Ouyang Qitian never thought that Tianmo's cultivation of the enemy thunder method had reached such a level that he could summon five thunder unicorns at a time!

These thunder qilins contain the power of law. Any one of them can easily kill several warriors at the peak level of holy land.

Under the joint efforts of the five thunder qilins, even if Xuansheng was hit without protection, he had to die.

Although Ouyang Qitian's face is a little ugly, it's naive that only five Lei Qilin want his life!

"Haotian mirror, block it for me!"

Ouyang abandoned the sky and held up the Haotian mirror. The thunder Qilin, which was thrown down in the sky, was immediately absorbed by two.

However, only two were absorbed.

A light flashed in tianmodi's eyes. As he expected, although Haotian mirror is powerful, it can absorb two thunder unicorns at the same time, and there are three left. It can't stop it!


Three thunder Kirin, in the blink of an eye, will be the sky Mo enemy attack.

Ouyang flower butterfly looks at this scene from afar, and her eyes are full of worry.

A smile appears in the corner of his mouth from heaven. Even if he is Xuansheng, the strength of the domain master should be higher than that.

However, at this moment, another light suddenly came from Ouyang Qitian's left hand.

A yellow wooden ruler the size of a sword was waved by Ouyang Qitian.

"Yuanyang ruler, dragon cutting technique!"


Yuanyang ruler across the void, people feel that there is an incomparable light in the air, the sound of breaking the sky suddenly rings.

Three Lei Qilin, who were about to knock down Ouyang's abandoned heaven, were cut in half as the light flashed by!

"What! You've found yuanyangchi. You've been to the Dragon slaughtering tomb!

How could that be possible? "

Tianmodi's eyes were shocked.

Yuanyangchi is the best tongxuan Lingbao. It is said that it is made of dragon slaughtering wood. It is powerful and even the dragon clan with the strongest body can easily be killed.

Yuanyangchi was lost in the tomb of dragon slaughtering for a long time. Even if the dragon clan sent countless people to find the dragon's nemesis, they failed.

Unexpectedly, the treasure fell into Ouyang Qitian's hands.

This level of aggressive spirit treasure is the top three treasure in the whole history of burning sky continent.

"Now, do you know the gap between you and me?

I have the strongest defense spirit treasure in the burning sky land, Haotian mirror.

And the strongest attack Lingbao, yuanyangchi!

Under the blessing of these two treasures, you have no chance!

Put down the golden coffin and Gongshu brocade and leave

Ouyang abandoned the sky coldly staring at tianmodi. For the first time in his eyes, a trace of killing opportunity flashed through his eyes.

The eyes of heaven are as cold as before.

"What if you have Haotian mirror and Yuanyang ruler?

In the hands of the strong, even if they only hold a branch, they can kill the weak with a sword!

I am invincible

Before he finished speaking, the figure of tianmodi had disappeared from the golden coffin.

Ouyang Qitian, who wants to stand on the golden coffin and hold two powerful Xuanlingbao, dare not be so big.

"Thunder law, the sword of punishment!"

The voice of heaven's enemies, such as thunder, is deafening!

In the rolling thunder clouds, a sword of heavenly punishment, which is as high as 100 Zhang, suddenly condenses.

This is a sword of thunder and lightning. The flashing thunder light can make anyone feel shocked.

Because, from that thunder light, actually sent out the breath of the disaster!

Below, people's faces changed greatly.

This kind of feeling is like facing the disaster, and it is the disaster that they can't resist.

"No, go back now! Get out of the sky Canyon

He looks ugly.

Li Tian and Tuan Lao have already been flying out.

Ouyang flower butterfly takes a look at Ouyang Qitian and the golden coffin.

"Brother Gu, grandfather, you can do nothing!"

Finish saying, she also does not hesitate to turn around, fly toward the sky meteor gorge outside.

Seeing this, a famous warrior in Zhongyuan Region retreated one after another.

It's just that they're retreating too slowly.

The figure of Tianmo Di appeared before the sword of natural punishment.

At this moment, he is like the God who controls the thunder and lightning. He is manipulating the thunder and lightning to bring down the disaster to destroy the world!

Ouyang Qitian's face became a little pale.

Heaven can't be defeated. Even the sword of heaven's punishment has been mastered.

As the name implies, this is the punishment of the way of heaven.

When the punishment of the way of heaven is exerted from the hand of a warrior, he is the one who is responsible for the punishment of the emperor!Only those who have been approved by heaven can be punished on behalf of heaven!

"Now, do you understand? You are wrong, Ouyang Qitian!

The road I have taken, even if it is the way of heaven, has been recognized!

You've always been against it. Who are you? "

Tianmodi's eyes flashed a grim killing opportunity. His right hand was extended, and the middle finger of his index finger was like a sword. He gently pointed down!

The sword of God's punishment falls down suddenly!


Where it passes, the space is broken!

Under this sword, all the things are eclipsed!

At this moment, there is only one sword between heaven and earth!

And this sword directly points to Ouyang's abandonment of heaven!

Ouyang Qitian's face has become extremely ugly.

This sword is a real sword of killing!

Even if he is not sure, can block!

However, whether it can be blocked or not, he must do his best to block the sword!

With Yuanyang ruler and Haotian mirror, he has enough confidence to block any attack in this world!

"Haotianjing! Yuanyang ruler

Ouyang abandoned the sky and roared. The power of the rolling law gushed out of his body and disappeared into the Haotian mirror and Yuanyang ruler.

At this moment, the sword of heaven's punishment collided with the two pieces of tongxuan Lingbao.

A thousand square meters of space, instant collapse.

A light ball, in the broken core of space, from small to large.

In the end, the photosphere broke up and burst out a tremendous energy ripple, which swept the whole meteorite gorge in an instant.


There was a terrible explosion.

The earth is shaking and the sky is crumbling.

It was like the end of the day.

Before they had time to withdraw completely from the meteorite gorge, the warriors were annihilated in an instant and their bodies turned into dust.

Fortunately, Ouyang Huadie, Li Tian and others saw the opportunity early. At the moment when the sword of punishment appeared, they had already retreated.

Now, they're out of the sky canyon.

Otherwise, they will be seriously damaged if they are affected by the battle of the two Xuansheng.

The golden coffin is buried in the power of explosion.

Looking at the battle outside, Gu Xuan felt like a flame burning in his heart.

The high morale of war rose from his heart.

"Is this the battle of Xuansheng?

Is this the top level battle in the burning sky?

Too strong!

When you raise your hands and feet, you will have the power of destroying heaven and earth!

One day, I will become so strong!

No, I'll be better than them! "

Gu Xuan clenched his fist, and the golden coffin was tumbling around in the explosion.

Finally, I don't know how long it has been rolling, and the whole Tianqiu gorge has finally begun to calm down.

"Who won? Who is to blame? "

Gu Xuan's expression was dignified, and he was aware of everything outside.

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