Scold return to scold, Oriental snow did not take action against Gu Xuan.

She was depressed.

Gu Xuan's behavior of swallowing the spirit of the Holy Island greatly delayed her plan.

Because the aura over the whole Holy Island has become more and more thin.

Now, the martial arts practitioners have practiced for a month, and they can't even compare with half a day in the past.

Dongfang Xue had to use the treasures of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea to gather the aura of the whole ocean to supply the missing aura in the Holy Island.

However, to my annoyance, it didn't help.

The aura over the Holy Island is still passing fast!

In addition to the holy elders, including a number of core senior officials, are worried about this. This is unprecedented, it is the disaster of the Holy Island!

Oriental snow heart is naturally bright, but, in addition to scolding a few words, what can she do?

Finally, two months later, the aura over the Holy Island no longer "inexplicably" disappeared.

Everyone was relieved.

Oriental snow, too.

After two months, Gu Xuan finally walked the ladder and stepped onto an altar suspended in the void.

Here, I am afraid, is already the highest place in the whole holy land.

The wind was blowing and the temperature was freezing.

Of course, these have no effect on the ancient metaphysics.

In the middle of the altar are three vertical wooden doors, which seem to be embedded in the space.

On the wooden door, carved with mysterious patterns, a stream of energy, in the pattern between the continuous flow.

Gu Xuan looked at the three wooden doors from left to right.

One message after another, even directly in his mind.

"The first wooden door contains pieces of Tiandao heart, which can only be opened after winning the first place in the list and obtaining the approval of the heavenly way.

Without the approval of the heavenly way, they directly played the fan list. "

"The second wooden door, leading to the Holy Land and double heaven, can be directly entered."

"The third wooden door will either open first or not.

You can get the inheritance of the way of heaven. If the inheritance is successful, you can open the second wooden door freely.

The failure of inheritance deprives them of the qualification to contact the first and second wooden doors, and clears the memory. "

The ancient Xuan murmured the information in the mind of the reader.

His eyes were fixed on the third wooden door.

However, he is not hesitating.

In the past, with his character, this third wooden door, he had to open it to fight for the inheritance of the way of heaven.

But now, he has no interest in it at all.

The inheritance of heaven is certainly attractive.

However, the ancient Xuan was very clear about what it meant once it accepted the inheritance of the way of heaven.

It means that he will slowly lose all his emotions and become colder than blackness.

The way of heaven, strictly speaking, is more suitable for heixuan.

In addition, the ancient Xuan is already the Lord of the heaven and death, in the burial of heaven and death, is an equal existence with the way of heaven.

The way of heaven, for ancient Xuan, has long lost most of its mystical sense.

He can see through, and naturally he won't be attracted to it.

Of course, the most important thing is that God knows how long it will take to accept the inheritance and whether he can successfully accept the inheritance.

The end of the failure is the heart fragment of the Tao that lost the way of heaven, and the inability to enter the holy land of the double heaven.

Such a consequence was unacceptable to ancient Xuan.

Now, he still needs to get to Holy Land triple heaven.

Therefore, his eyes were only on the third wooden door. After a moment, Gu Xuan looked at the first wooden door.

"Whoever is the first in the list needs to be tested and recognized by the way of heaven.

But what is the test of heaven? "

A firm color flashed in Gu Xuan's eyes.

He reached out his left hand and slowly felt for the first wooden door.

He believed that the result of everything would be known when he touched the wooden door.

Below the ladder.

All of a sudden, a new change has taken place in the void.

At the moment when Gu Xuan stepped on the altar, the small characters on the list were changed.

"Gu Xuan, ranking first, began to accept the test of heaven."

On the altar.

Gu Xuan's left hand finally touched the first wooden door.

All of a sudden, the whole altar began to be turbulent.

This side of the sky, began to twist, began to collapse, began to collapse.

This world, as if facing the end of the world, is about to be destroyed.

In Gu Xuan's eyes, the wooden door in front of him began to twist with the distortion of the world.

It seems to have gone through endless years.

It seems to have experienced great changes.

Gu Xuan suddenly found that everything around him became familiar.But in this familiar, also revealed unfamiliar.

Gu Xuan frowned and looked around.

Then, his eyes, a flash of surprise.

The reason why he felt familiar with everything around him was that it was yingtianzong.

And feel strange, because at the moment, yingtianzong, has been devastated, everywhere are ruins.

Gu Xuan looked at his feet. He was standing on the top of the nearly collapsed tower.

Not far away, it was lying on the ground, large pieces of bodies.

Zilao, Chuangong elder, Xie Yun, Jingyun, Xiaoou, Xiaolv

All the people concerned with him, at the moment, were lying on the ground with no vitality in them.

When he saw these corpses again, he felt indignant in his chest.

Even though he knew that everything in front of him was false and illusory, he still felt angry!

The rage is at its height!

"Ah --"

GU Xuan raised his voice to the sky, as if he wanted to vent his anger in his heart, or to resist this unreasonable emotion.

"How about it? Are you angry? Someone killed everyone who was involved in you.

Now, you are the only one in the world.

Do you want to avenge them? "

A sarcastic voice came into Gu Xuan's ears.

He was familiar with the sound.

Because, this is - his own voice.

Gu Xuan turned slowly. Behind

stood as like as two peas in a black coat.


The color of surprise flashed in Gu Xuan's eyes, but soon, he shook his head.

"It's not heixuan. Heixuan won't show a sneer like you.

Who are you

The man in black laughed.

"Who am I? You ask me who I am? I am you

"Did you kill them?" Gu Xuan said faintly

"I killed it?"

A thick anger flashed through the eyes of the man in black.

"How could I have killed it? They, you killed them!

Because of your greed, because of your foolishness, you killed them, you said they were killed by me?

Yes, you deliberately forget that you killed them, so that you can become angry.

You can rely on this anger to become stronger.

When people are angry, there will always be more potential and strength. "

The man in black stares at Gu Xuan, the anger in his eyes does not decrease, as if he is really wronged.

was as like as two peas in the dark.

After a moment, his eyes finally flashed a light.

He finally guessed that the man in black was his real identity.

He is - angry poison! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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