Gu Xuan's idea is very simple. Since one person has been deterred, it can frighten two people, even many people.

It is still feasible for these people to make a little bit of a hindrance and let the people in the meteoric gorge have a civil strife.

If you can let the public losers and the people of zhongyuanyu fight, it will be more wonderful.

Of course, although the idea is rich, but the reality is very skinny. If you want to do these things, you can't do them without the right time, the right place and the right people.

And even with this, the success rate is extremely low.

However, it doesn't matter if it can't be done. As long as you can get the custody of the golden coffin to yourself, that's OK.

"As long as the master of Zhongyuan domain does not come out, the identity of Tuan Lao should be the highest."

Gu Xuan thought so.

In other words, he can only think so, only dare to think so.

If all the estimates are wrong, there are still people who have a higher status than Mr. Tuan, or who have the same status as Mr. Tuan. He may not be able to get control of the golden coffin.

Moreover, if there are enemies of this degree in the canyon, the identities of several of them are likely to be exposed.

It's going to be a big gamble.

Looking at the big sunspot kneeling in front of him, Gu Xuan perfectly imitated the voice of the group old man.

"Why are you kneeling here? I have been informed that the people of Ouyang family have already known about this transaction.

Come in with me and go to the trading place. There must be no mistake in this transaction! "

Gu Xuan's voice is a little cold.

However, the colder it was, the more normal it was for the big sunspot.

If one day, the old group's voice becomes warm and warm, that's the hell.

"No wonder the troupe always comes here. The people of Ouyang family even know about this transaction."

Big sunspot thought quickly in his heart.

The elders of the hundred old regiment of his level only know that there is a transaction, but what is traded is not qualified to know.

However, this matter is so secret, unexpectedly, it is still known by the people of Ouyang aristocratic family.

Ouyang aristocratic family, as the enemy of Zhongyuan domain, will certainly make trouble!

After Gu Xuan finished speaking, he continued to move on. Big sunspot bowed his head and followed him behind him, afraid to look at him directly.

Gu Xuan had no doubt about the two men in black.

Zhongyuanyu is big, and there are some mysterious people around him. What a normal thing.

Seeing that Gu Xuan was close to the prohibition, the big sunspot followed Gu Xuan respectfully. Yun Sheng and a group of elders of the hundred old group looked at each other, but they didn't understand what had happened.

It was the three ancient Xuan people who did not reveal their true faces or breath. They could not guess.

"Get out! Stop them first

Yunsheng made a quick decision.

At the moment, Gu Xuan has already stood at the stone tablet at the entrance of Tianqiu gorge.

When he saw the stone tablet, his heart suddenly jumped.

Gu Xuan was surprised. He looked at the stone tablet and the four big characters of Tianqiu gorge, just like four golden dragons, and released a brilliant golden light.

"This is..."

As soon as Gu Xuan's pupil shrank, he immediately realized that the stone tablet was not simple.

The golden light, the writing like a golden dragon, is not seen with the naked eye, but with the soul!

So now, the brilliant golden light, in fact, is only visible to him.

"Sword rhyme! Those four characters were carved by a profound sword formula.

On the stone tablet, there is a powerful sword

Almost in an instant, the ancient mystery had already been reflected.

He did not expect that standing in the meteorite gorge on that day, an ordinary looking stone tablet should have such a magical place.

It was just a chance.

With a sudden change of mind, Gu Xuan already had the idea of taking this stone tablet as his own.

Gu Xuan stretched out his right hand to touch the stone tablet.

Just at this time, I saw a series of figures rushing out of the prohibition, and in a moment they surrounded the ancient Xuanli with triple layers and the outer three layers.

"Who are you? Big sunspot, what's the matter with you? "

As soon as Yun Sheng comes out, he is full of vigilance and stares at Gu Xuan several people.

These people are strange in shape. They wear black robes to cover their real faces. The leader hides his appearance with fog. There is a bat standing on his shoulder, which is not normal.

Big sunspot's face changed slightly. He looked at Yun Sheng and his colleagues around him. He could not feel his head.

I just didn't recognize Tuan Lao just now, but just now Tuan laoming showed his soul breath obviously. How can they not recognize Yun Sheng?

What he didn't know was that the spirit breath that Gu Xuangang had just released only covered him, and no one could notice it.The reason why Gu Xuan did this was that he didn't want to give this group of zhongyuanyu people too much time to think.

First hide the interest, let the other party think that he is the enemy, and then release the breath, the other party will be shocked in a moment, the other party is in a state of confusion, thinking time, naturally also less.

Therefore, before the big sunspot finished, Gu Xuan said angrily:

"what's going on? I want to ask what's going on? A group of you, the people of Ouyang family, have already learned about this transaction.

Even, I suspect they've been mixed in!

And you trash are still here to surround your own people? "

All of them were shocked by Gu Xuan's scolding.

Yun Sheng was also stunned on the spot.

"People from Ouyang aristocratic family have mixed in? How could that be possible?

You can't even fly a spirit fly into the sky meteor canyon?

Who are you? "

Under this, Gu Xuan did not answer, just stare at cloud Saint coldly.

His eyes, even though separated by a layer of fog, had already made Yun Sheng feel a little frightened. His heart kept complaining. Seeing the other party's attitude, most of them were his own, or his own people whose status was no lower than himself.

However, you show your face, I don't know who you are!

After Gu Xuan, big sunspot is in a hurry.

"Yun Sheng, this is Tuan Lao! Old Tuan


This news, blast cloud saint as well as a group of hundred old regiments old head buzzing.

Seeing that everyone's face changed, Gu Xuan suddenly released his soul breath.

It belongs to the strong spirit of the old group, which instantly covers all the people present.

A soul storm, centered on the ancient mystery, spiraled up, as if a storm was about to come, and it was terrible to the extreme.

The poor fear of saints and Ouyang Feng are both frightened. The soul of

as like as two peas in the air at the moment, is not only the same as the soul of the regiment, but also the strength of the spirit of the holy peak.

In their hearts, the boy's soul breath was so strong that it was so strong?

How many secrets are there in this kid?

"Don't be angry, old Tuan!"

The big sunspot shivered.

Gu Xuan was good as a stream, and in an instant he collected his soul breath.

But Yun Sheng and others have been completely frightened.

"I've met Mr. Tuan!"

A group of elders of the hundred old regiment knelt on one knee with a look of panic on their faces. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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