

After all, Han Tan Dan Huang can't be here to help us guard the gate of Fei Yue at any time.

If Tu Ling had not been taken over, I would have been destroyed sooner or later! "

The withered grass half saint's face showed the color of thinking.

"It's true. It's better to let the Earth Spirit rush out earlier than to be afraid that the Earth Spirit will rush out at any time.

But, master, the sand wolf king is very difficult to deal with.

On our side, the only useful combat power is Han tan.

With the words of Tu Ling, I'm afraid... "

The expression of yuesanren is more dignified, his hands are back behind him, and his brows are tight.

"That's what worries me. The last chain can last for a quarter of an hour. I just hope that in this quarter of an hour, the king of sand wolf can be solved.

Otherwise, the situation will become more complicated as soon as the Earth Spirit comes out.

I'm still too weak after all. Ah

With a long sigh, yuesanren stopped talking.

In the distance, two violent momentum, have hit together.

Gu Xuan's left fist hit a paw of the king of Shalang.


Just hearing an explosion, the space around guxuan and shalangwang was broken up layer by layer.


The king of the sand wolf flew backward.

"How strong! It's incredible that such a strong force can be found in such a small holy land? "

The king of the sand wolf retreated with the explosion, his eyes shining with cold light.

The ancient Xuan stood still.

Just a blow, although he seems to have the upper hand, but he is to see that the sand wolf king is just a trial.

The king of Sha Lang was not injured, but he still had some spare power. Even if Gu Xuan wanted to catch up and occupy the first opportunity, he could cope with it freely.

Gu Xuan didn't catch up with him. He raised his right hand. The Holy Power Sword in his hand was surging and the sword was everywhere.

"Kill!"With a burst of drinking, Gu Xuanshi displayed "a sword of Tao"!

The sword that stretches across a hundred Zhang is cut out, and the void is broken, and the king of Shalang is directly beheaded!


The sound of breaking the sky is deafening.

The power of this sword seems to be able to cut off the fetters between heaven and earth!

The king grinned coldly, showing his extremely sharp fangs.

"Hum! If you want to kill me, how can it be? You will take advantage of the situation and attack me, as I expected

It opened its big mouth, and its mouth swirled with earthy yellow light.

The light began to condense in front of its mouth, and in an instant, it became a yellow ball of energy.

"Wolf king light bomb!"

The sand wolf king roars, and the energy light ball in front of his mouth is shot out.

The sound of breaking the sky is stronger than the hundred Zhang sword cut by Gu Xuan's "one sword of Tao".


The two tit for tat attacks hit each other in a flash.

The surrounding space is broken up layer by layer again, and the space turbulence gushes out.

The pupil of ancient Xuan shrinks.

In the center of the explosion, in the turbulent flow of space, a dazzling yellow light suddenly shot out and flew towards him.

This light is just a two-thirds reduced "wolf king light bomb".

"Just relying on the initial strength of the holy land, it is not really the rival of the class bieshalang king in the holy land."

When Gu Xuanxin thought about it, his whole body was full of golden light.

The light seemed to infect half of it, covering the Holy Power Sword in Gu Xuan's hand.

Holy power sword has become a golden sword.

If you don't look at it carefully, I'm afraid no one can recognize it. It's not a real object. It's just an energy lightsaber.

The power of jiuxuan battle style was mobilized by Gu Xuan and was lost in the Holy Power Sword.

This sword seems to be integrated with Gu Xuan, which is an extension of Gu Xuan's right hand.

The ancient Xuan cuts out with one sword!

It's fast.

I saw a flash of sword light, Chi, that "wolf king light bullet", has been cut to pieces by Gu Xuan.

"What! That holy sword can destroy my attack without any damage?

How could that be possible? "

The king of the sand wolf was a little surprised. According to the reason, the attack he had just made just now, in his imagination, even if Gu Xuan was immortal, he should have been severely damaged.

However, Gu Xuan played down his own attack.


Gu Xuan step out, close to the end of the world, the moment will appear in the sand wolf king behind.

Holy sword, another sword! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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