Chi Chi Chi!

Endless sword, cut through the sky, so that this side of heaven and earth are suddenly changed color.

The sky seems to be cut by this sword.

Three rotten meteorites were chopped to pieces by the sword.


Ouyang Qitian looks surprised at heixuan.

"Your realm has not changed, but your combat power has made a breakthrough.

What's going on? "

Naturally, heixuan would not answer such boring questions.

One of his most important missions was to practice.

In terms of cultivation talent, he is higher and stronger than Gu Xuan!

He is in the state of cultivation all the time.

His strength is improving every moment.

Tianmodi looks at heixuan and smiles coldly.

"You don't want to hide your privacy any more.

If you want to hide your privacy, you will be compared by this boy. "

While speaking, tianmodi's hands flew countless rules of silk thread, directly bound the ten decaying meteorite dragons.

"Ao Ao --"

several screams were heard, and no matter how hard the ten decaying meteorites struggled, they could not help.

Their bodies, in an instant, were cut into pieces and scattered from the sky.

However, before landing, it turned into powder and floated away with the wind.

Ouyang Qitian laughs.

"Since you are willing to give all your strength, how can I fall behind?

Falling stone fist

He punched out, and the world was shaking.

The sky was torn and fist shaped meteorites fell from the cracks and smashed down.


Bang bang bang!

Under the impact of fist shaped meteorite, a decaying meteorite dragon fell down with a howl.

Each fist shaped meteorite weighs more than 10 million Jin and hits them. Although it will not break them to pieces, it is inevitable that they will be injured.

A moment later, in the sky, even a rotten meteorite dragon could not continue to attack three people.

Ouyang Qitian breathes heavily. In order to use this move, he consumes a lot.

However, the effect is also significant.

Ouyang abandoned the sky and the corners of his mouth rose.

"Have you seen that each of you killed eight rotten meteorites with your swords and the power of the law, but my strike made them all fall.

I admire you, ha ha

Roar -

a decaying meteorite dragon, with a roar, pounced on the three people again from the ground.

Tian Mo Di despises Ouyang Qitian.

"Ouyang, you are so proud!

You've smashed them all down, but none of them died!

Even those who have been smashed to death have not been affected by their strength.

What a chicken's ribs

Heixuan didn't take part in the bickering.

"It's useless to say more. It's the right thing to go back to where we came before we are besieged again."


He turned into a hiding light and disappeared into the sky.

Tianmodi and Ouyang Qitian snorted each other coldly. They turned into hiding light and caught up with Gu Xuan.

"So, what you two said just now is to go back to where we came from?

But I don't understand why we're safe back there? "

Ouyang Qitian is confused and embarrassed.

Heixuan and tianmodi both saw this problem, but he didn't see it, which made him feel frustrated.

Losing to tianmodi, he can barely accept, but losing to heixuan, it is totally unacceptable.

After all, heixuan is not even Xuansheng now.

Tianmodi's face was full of irony.

"I said you're old and slow, so you shouldn't go through this muddy water.

Think carefully about what happened when we came, especially before and after the appearance of niuyasha.

He was trying to get us to kill each other.

I haven't figured out why he did that? "

Ouyang Qitian pondered for a moment. He recalled the scene at that time. The appearance of niuyasha was really strange.

However, if you want to talk about something strange, for a while, Ouyang Qitian can't think of it. But if he wants to ask tianmodi for advice, he will not.

Helpless, he can only see to black Xuan.

"Heixuan, have you figured it out?"

Heixuan shook his head.


Ouyang Qitian's mouth twitched.

Originally thought that the day Mo enemy thought through the matter, black Xuan also thought through, did not expect, he also did not think.

But, no, I don't know. How did you reach an agreement with tianmodi and decided to go back?Ouyang Qitian takes a deep look at heixuan. If heixuan is not in love with reason, he should stand by his side. He really doubts whether heixuan and tianmodi collude to pit himself.

"What a fool!"

Tianmo Di sneered.

Ouyang Qitian raised his eyebrows and scolded:

"you've figured it out, so you mean it?"

Tianmodi continues to open mockery mode.

"Who says I've figured it out, I haven't figured it out either."

Ouyang Qitian:

Dare to make trouble for a long time, you tease me!

He wanted to get angry.

At this time, heixuan opened his mouth.

"Don't think about it. Why niuyasha wants us to kill each other is not the key.

The point is, he claims to be the leader of the Holy Island.

Since it is the leader of the Holy Island, it should live on the Holy Island for a long time.

But don't you think he came too fast?

It's only a matter of how long we've been here, and he's appeared. "

Ouyang Qitian's pupil shrinks suddenly.

He realized.

"This shows that the Holy Island is where we came!

No wonder, we follow niuyasha's memory route to find the Holy Island, but we are ambushed by the rotten meteorite dragon!

Originally, everything is false!

Niuyasha's memory is a forgery!

It's for us to be fooled! "

With this in mind, Ouyang Qitian only feels the cold sweat behind him.

How can the man behind Niu Yasha be so strong?

It can be seen that the forged memory cheated all three of them!

Is it not a trap to go back now?

No, no!

Ouyang abandons the sky in the heart move, that Niu yecha appears, is to mislead them.

And to mislead them is to let them leave the Holy Island!

On the contrary, the people behind niuyasha don't want them to stay on the Holy Island. What does that mean?

It shows that the people behind niuyasha are afraid that they will stay in the Holy Island.

It shows that on the Holy Island, there is a secret that even the people behind niuyasha do not want them to discover.

It means that they are safer to stay in the Holy Island than to stay outside!

With this in mind, Ouyang Qitian takes a deep look at heixuan.

This boy, it's not easy!

"Don't be surprised. There are rotten meteorites in front of you.

It seems that our choice is indeed correct.

Ouyang, let's hit the "falling stone fist" again, let's go

Heaven can't resist the solemn way.

Ouyang Qitian said triumphantly, "since you sincerely asked me, I will agree with you mercifully.

Falling stone fist

Boom! Boom!

Countless meteorites fell from the sky again.

Holy land double heaven.

The short night has passed.

There are hundreds of warships in Taohua Island wharf.

The voyage to the Holy Island begins at last! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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