"Are you?"

Gu Xuan was staring at the old man with white hair.

"I am the elder of Jinyu gate. I will die!"

The old man with white hair yelled angrily, and then he would go to the ancient Xuanchong.

"It's the elder. It's disrespectful. But one person is not enough. "

With a smile, Gu Xuan stepped out, leaving only a mirage.

No one can see clearly how Gu Xuan made his move.

Only listen to the "Dong" sound, the elder will fly out upside down.


A huge rock was smashed. The elder spat blood and almost fainted.

"How could it be?"

At this moment, all the other elders turned pale.

Elder, that's a king level six Star Warrior!

In front of this young man, there is no strength to fight back?

Dao Kong's face, also changed.

Gu Xuan's speed is too fast.

How could this be a king level warrior with two or three stars? This is clearly a king level six star and above!

"Damn it!"

Dao Kong secretly scolded a sentence in his heart and glared at the six elders.

If the six elders had not given the wrong information, how could he have said so blatantly that he wanted to kill Gu Xuan just now?

Now, Gu Xuan wounded the elder in front of him.

Other elders are looking at themselves one by one, and there is a famous disciple who keeps watching from afar. At this time, how can he not stand up?

However, Gu Xuan just showed the strength, even he did not see clearly.

However, in his opinion, Gu Xuan was only quick at breaking out in an instant. As long as he could avoid his first attack, his momentum would naturally decrease.

Besides, I don't need to fight with Gu Xuan alone.

This battle, the process is not important, the important thing is, the victory, must be jinyumen!

With this in mind, daokong is bursting out with rolling energy.

In this energy, the killing machine is terrible!

"Elders, the enemy is powerful, but we can't show weakness in Jinyu gate!

I will activate the power of "Seven Star Sword array" immediately, and all the elders will join me to kill this arrogant person

Daokong's hands bear a Dharma seal, seven small flags, spit out from his mouth.


The void suddenly shook, and the seven flags turned into seven swords.

In this one, the energy of the whole guard array was continuously submerged in the seven swords. For a moment, in the whole valley, the sword meaning was towering!

The meaning of sword, pointing straight to the ancient Xuan!


The great elder and the sixth elder also struggled to get up. Even if they were injured, they would do their part.

The six elders united to set up the battle array, display their killing moves, and bombard the ancient Xuan with rolling yuan force.

Gu Xuan grabs the little squirrel and puts him in the neckline, so as not to be injured by accident.

The little squirrel seemed to be worried. His head poked out of guxuan's collar and stared at the several elders who rushed to him, as if this could help him.

Gu Xuan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. His eyes swept over the seven swords and then looked at the six elders. Finally, his eyes fell on daokong's face.

Dao Kong's face was solemn, his hands were sealed, and his body seemed to be condensing energy. Obviously, he was brewing a strong killing move.

"It's kind of interesting. I'll give you time to brew. "

With that, Gu Xuan's right hand spread out, and a sword completely condensed by Yuan Li appeared in his hand.


At this time, the seven swords, which were transformed into small flags, were about to hit him.

Gu Xuan disdained: "Seven Star Sword array? Ridiculous! I know more about swords than you

The sword in Gu Xuan's hand is shining brightly.

A sword, across the void.

This sword, seemingly plain, without any pattern, but contains the supreme truth of the road to simplicity!


Seven times in a row, the sound of gold and iron collision sounded.

The seven swords, which were only an inch short of hitting the ancient Xuan, were all broken.

The powerful attack of seven star sword array was broken by Gu Xuan seconds.


The big elder looks ferocious. He drinks violently. He wants to avenge Gu Xuan's heavy damage just now.

The six elders joined hands to kill. The whole sky was filled with countless fist shadows, palm shadows and foot shadows.

All the attacks, like a vast amount of land, attacked the ancient Xuan, seemingly disorderly, but they were the way of killing and cutting, sealing off all the retreat routes of ancient Xuan and covering all the acupoints of ancient Xuan.

Even if an attack hits Gu Xuan, then all the power of the attack will converge on that attack in a moment, and hit Gu Xuan badly in an instant."It's a pity that if you can't hit it, you can't do anything about it!"

The corner of the ancient Xuan's mouth was full of irony.


The Yuan Li sword in his hand, with a stroke in front of him, burst out with endless sword meaning.

Bang bang bang!

In the sky, all the attacks covered by the ancient Xuan disappeared in an instant.

The six elders were in the middle of the air. They felt that the whole body was covered with sword. The air around them seemed to be stagnant and heavy.

Every movement of them has infinite resistance, let alone attack, even move their arms, are extremely difficult.

Gu Xuan's sword has not stopped.

A flash of sword light!


The sound of flesh and blood being punctured sounded, and the left arm of the six elders was actually cut off at the same time, and the blood gushed out.

"Go away!"

Gu Xuan gave a cold smile, and an invisible vigorous Qi came out of his mouth.

Bang bang bang!

The six elders flew out upside down and fell to the ground heavily. They spat with blood in their mouths. They lost all their strength and couldn't even stand up.

"This How could that be possible? "

The elder was pale and trembling.

Gu Xuan just showed the strength, even has stabilized the head of the door.

What just happened, the seven star sword array was broken by Gu Xuan seconds, and the six elders were defeated in seconds. They were all looked at by daokong.

But in his eyes, in addition to the initial shock, there is only a trace of crazy color.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong?

I'm afraid you are king level eight Star Warrior!

I'm only king level seven stars. I'm afraid even I'm not your opponent.

It's a pity that you shouldn't give me time, let alone stay in the guard array. "

Daokong's hands bear the Dharma seal, and all the swords burst out of him.

Now, he is as sharp as a sword!

Daokong stares at Gu Xuan coldly and laughs wildly:

"you just broke the seven flag array, but the real seven star sword array is not broken yet!

Because now, I am the most important eye to guard the formation!

You will be the first to see the golden gate guard array, the ultimate power!

And your end is death!

Even if you are a king level nine star warrior, you will die! "

Dao Kong finished, his body, has been spinning quickly.

And then, up in the sky.

Like a meteor, falling!

The surface of his body is covered with energy, which forms the shape of a giant sword.


As if the giant sword fell from the sky, it released the meaning of the sword and stabbed the ancient Xuan!

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