The ancient Xuan in the burning sky was just a common warrior.

Perhaps in the eyes of the world, he is not ordinary, is a genius.

However, there are more talents in burning the sky.

There are more people than him.

However, Gu Xuan had another identity when he was buried in heaven and death.

A unique identity that can be compared with the heaven and earth.

He is the Lord of death!

If we say that the golden coffin in front of us comes from the place of death, even if we don't have the key to open the coffin, maybe we can control it a little bit.

At least, it can save your life!

Gu Xuan knew that this would be a gamble, but this gamble is his only life at present!

"This is a big gamble. God forbid me to win."

There was a cry in Gu Xuan's heart.

He controlled his right hand and strove to take pictures of the golden coffin.

At the moment when he patted the golden coffin, a sword pierced his head from his heavenly cover.

This kind of injury, even if the ancient Xuan had a pseudo God body, there was only one way to die.

The biggest weakness of the hypocrite is the head.

If you have a fatal head injury, then everything will be closed.

The attack against Gu Xuan includes not only the sword of Li Tian, but also three high-level warriors in holy land surrounding Gu Xuan.

Their fists bombarded Gu Xuan's body.

Bang bang bang!

After three loud noises, Gu Xuan's whole body exploded, including his head.

A rain of blood fell from the sky and covered the whole golden coffin.

Looking at the gold coffin dyed red by blood, Li Tian frowned.

Under the golden coffin, a drop of blood fell on the ground.

In an instant, this drop of blood, turned into a blood red bat.

It was staring at the sky, looking at the golden coffin, with its mouth wide open and eyes full of unbelievable color.

There is still a trace, at a loss.

Boss, dead?

Heaven is not afraid of the ground, but the God who has never failed has fallen down?

This, how can it be?

In the sky, the golden coffin has been surrounded by three high-level warriors in the holy land of Zhongyuan Region.

Standing in front of the three people from the sky, they are confronted with the dark zero not far away.

She won the battle for the golden coffin!

It belongs to her and belongs to Zhongyuan domain!

Mingzero looks at the sky in surprise.

Ming 17 people, standing behind the Ming zero, is also a face of surprise.

"You killed Tuan old man in order to bury the golden coffin?"

I was a little dazed.

To expose the ancient Xuan from the sky is a direct communication with the ancient Xuan, no one knows.

Even the three high-level warriors in the holy land beside the heaven do not know.

Even they think that the people they killed were Tuan Lao.

However, since it is the order from heaven, they can't disobey it, let alone that the people of the domain leader group want the old group to die.

With the burial of the golden coffin as the core, the silk thread of the law within two miles of the circle finally dissipated.

Here, it is no longer a closed space.

More than 20 zhongyuanyu elders waiting outside flew here.

Yun Sheng looks shocked and shocked. He can't believe his eyes at all.

Old Tuan, dead?

Old Tuan, was killed by Li Tian?

A group of hundred old leaders and elders, is a face of grief and anger, a pair of eager to go with the sky desperately look.

After all, they just don't dare.

Even Tuan Lao is dead. What do they fight with the sky?

What's more, there are four guardians of the domain Lord beside the heaven.

Silent, Yun Shengmo joined the ranks of the three guards.

He is also one of the four guards. Even if he is shocked by what happened in front of his eyes, he will stand in the same line with the other three.

In the distance, two escape light, quickly escape, toward the sky meteor Canyon fly.

Naturally, they were poor and afraid of saints and Ouyang Feng.

Their faces were grim.

"How? How can that Fox die?

Ever, he was the only one who could kill him

The poor are afraid of the saints.

"This feud, my Ouyang family will not forget it."

Ouyang Feng folded his fist.

Before getting along with him, he had completely regarded Gu Xuan as his own person, as the son-in-law of Ouyang family. No matter what, zhongyuanyu must pay for killing Gu Xuan!

It's just, how can I tell Hua die about this news?The breeze, slowly blowing across the canyon.

After the rain stopped, the dark clouds dissipated and a bright moon hung in the sky.

"I didn't expect to see the moon tonight."

A gentle female voice suddenly rings out in the quiet night.

On the top of a mountain, the night is beautiful.

A man and a woman are looking up at the moon.

The man suddenly covered his chest and fell to his knees.

"What's wrong with you? Brother Xie Yun. "

The woman quickly helped the man.

The man suddenly raised his head and looked at the woman with tears streaming down his face.

The woman was startled.

"Brother Xie Yun, what happened? Tell me!"

"Little sister, I suddenly feel that my heart is very painful and my heart is very flustered.

My master, something happened to him. "

The man is still kneeling, looking at the direction of yingtianzong.

These two people are Li Xie Yun and Yang Xiao Xie.

"No, brother Xie Yun, your master is so powerful. How could something happen?"

Yang Xiaoxie accompanied Li Xie Yun in tears.

"But that's what I feel.

This feeling, not the first time, was the same feeling a hundred years ago.

That time, master, he had already fallen once.

No, we will respond to Tianzong immediately! Go back at once

Li Xiyun struggled to get up.

His heart, except for the time a hundred years ago, had never been so chaotic and panicked.

Ying Tianzong.

In a large hall, Mo Jingyun, who was having a meeting with all the elders, suddenly fell to his knees.

"Jingyun, what's the matter?"

"Is there something wrong with the practice?"

Purple old people, quickly surrounded.

"No, it's impossible! impossible! I want to ask clearly! "

Mo Jingyun stumbled up and ran toward the tower.

Only that person knows what happened!

Almost at the same time, over a barren mountain range.

The ships of Ouyang family and zhongyuanyu have been facing each other for a long time.

On the warship of Zhongyuan Region, Tuan Lao stood quietly with a pair of eyes. From the beginning to the end, his eyes did not deviate from Ouyang flower butterfly even once.

Ouyang flower butterfly hands, a dagger, is against Gongshu jade neck.

All of a sudden, Ouyang flower butterfly grabs the Dagger's hand and suddenly trembles.

Bang Dang.

The dagger fell to the ground.

Bang Dong.

Ouyang butterfly trembled and knelt on the deck.

Big big tears, from her eyes.

"No, it's impossible! How could this happen?

You, what's going on?

How can you do something?

If you die, what shall I do? "

Ouyang butterfly murmured to herself, a blank in her brain.

"Although I don't know, why did you become so?

But, this game, you lose. "

Group old do not know when, already stood in front of Ouyang flower butterfly body. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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