Gu Xuan was depressed.

There is a feeling of beeping the dog.

He helped his forehead.

What's the matter with you today?

How often do you get dizzy?

Which sword meaning, of course, I can drive it out of the body?

But this, the word "rush" should be quoted here!

It is more appropriate to describe it as "cheating" rather than "rushing".

I can take advantage of it everywhere in the body when it suddenly disintegrates and swindles it out of the body. However, when people want to come back, what can I do?

In addition to despair, in addition to watching it penetrate its own vulnerable body energy, what can we do?

Once again, he flew back to Gu Xuan's body with the sword meaning. He ran wildly, as if he was revenging Gu Xuangang for getting it out of the body.

Gu Xuan's whole body was acutely pricked by needles.

But he had no way.

Yunxi, together with the star picking hand, Zhutian sword and Xuanyuan sword, could not suppress the meaning of the sword. Gu Xuan was really desperate.

The book of life and death may be good, but now it has suddenly become very independent. It doesn't look like the sword and other things. It disdains to suppress it. It's very embarrassing.

In a word, Gu Xuan was very puzzled. He felt that stealing chicken would not make rice.

Fortunately, the only achievement is to cut the Ming first class seven people into slag. I have no more worries to worry about. I can focus on the war situation on the two warships of zhongyuanyu and Gongshu aristocratic family.

What's more, the elders of Zhongyuan domain looked at Gu Xuan and became more enthusiastic.

After the initial surprise, a touch of anxiety appeared in Yun Sheng's eyes.

In fact, the situation of meta domain is very subtle.

Although it is called domain master system, it is not convenient for him to help him because of his special identity.

Therefore, the real leader is to leave the sky.

But now, Li Tian is fighting with the enemy inside. He can't move. However, the only old Tuan who can help is unwilling to do so.

If at the beginning, some people think that the league is always not strong enough, then just now, the old league's one shot, has cleared all doubts.

If the strength of the old regiment is not enough, it is estimated that there are not many warriors in the world.

Therefore, in Yun Sheng's opinion, the reason why Tuan Lao did not make a move was intriguing.

I'm afraid that the regiment always wants to take advantage of the enemy's hand to make Li Tian suffer heavy damage. From now on, the hundred old regiments will surely overtake the leader of the domain.

In that case, it will be difficult for the domain masters. I'm afraid all kinds of cultivation resources will be reduced a lot.

But Yun Sheng is worried about another point.

There is a rumor in the whole land of burning heaven that it was the centenarian regiment of the middle Yuan Dynasty who was even qualified to impeach the Lord and decide whether he would stay or not.

This legend, even now most people in the Zhongyuan Region, have no longer believed it.

Because of the strength of the domain master, he is definitely the first person in the Zhongyuan domain. Even if he is a group old man, he should be greatly inferior.

The reputation of the Lord is not something that can be impeached.

However, people who have reached the level of cloud Saint know that this legend is true nine times out of ten.

Although I don't know the specific operation mode, it is a risk after all, isn't it?

Without leaving the sky to suppress the old regiment, Yunsheng even suspected that the old regiment would gradually raise the power of the domain master.

After all, domain owners are closed all year round, basically regardless of the size of the meta domain.

"Tuan Lao, Tuan Lao, what are you waiting for?"

Yun Sheng sighed in his heart.

No matter how worried he was, there was nothing he could do.

Who can force the regiment to grow old?

Naturally, Gu Xuan didn't know what Yun Sheng thought. Of course, even if he did, he would not have any expression except praising Yun Sheng's strong brain tonic ability.

Gu Xuan's soul snake has already circled on the top of Li Tian and men in cloaks. When their power of law is almost exhausted, but not exhausted, they rush in ahead of time.

Originally thought, this time, won't wait too long, never thought, this wait, unexpectedly is half a quarter of an hour.

The tingling sensation of the protrusion in the ancient Xuan's body was even stronger.

There was a spirit of life and struggle in that sword meaning. If it had not been for Gu Xuan's strong soul and firm will, he would have collapsed long ago.

At this time, he suddenly felt that there was a wave in the space behind him.

He turned back suddenly.

I saw on the ground, that a lot of debris, actually began to gather, close, in an instant, they condensed into the shape of Ming 17 people.

"What? Not dead yet? "

Gu Xuan was a little surprised.

Yun Sheng and others are shocked.After eating the sword meaning of Mr. Tuan just now, they are all chopped into slag. Can they be recovered?

What is the secret?

The seven men clearly displayed their holy power, which showed that they were not real emperors and had no deities.

"Surround yourself

Gu Xuan made a decision and ordered the way.

Whoosh, whoosh.

Zhongyuanyu a group of elders face dignified, quickly surrounded seven people.

Ming 17 people looking at the old group, a face of unbelievable color.

It seems that up to now, they haven't reflected from the attack just now.

The combined battle array of the seven of them is a powerful battle array that killed two top warriors in holy land. Under the old regiment, they can't support a move?

This group is really terrible.

Suddenly, seven people's faces at the same time a flush, a puff, each spit a big mouthful of blood.

After eating Gu Xuangang's attack, although they were not in danger of falling down, they were also severely damaged. After all, their bodies were chopped into slag, and it was impossible for them not to be injured.

The poor and afraid of saints and Ouyang Feng make people look at each other. Rao is so knowledgeable that they have never seen such strange things.

Now just spit blood, still spit blood together, this reflex arc after being hit hard, is it too long?

Ming 17 people, spit a mouthful of blood, the flush on the face do retreat, become pale.

"It's really true that Tuan Lao was able to beat seven of us seriously.

But it's not so easy for you to kill us. "

Ming a sneer way.

He spoke on purpose, of course, not to be cruel, but to make doubts and delay time.

After all, if Mr. Tuan attacks them now, they are really dead.

Without them, their bodies were cut into slag, and they were not spared.

Gu Xuanbai took a dim look and said faintly:

"OK, don't blow the air. You in this state are not qualified to let me do it.

Do you think you can hide that from me?

When you get together, you have the effect similar to that of the true emperor. Don't you think I can see it?

That is to say, only after you are united will you be chopped into pieces. After all, you will eventually disintegrate.

My strike is equivalent to helping you disintegrate ahead of time.

But now, you Qi and blood deficiency, internal organs hurt, can you fit?

I'll give you another slap, and you'll be scum. "

After Gu Xuan finished speaking, all the people in the Zhongyuan Region had a twinkling of essence in their eyes.

Ming 17 people, the face changed greatly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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