Twelve hours, enough daokong from the Jinyu door to the shutter door a few back and forth.

However, controlling a flame colt, and constantly galloping, daokong is still a gloomy face.

In his eyes, there are anger, reluctance and disappointment.

"How could this happen? Somehow, a king level top martial artist came down.

But also hit my golden feather door!

Why doesn't he go to the roller shutter? Damn it!

My jinyumen has suffered such a big loss, but his rolling shutter door is good! "

Daokong looked up to the sky with a roar, and the nearby birds and animals ran away.

After venting, his face is slowly helpless color.

No matter how unwilling, no matter how angry, so what?

Even if it is to gather the strength of Shuangxiong Island, I'm afraid it can't be easily won by a king level top warrior!

"Unless we can unite with other islands, maybe we can fight with the ancient Xuan."

Dao Kong's face, cloudy and sunny.

Naturally, there is a way to unite other islands, but it is too risky.

However, if you can successfully capture or kill Gu Xuan, the benefits will be great.

After all, the stronger the people who burn the sky, the more generous the rewards will be.

With the strength of Gu Xuan, I'm afraid we can get more than 50 middle-grade magic weapons.

On the face appeared the color of struggle.


At the entrance and exit of jinyumen gorge, another flaming foal galloped out.

The man on the horse is Huang San.

His mission is to go to the forest before and bring back the bodies of rock leopard and black snake.

Gu Xuan had a fight, but felt that his body was consuming a lot, which made him embarrassed.

Once a mighty warrior in holy land, how can he feel hungry now?

If the present group of golden feather gate elders know, I'm afraid they will laugh off their big teeth.

Gu Xuan is now sitting in a pavilion.

Outside the pavilion, the breeze is blowing and the willows are fluttering. The scenery is quite beautiful.

There is a stone table in front of me, with exquisite snacks.

Little squirrels are enjoying themselves.

Six elder with broken arms stood on one side respectfully, eyes full of complex emotions.

Gu Xuan took a sip of tea and took a look at the six elders with a smile on his lips.

These elders seem to be very worried.

Logically speaking, as long as daokong does what he says, they should not worry about it.

The only reason is that, in addition to following his own orders, daokong invited the high-level rolling shutter door to see him, and perhaps he could make other choices.

As for what the choice is, you can think of it with your toes, which is bound to be bad for you.

With this in mind, Gu Xuan's smile was even worse.

It's better not to have any other thoughts. Those who know the current affairs will never be stingy with rewards.

He who is ignorant of the current affairs will never find trouble.

If there is a problem, one blow out and the trouble will be solved.

"I hope you don't let me down."

Gu Xuan said in his heart.

Tea, I'll see the bottom soon.

The elder forced out a smile and poured another cup for Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan took out a dagger, which was taken from the second disciple of Jinyu gate.

The six elders looked at the dagger and his pupils shrank.

"My Lord, where did you get this dagger?

It seems to be somewhat similar to that of my disciples. "

, as like as two peas, it doesn't seem to be similar. Is it just the same?

But the six elders did not dare to ask directly, did Gu Xuan rob it?

His disciple was also quite talented and valued by him, but now it seems that he has been poisoned by Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan looked at the dagger.

"It turns out that the boy is your apprentice. No wonder you are so alike. When you see me, you yell and shout.

He shot my little squirrel with a golden arrow, so I killed him.

You don't want to get the dagger back? "

Six elder's mouth trembled and his body trembled.

Gu Xuan's words have a chance to kill!

"Where did your Lord say that? How dare the traitor offend the Lord? If you don't kill him, I will kill him too!

This dagger is the prize of the Lord. How dare I covet it.

What's more, it's just a low-grade magic weapon. If you like, I still have some middle-class magic weapons here, which can be filial to you! "

The six elders smile.

Gu Xuan's eyes brightened.

"Take it out and have a look. You guys, if you have any good treasures, take them out.If I like it, I can't help you. "

The other five elders had convulsions all over their faces.

Their gloomy eyes all focused on the six elders.

The six elders spread out their hands without trace.

What can I do?

I am also very desperate!

After a while, more than 20 magic weapons were suspended in front of the ancient Xuan.

"Tut, these are magic weapons?"

Gu Xuan held his chin.

"Is there no concept of spiritual treasure in this holy land?"


What is Lingbao

An elder looked at each other.

Gu Xuan waved his hand and did not intend to explain it. However, in his heart, he was sure of one thing.

At least this holy land is a heaven. I'm afraid there is no concept of Lingbao.

Gu Xuan observed the magic weapons in front of him.

There are bows and arrows, armor, shields and swords, but all kinds of them are complete.

Each magic weapon is carved with mysterious patterns.

In the veins, there is energy flow.

Compared with the magic weapons of burning the sky, these magic weapons are no different in structure or forging methods.

Power and mystery are very similar. They all have rules to find.

The only difference is that there are some differences in the energy contained in it.

These spiritual treasures seem to contain a kind of power that can connect with the heaven and the earth.

This kind of power, Gu Xuan is sure, is the unique power of this burning heaven holy land.

This power, out of the burning heaven holy land, I am afraid it will be useless.

In other words, these magic weapons can't be brought out of the holy land of burning heaven.

At the thought of this, Gu Xuan felt a sudden awakening.

It's no wonder that their Lingbao can't be used in this world.

Is it because their spiritual treasures lack the energy to connect with the sacred land of burning heaven?

If you can refine that energy into your own spiritual treasure, does it mean that your spiritual treasure can be used?

"By the way, do you know what materials are used to forge these magic weapons?"

Gu Xuan asked suddenly.

The six elders were surprised and shook their heads. They didn't understand why Gu Xuan asked this question.

"None of these were forged by you?"

Gu Xuan was curious.

"None of us can forge magic weapons."

The elder shook the picture.

It's Gu Xuan's turn to be surprised. At least it's the king level warriors and the top-level strongmen of Shengyu yichongtian.

You can't even forge magic weapons. Is that a failure?

In the burning land, if you want to pull out a warrior, even if it is Xuan level, you will have at least one or two hands.

These people can't do anything?

It's amazing.

"My Lord, the rock leopard and the black snake, here we are!"

Without waiting for Gu Xuan to disdain these elders, several flame colts, dragging a carriage, appeared outside the pavilion.

Looking at the carriage, Gu Xuan suddenly stood up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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