Big stone's body shrinks rapidly.

"Yaoshou, the damned Earth Spirit, really want to control me?"

The big stone's mouth trembled a few times.

When Gu Xuan heard the stone speak, his eyes flashed with surprise.

How could Tuling not control the big stone?

With the strength of the Earth Spirit, I'm afraid it's a hundred times more powerful than a big stone, but it can't be controlled?


Rolling resentment, from has returned to normal size of the stone body rushed out, it is the Earth Spirit.

Tu Ling looked at the big stone in shock.

"How could it be? Ben Ling can't control any of your actions?

You are not weaker than your spirit

Tu Ling's face was solemn.

That is to say, the rank of the big stone is not lower than itself, or even higher than itself!

The life level of the big stone among the earthly creatures is never under the earthly spirit.

Even if compared with the position of bamboo in the wood creatures, it is not weak.

"No wonder that little bamboo is so close to it. The stone man is just its natural nutrient!

As long as the stone man is willing to provide his own energy, the growth rate of that small bamboo will reach an amazing level! "

Tu Ling's mind turned sharply, and a sneering smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I'm afraid no one has realized the real purpose of that small bamboo tree, right?

The spirit is saving you. Otherwise, the stone man will die! "

Of course, Tu Ling just thought about these words in his heart. It was not so great as to say it.


At this time, a clear sound of rupture, spread to the ears of all.

Yuesanren looked at the towering trees at a loss.

There are cracks on the big tree.

The whole tree began to turn into powder.

Gu Xuan took a look at the trunk of the evergreen tree. He knew that time was running out.


With a movement of his body, Gu Xuan flew towards the Earth Spirit.

"It's all over, Turing.

In any case, I will not let you out of this forbidden area. "

The voice of Gu Xuan is very cold.

This is the last chance. If you don't surrender to the Earth Spirit, I'm afraid there will be no more chance.

Without the restriction of forbidden area, it is easy to kill the king of sand wolf, but even the present ancient Xuan is not sure of killing this earth spirit.

There's no way. Once you touch the earth outside, it's too difficult to catch it with the evasion of the Earth Spirit.


On the green sword, it blooms out the dazzling sword.

In an instant, the world seems to be shrouded in the rolling sword spirit.

The divine sword crossed the most mysterious arc and cut to the Earth Spirit.

"A sword of Tao!"

Tu Ling sneered.

"By this time, Ben Ling doesn't have to fight with you.

As long as the towering trees disappear completely and the light curtain blocking the forbidden area disappears, no one can get the spirit

The Earth Spirit gently tilted back, and its body seemed to be integrated with the earth and disappeared on the surface.


The power of the green sword is all cut on the ground, and almost cuts the ground of the forbidden area in two.

However, he did not kill the Earth Spirit.

"Swallow the Dragon vine, help, never let the Earth Spirit escape from this forbidden area, otherwise, there will be endless troubles!

It's under the ground three feet in front of the left! "

There was a sharp flash in Gu Xuan's eyes. With a wave of his right hand, the rolling wood line holy power was pouring into the dragon eating vine.

The dragon eating vine went directly into the ground, continuously stretched its roots and vines, and extended in the direction indicated by the ancient mystery.

Unfortunately, Turing is no longer there.

The power of time and space surged up on the ancient Xuan, and he went directly into the earth.

With the speed of swallowing the rattan, there is no way to catch up with the Earth Spirit.

Now, tulin is diving deeper into the earth.


Underground thousands of feet, suddenly surging up the force of time and space, a flashing green light hand, from the depth of space extended.

It's ancient Xuan!

As soon as he appeared, he grasped a seemingly ordinary stone.


The stone burst, and the figure of earth spirit appeared.

"You are finally cheated in by Ben Ling!

Do you really think Ben Ling wants to escape!

Whether it is that small bamboo, or that stone man, the spirit will devour!

You won't understand that their value is worth fighting for

The voice of the Earth Spirit, already a little crazy.

A stream of terrible resentment was surging over its body."Roar..."

These resentments turned into fierce beasts, opened the blood basin and big mouth, and then rushed toward the ancient Xuan.

All of a sudden, Gu Xuan felt that there was an extra layer of shackles on his body.

A strange power, as if turned into a chain, bound him even with his soul.

"What a powerful soul power!"

The pupil of Gu Xuan shrinks, can't help admiring a way.

This soul power, not only powerful, but also weird, full of resentment, full of anger, full of hatred.

"Certainly powerful! For thousands of years, the spirit has been trapped in the earth, unable to practice any ability related to the power of earth.

Ben Ling hates it! I wish I could kill the whole clan! Damn them!

Therefore, the spirit can only constantly enhance their hatred, enhance their resentment, through this way, cultivate their own soul power!

Ben Ling knows that one day this power can be used! "

Resentment, condensed into a thick chain, the sound of collision.

Gu Xuan was staring at the Earth Spirit coldly.

"Do you really think you can trap me with such a little garbage like resentment?"

The Earth Spirit eyebrows a pick, angry.

"What a shame! Even the high-level warriors in the holy land can still be bound by the resentment of the spirit!

You are the first level warrior in holy land. Even if your fighting power is stronger, where can your soul power be?

If you dare to belittle Ben Ling's resentment, then die! "

Whoa, whoa.

The chain is tight.

As if to crush the soul of ancient Xuan.

At the same time, there was a dazzling yellow light on the Earth Spirit's right hand.

A long sword, which is completely condensed by the original power of the Earth Spirit, appears in its hands.

"This sword will split from your heavenly cover and split you in two!

When the time comes, the law of heaven will not save you! "

Tu Ling has a ferocious smile.

A sword, cut down!

The speed of this sword is not fast, because there is no need for it. Gu Xuan has been bound by it and can't move.

The sword touched Gu Xuan's hair.

Several hairs have been cut off first.

Just at this critical moment, Gu Xuan's face caught up with a sneering smile.

He moved his lips and sent the voice to the Earth Spirit.

"Do you think, I don't know, that you brought me into the depths of the earth on purpose?

I have come not because I am deceived, but because it is no different from killing you on the ground and killing you on the ground. "

The chain on Gu Xuan's body was broken at the moment of his transmission. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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