Ouyang luanzhang and Ouyang fengdiei know Ouyang huadiei very well. If it wasn't for Gu Xuan's instruction, she would never have given such a poor excuse to open up the immortal stick.

Their angry eyes naturally fell directly on Gu Xuan's head.

The reason why the two people are angry is not only because Ouyang Huadie has spread the immortal stick and double saints.

However, they did not expect that the influence of Gu Xuan on Ouyang butterflies was so great!

He made a sign in secret, which made Ouyang Huadie even his own Taoist protectors suspicious.

This matter is hard to accept for the whole Ouyang family.

In Ouyang luanzhang's opinion, compared with Gu Xuan's credibility, the immortal staff and double saints who grew up in Ouyang aristocratic family since childhood make them trust more.

Gu Xuan actually motioned to separate the two of them, which was tantamount to instigating a dissension between Ouyang Huadie and two loyal Taoist protectors.

Once the two people have a rift with Ouyang family, it will be difficult to mend the gap.

This means that Ouyang aristocratic family may lose two peerless strong men!

In the face of this situation, how can Ouyang luanzhang and Ouyang Feng fold not be angry?

In fact, it was not only the two of them. Although Ouyang Huadie separated the two road guards, she was also puzzled.

It is impossible for another person, even ouyangluanzhang or Ouyang fengdiei, to open up his two Taoist protectors.

Since she entered the Ouyang aristocratic family, she has been guarded by two protectors. It can be said that besides her parents, the people he trusts most are the two.

Even Ouyang fengdiei and others are unfamiliar with Ouyang butterfly.

However, it was Gu Xuan who let her separate them, which was another matter.

Gu Xuan was the one who raised her up from childhood. Even if she wanted her life, she would not hesitate.

So, this time, she chose to believe in ancient Xuan.

Faced with the eyes of Ouyang peak and Ouyang mountain range, Gu Xuan naturally guessed what the situation was. Even she could see that even Ouyang flower butterfly's eyes were full of suspicion.

She did what she said, but that doesn't mean that she will believe that her protector will have problems.

However, he was very clear that he would never be aimless because of his character.

Now, the whole secret room is so quiet that all eyes are focused on Gu Xuan's face, hoping that he can give a reasonable explanation.

"Boy, don't pretend to be confused. Tell me, why do you want to let the flower and butterfly branch the immortal staff and double saints?

Do you know what a serious doubt this is. They are two high-level warriors in holy land!

If you don't give us an account, you can lie down and go out today. "

Ouyang luanzhang is an old man with a hot temper. He points to Gu Xuan's nose and wishes to stab him to death.

Gu Xuan's mouth trembled and said solemnly:

"there must be something wrong with those two people!"

The tone of Gu Xuan is very positive.

Ouyang Huadie frowned, Gu Xuan's answer, if only such a few words, even she felt that she could not get through the heart.

"Brother Gu, make it clear, what's the problem with them?"

Ouyang flower butterfly road.

Gu Xuan pondered for a moment. Instead of saying it in a hurry, he looked at Ouyang mountain range.

"Elder luanzhang, you should be the oldest here. Who is older than you and immortal staff?"

"Stinky boy, do you want to change the subject on purpose?

Do they have any questions about their age? "

Ouyang mountain range a face cold color, stare at Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan looked at ouyangluanzhang without showing weakness and said: "please answer me. I will explain other things.

If you are older than them, you should be familiar with all kinds of situations when they first entered the Ouyang family. You may as well tell us something about them? "

Ouyangluanzhang's eyes almost burst out fire.

"Well, I'll answer you now. I'll see what you'll explain later.

If your explanation doesn't satisfy me, you know the consequences.

My age, of course, is a little older than immortal staff and double saints.

In those days, when I was not canonized, these two men were still children, at most seven or eight years old. They were abandoned and almost died in the mouth of fierce beasts.

It was the people of the Ouyang aristocratic family who saved them and taught them carefully. It can be said that they are no different from those of the Ouyang aristocratic family except that they are not surnamed Ouyang. "

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes.

"Originally, I was only 50% sure, but now, I can be 100% sure that there must be something wrong with them."

Ouyang luanzhang angrily said: "since these two people have problems, then you can talk about them. What are their problems?

They have been very loyal to my Ouyang family. On several occasions, they almost died because of family affairs.If they have problems, will no one see them for tens of thousands of years?

Do you think all the people in my Ouyang family are straw bags? "

Listening to Ouyang luanzhang's saying, Ouyang huadien's heart is more and more unpleasant.

Naturally, she would not think that Gu Xuan would have wronged Shuangsheng intentionally, but she had already suspected that all these were just Gu Xuan's illusions.

At least, she hopes so.

The corner of ancient Xuan's mouth was slightly hooked.

Then, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, his soul breath changed.

In the blink of an eye, everyone looked at him as if he had seen a ghost.

, because the as like as two peas and the soul of Ouyang's ridge have become the same.

If you close your eyes and rely on perception alone, no one will think that the person in front of you is Gu Xuan.

You know, a person's appearance can be changed, height, fat and thin can be changed, but the soul breath is the most difficult to change!

No matter how powerful a warrior is, at most, he just conceals his soul breath or changes it a little, so that people can't recognize him as himself.

However, it is impossible to change one's soul into another, just like Gu Xuan.

Ouyang luanzhang's whole old face was twitching. If Gu Xuan had changed his appearance into something similar to him, he would have doubted whether he had a brother who had been separated for many years!

The poor and afraid of saints suddenly pointed to Gu Xuan, and then to Ouyang mountain range.

"You are not long lost father and son, are you?"

Except for brothers or father and son, the same even soul breath can't be explained.

The corners of their mouths trembled, and they all looked at Gu Xuan and Ouyang Luan Zhang with suspicious eyes.

Gu Xuan was oppressed.

If it was not for the sake of Ouyang Huadie's safety, he could imitate the bottom card of soul breath, but it would never be revealed.

Fortunately, there should be trusted people here.

"Change back quickly. I wonder if you are the by-product of my romantic account."

Ouyang luanzhang looks at Gu Xuan, his eyelids jump straight, and he feels guilty.

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