Hearing Yunxi's words, the corner of Gu Xuan's mouth trembled.

What do you think about big rocks?

Do you know Dashi well?

Do you simply want to swallow the wood power in the body of small bamboo?

It's you who have an idea about bamboo!

Gu Xuan shook his head.

I just got the benefits of small bamboo, so quickly turn over merciless, that is too sorry for their own principles of life.

What's more, even if the small bamboo really has an idea for the big stone, it has to endure the big stone.

After the battle with Tuling just now, Gu Xuan had a new understanding of Dashi.

Although Dashi is usually stupid and unlucky, but its own potential is not fake.

With the soul power of the Earth Spirit, even if it is to control the sand wolf king, I am afraid there is a chance.

But it can't control the boulder.

Even if it has entered the big stone, it has no effect on the body.

On this point alone, I am afraid that Dashi's strength can not be discussed by common sense.

What's more, I'm afraid that the small bamboo is more because of its own attributes, and it has a good feeling for big stones.

It's too arbitrary to say it wants to be bad for big rocks.

However, as the supreme flame, Yunxi has an idea about the small bamboo with wood attribute, which can be understood by Gu Xuan.

For Yunxi, the existence of small bamboo is probably equal to "food".

There is no way. The five elements are mutually exclusive and mutually reinforcing, which is natural.

In the forbidden area.

Yuesanren looked at the towering giant tree with melancholy face and turned into powder thoroughly.

This means that the light curtain on the edge of the forbidden area has disappeared completely and will never appear again.

Xuezu was surprised to see the scene outside the forbidden area.

"That's great. I can finally get out."

It devoured the blood essence of the whole body of the king of shalangwang. The whole body was full of Qi and blood. The whole person had a feeling of boiling.

At the same time, its strength is also constantly improving.

When the blood essence of the king of Shalang is digested and promoted to the first level of the holy land, it is almost certain.

The withered grass half Saint looked at the ground with a worried expression.

Now, it's not the time to relax.

No one knows what the battle between Gu Xuan and Tu Ling is now.

In case the Earth Spirit escapes, the consequence is unimaginable!

At this time, a vine, suddenly drilled out of the ground, is the Dragon vine.

All eyes were fixed on the past.

Everyone was relieved, too.

The dragon swallowing vine has no murderous spirit. It looks peaceful and incomparable. It is just like an ordinary long vine.

This means that the crisis is probably over.

But I don't know whether the Earth Spirit escaped or had been accepted by the ancient Xuan.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the gate of Fei Yue mountain, a series of escapist lights appeared and approached the forbidden area.

The change of forbidden area has been noticed by many high-level officials of Feiyue Mountain Gate.

"The disciples of Fei Yue Mountain Gate are ordered to stay away from the forbidden area!"

Yuesanren immediately gave the order.

One by one, he retreated quickly.

The moon scattered around, the space suddenly becomes distorted.

The figure of ancient Xuan flashed out of it.

"Don't worry, yuesanren. Everything has been settled.

That Earth Spirit has been taken over by me and has wiped away the wisdom. "

Gu Xuan gave a faint smile.

The third master and apprentice of yuesanren finally breathed a long breath.

"Thank you very much. Today, it's really a hot day for Fei Yue Mountain Gate. "

Moon scattered person wry smile way.

Xuezu, big stone and small bamboo fly to the side of Gu Xuan.

Xuezu grinned and showed his tusks.

"Boss, I feel that the whole bat is boiling. This feeling is really wonderful.

Before long, I'm afraid I will be promoted to the first level of the holy land, ha ha

Big stone turned his mouth.

"As long as you have gained, benshizu has not gained at all and lost so much energy."

The bamboo pouts out its mouth, with tears in it.

"Brother Dashi, do you blame me for absorbing your energy.

If you don't like me, I'll I just

The big stone's mouth trembled.

"No, no, that's not what I mean.

I'm not saying this to you, but to the boss.

Only the boss knows that I have been wronged, the boss will compensate me!

It's all routine! You should remember that from now on, you will also mix with the boss, and you should always remember the routine of himGu Xuan pulled at the corners of his mouth.

This big stone, follow oneself not long, unexpectedly learn bad?

Even the boss wants a routine?

Is it really good for you to say to me in front of me?

All of a sudden, Gu Xuan felt that some of his heart was jammed and some of him was tired.

He looked at Xuezu.

Even Dashi, an honest man, has learned to be bad. If you want to say that Xuezu is not bad, he will not believe him.

Recalling that Xuezu was so obsessed that he wanted to follow him out, and then devoured the blood essence of the king of Shalang without waiting for his command. Gu Xuan's eyes showed a wise light.

This blood ancestor, should not also eat set oneself not to him how, so in the routine oneself?

Xuezu was seen by Gu Xuan as a little guilty.

Routine boss, how normal it is!

No routine is impossible, only routine boss, can maintain life like this!

But, this word in the heart knows to go, cannot say!

Blood ancestor hate to see a big stone, this lack of heart!

But soon, when he looked at Gu Xuan, he changed into a flattering smile.

"Boss, look, I've packed the body of the king of sand wolf.

Take this corpse. The refining utensils, the alchemy and the alchemy are all top-level materials. They are stick like! "

Blood ancestor flatters the way.

Gu Xuan hummed all over his body and threw the body of the king of Shalang into the ancient house of Yanmo.

Xuezu heard Gu Xuan's "hum" and relaxed.

Although the boss has a straight face, he knows that it's all right.

It's just a pity that the corpse of the sand wolf king is a puppet at the primary level of the holy land if it is carefully refined by ourselves.

It's a pity.

However, it is better to face the anger of the boss.

On one side, Xiaozhu is receiving the earnest instruction of Dashi.

There are a lot of "100 ways to get along with the boss", "1000 ways to deal with the boss when he is in a bad mood", and "ten thousand ways to get along with the boss".

Gu Xuan listened to a few words, the whole person is suddenly bad.

Looking at the bamboo, I heard the green light in my eyes and nodded again and again. I didn't even know where I had found a bamboo slip. I was actually carving a record.

Gu Xuan's face became very gloomy. He glanced at Xuezu and saw that his eyes were shining. He was reciting words in his mouth, as if he was carrying something in silence.

Gu Xuan's heart became heavier.

What kind of things do you have!

No eye is clean.

Gu Xuan looked at the moon man.

"Yuesanren, you go to deal with the aftermath of the door.

The withered grass is half holy. Find a quiet place. I will help you solve the problem of Earth Spirit in your body. "

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