Outside the tianmeteor gorge, dozens of miles away.

On the warships of Ouyang aristocratic family, the spatial fluctuation has reached a violent degree.

Suddenly, an old man in plain clothes flew away from the secret room.

The old man is not only simple, but also very ordinary. In the pile of shame, he will be quickly annihilated.

However, on the warship, all the people who saw the old ancestor all knelt down.

"I've met my grandfather!"

The crowd was excited and prayed in unison.

Ouyang is here. Don't mention the old regiment. Even if you are the master of Zhongyuan domain, you will not be afraid!

"Grandfather, you are here at last. Sister Hua die, I've been caught!

It's a veteran of Zhongyuan Yutuan. You should kill them and kill them all! "

After seeing his ancestor, Ouyang Feilong first jumped up.

Ouyang old ancestor light a smile, in the eye flashed the chilly killing opportunity.

"I dare to fight Hua die. It seems that I have not moved this old bone for a long time.

Many people have forgotten how heavy my word Ouyang Qitian is. "

At this time, only listen to two sound, two figures, flying to the warship.

These two people are Ouyang fengdien and the poor and afraid of saints who escaped from Tianqiu gorge.

"Ah, ancestor, you are here at last!"

Ouyang fengdui was so excited that his body was shaking.

"The son-in-law of Ouyang family, Gu Xuan, has fallen!

Lao Zu, you must take revenge for him!

Hua die, tell her not to be too sad, she... "

Before he finished speaking, Ouyang Feng was stunned.

"Where are the butterflies? Isn't our warship confronting the old regiment? How did you get here? "

Ouyang fengdiehe and the poor and afraid of saints did not return according to the original route. Instead, for the sake of safety, they made a slight detour and missed the Tuan Lao's warship.

Otherwise, they will be on the old regiment's warship now.

No one answered Ouyang fengdui's question.

But the answer, Ouyang fengdui has already guessed.

"You, stay on the ship. I have sensed where the butterflies are.

Tianqiu gorge, I'll go alone

Ouyang Laozu sighed and stepped out, then disappeared from people's eyes.

Meta domain.

In the sky, there are mountains.

Birds and animals run and play in the clouds, just like fairyland on earth.

The top of a suspended mountain.

A young man stands here.

His sword eyebrows, stars, a robe, hunting in the wind.

If there are people in zhongyuanyu here, I'm afraid I can't speak.

This young man is the Lord of Zhongyuan domain, who is regarded as a God by all the people in Zhongyuan domain. Heaven can't defeat him!

Tianmo Di looks up at the sky.

Deep in the sky, there is a huge whirlpool.

The vortex center, as if there is a frightening power, just look at it, will make people scared.

However, Tianmo Di has been looking at it for a long time.

His face, with a trace of doubt, with a trace of confusion.

"What is the matter? This vortex should not appear now.

I have advanced the time of zhongyuanyu's birth ceremony, but is it still late?

It's beyond my control. Tiandao, Tiandao, what do you want to do

Heaven speaks to himself.

Suddenly, he flashed a cold light in his eyes, suddenly turned around and looked at the direction behind him.

His eyes, as if through a lot of obstacles, see everything in this direction really.

"How did he come? He shouldn't have come. "

Tianmodi frowned.

He waved, the void trembled, and a chessboard suddenly appeared in the sky.

On the chessboard, dense fog, countless silk thread, entangled between the black and white chess pieces.

"The pieces on Tiansuan's chessboard have become so messy?

What's going on here? In addition to the people on the burning heaven land, there are also forces outside the burning heaven continent, which have entered the sacred land of burning heaven.

This should not happen.

But it happened, which means that the current situation, I am afraid even the way of heaven, has been difficult to control.

Time is running out. I have to go there in person to bury the golden coffin. "


The wind is still howling.

The figure of Tianmo Di has disappeared from the top of the mountain.


The sky Mo enemy left, in the whirlpool in the sky, sent out the faint thunder.

The whirlpool is spinning faster and faster.Meteorite Canyon, core area.

Old Tuan is holding Ouyang flower butterfly, and his body erupts into torrential weather.

Now, the whole sky meteor Canyon, he is the most powerful existence.

The old group stares at the ghost.

"Since the method of collecting the golden coffin from heaven, you are not willing to say.

Then don't blame me for killing flowers.

I really don't want to kill Ouyang butterfly, but that doesn't mean I dare not.

Besides, it seems more interesting to kill her than to kill her

With a sneer, Mr. Tuan let go of the hand that held the throat of Ouyang flower butterfly.

But at the same time, his right hand turned into a palm knife, with a sharp breath.

Palm knife gently brush Ouyang butterfly's face, a strand of hair broken, falling down.

Inside the golden coffin, Gu Xuan clenched his fist.

Although his soul power can't be penetrated, he can feel what is happening in the outside world with all his strength.

He could hear the sound of the outside world clearly.

Old Tuan even wanted to hurt Ouyang butterfly, which he couldn't stand.

"Damn it, I am the Lord of heaven and earth. How can you give me some face, move, OK? "

The spirit energy in the ancient Xuan's body poured out wildly, which spread all over the whole golden coffin of the burial heaven. He wanted to drive the action of the golden coffin.

However, there was no movement except for a few flashes of gold.

"Damn it, how can you move?"

Gu Xuan angrily patted the golden coffin.

There was no response except for a few thumping noises.

Group old eyes, locked in Ouyang flower butterfly's Dantian.

"I'll give you one last chance to tell your people how to collect the golden coffin from heaven.

Otherwise, this palm knife will destroy your whole elixir field and cut off your whole meridians.

In time, you will be a waste.

I'm afraid this is the most brilliant genius of Ouyang family and the last thing you want to see.

So, give your choice! "

"I choose to see when you die, you old thing!"

Ouyang flower butterfly gives a cold smile.

Ming zero light looking at this scene, no expression.

In the eyes of group old man, a cruel color flashed by.

"In that case, don't blame me for my ruthlessness."


Tuan Lao's right hand cleaved to Ouyang butterfly.

At this time, no one noticed that the golden coffin, which had been suspended in the void for a long time, suddenly moved.

"I see. I can really drive this golden coffin!

This is the way to bury the gold coffin!

As long as the energy obtained by burning Shouyuan is used to reverse the spitting energy of tuntian Gong and inject the energy into the golden coffin, it can be driven! "

Inside the golden coffin, Gu Xuan's eyes were full of excitement and madness!

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