"With the power of water, the shark's belly is buried..."

The holy elder's hands were imprinted, and the energy gushed out, forming a giant toothed shark with a ferocious face.

However, it has not yet fully condensed into a hand, which has already held her right hand.

The megatoothed shark disappeared.

People who come here are of course ancient metaphysics.

"What do you do?"

The elder looked at Gu Xuan angrily and took back his right hand.

Whoa, whoa.

Between the surging water, the twelve water dragons that originally besieged the ancient Xuan and the twelve water dragons that besieged the saint elder were closed.

Twenty four dragons sealed all the roads around their heads and feet.

Gu Xuan looked at these giant dragons, and his eyes flashed with light.

"Don't you find out, saint?

These water dragons have always maintained the number of 24

When the elder heard the speech, his pupils shrank.

If I recall the scene just now, I can understand the meaning of Gu Xuan.

"In other words, the largest number of Water Dragons in the East China Sea Dragon Palace is 24.

The so-called endless jiaomei is a fake. "

Gu Xuan nodded with a smile.

"If we don't destroy any of the water dragons, it's a fake.

But, in a sense, it's true.

If we have been destroying the water hose, then she is afraid that the energy source will continue to produce new water dragons.

In order to avoid this, these water dragons, as long as we don't attack them, that's all

The elder's eyes flashed with thought.

She and Gu Xuan are extremely intelligent people. With a little bit of Gu Xuan, she can understand the meaning of Gu Xuan.

"Next, can we only avoid it?"

With a movement of his body, he avoided the impact of a dragon's tail.

Then, like Gu Xuan, she also displayed a mysterious footwork.

In the water, her strength could have been greatly improved, just like a fish in water. If only to avoid, these water dragons would be twice as much as her clothes.

East China Sea Dragon Palace, a hall.

A woman in colorful clothes, lazily leaning on the throne, is jiaomei.

On her face, she wore a scarf to cover her face.

Her eyes were full of resentment.

"Hum! It seems that the secret of the water dragon has been discovered.

If they really want to avoid it, the water dragon can't kill them.

Unfortunately, the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea can not only Summon Water Dragons! "


Gu Xuan and Sheng Chang's old clothes and clothes fluttered with each other, just like flying in the void. The speed was extremely fast.

The attack of 24 Water Dragons could not hit two people at all.

"It's no way to go on like this.

There must be something else you can do with it

Gu Xuan looked at the elder and reminded him.

Gu Xuan is not familiar with jiaomei or Donghai dragon palace. This is the home of Saint elder. I'm afraid she is the only one who can come up with the best solution.

The saint elder frowned and looked at the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

"You have to go into the Dragon Palace. Only face to face with jiaomei, can we end this battle.

Moreover, she must not be allowed to walk out of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. Otherwise, in this sea, she has a natural advantage with her half dragon and half dragon blood.

Even if you and I are ten times stronger than her, it's hard to kill her in the sea. "

Gu Xuan held his chin and leaned slightly to avoid the claw attack of two water dragons.

"Well, how can we get into the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea?"

Asked Gu Xuan.

There was a sneer at the corner of the saint's mouth.

"I have my own way. But you have to give me a hand.

Within 30 breaths, I can't let anything disturb me. Is there a problem? "

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth also sparked a smile.

"Thirty breaths? Of course not... "

Before Gu Xuan finished his words, he heard a shrill sound.

Accompanied by this scream, it seems that there is an inexplicable power, scattered around.

The elder's face changed slightly.

"It's the imperial edict of Longwei. Jiaomei launched the edict of Longwei!

It seems that we must go in at once. Within a hundred miles, all the fierce beasts of the sea will come to help her at once!

I didn't expect that she could even do it.

I'm afraid her dragon lineage has been fully activated.

I have to get ready right now, 30 breathing times, pleaseWith that, the elder did not give Gu Xuan time to think about it, so he closed his eyes.

Her hands were imprinted, and a holy force seemed to emerge from her.

Seeing that the elder was motionless, the water dragons abandoned Gu Xuan and went to attack him.

Compared with just now, the power of these Water Dragons seems extremely tyrannical.

"It seems that the intention of the saint elder has been discovered by jiaomei. Otherwise, all the water dragons will not besiege her.

Thirty breaths, if only these water dragons, it would be simple.

But now, it's a lot harder. "

When Gu Xuan glanced around, he saw a fierce marine beast of different shapes and shapes, coming from all directions. In a blink of an eye, he cooperated with the water dragon to attack the saint elder.

Some of these fierce marine animals, no matter in size or strength, are even more than water dragons.

This made Gu Xuan feel more pressure.

Gu Xuan didn't hesitate at all. When he moved his body, he was in front of him.

"Disha sword code, sword 72!"


There was a buzz in the water.

On Gu Xuan's body, the power of Jin Xing gushed out.

Seventy two energy swords are condensed in front of him!

Whew! Whew!

Seventy two swords burst out, and the sea water within a ten meter radius was completely emptied, forming a sword air space.

In the space of sword spirit, the sharp sound of breaking the sky rings out.

Bang bang bang!

Almost in the blink of an eye, the first wave of fierce marine animals and the 24 water dragons had already exploded.

Red blood, instantly filled the sea.

The smell of blood made the eyes of the distant sea beasts red. They attacked Gu Xuan and the saint elder like crazy.

Around the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, twenty-four Water Dragons, once again agglutinate and came out, like crazy, straight rushed over.

In the Dragon Palace, there is a strong killing opportunity in jiaomei's eyes.

"I wanted to play with you, but you wanted to enter the Dragon Palace.

Then there's no way. Go to hell now!

This time, the water dragon is ten times stronger than before!

Every one of them has the power of a star in the imperial class

The voice of jiaomei resounds through the Red Sea.

The pupil of ancient Xuan shrinks.

The 24 Water Dragons, shuttling in the blood colored sea water, even their bodies seem to turn red.

Now, they are like blood eating dragons!

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