Around, a sea of pirate ships with the flag of skeletons appeared, and sailed towards the warships of the chamber of Commerce.

At first glance, there are 500 pirate warships!

So many pirate warships, obviously, exceeded everyone's expectation.

Even if there are only 100 people on each warship, there will be 50000 people here!

This is terrible!

It's like a big net of pirates, all of which are going to be robbed.

In the cabin, Gu Xuan felt the 500 warships around him and frowned slightly.

Well, the situation is not right.

According to the meeting held at that time by Jing Bupo, President of the great whale chamber of Commerce, Hua Shuishui, President of the flying shark chamber of Commerce, as well as several fighters pretending to be pirates, the number of pirate warships should not exceed 50.

But now, the number of these pirate warships is ten times that of the original plan.

What's the situation?

Gu Xuan held his chin and thought.

Not only did he think, but also he was thinking.

Now, standing on the deck of the most forward warship, the two men look confused.

"This is not our man? What's going on here?

How can there be so many pirates on this route!

Five hundred warships, I'm afraid there are more than 50000 pirates!

I'm afraid it's not a matter of fact that such a number of warriors can be pirates who directly rob us of Taohua island? "

Jing Bupo's tone is a little shaky.

The development of the matter obviously exceeded his expectation.

"Look, there's a corpse on that ship!"

The flower water suddenly points to a huge pirate warship in the distance.

On the masts of the warship, there was a long string of corpses, each of them in a terrible death. The chest was bright red, and the inside was empty.

All their hearts have been dug out!

"Those whose hearts have been cut out are our people pretending to be pirates!

The top one is Liu Hu.

He's a five-star warrior in imperial class. How could he die?

This time, trouble, I met a real pirate.

But where have you heard of this heart digging technique? "

Flower water wrinkling brows, seems to be trying to recall what.

Jing Bupo's face turned pale.

Obviously, he had already thought of something.

"The king of the thieves, the old man who eats the heart!"

Jingbu did not break, heavily spit out these four words.

Dong Dong.

Flower water body a tremor, unexpectedly was scared back two steps directly.

Obviously, Jing Bupo's eight words have a great impact.

"What should I do?"

The sound of flowers and water trembled.

"Run away! Concentrate your strength and hope to fight a hard way.

Otherwise, we'll have to die! "

As soon as the voice dropped, Jing Bu Po was already issuing orders.


Soon, the encirclement of pirates has been reduced to the point where war can be started. One pirate ship stopped running.

A well-known pirate flew out of the pirate warship, or jumped into the sea bottom, or rose from the air, or stepped on the water, like walking on the ground, toward the warship of the chamber of Commerce Alliance.

"Combat readiness! Remember, don't be obsessed with war. When you have a chance, concentrate your strength and escape at once!

All warships must not be dispersed.

Only by concentrating our strength can we have a chance to save our lives! "

Jing Bupo again issued an order to the guards of the chamber of Commerce Alliance.

At the same time, he issued an order to let some of his confidants go to the rooms of all powerful warriors to explain the seriousness of the matter, hoping that they would immediately take action at the first time of the war.

Because there is no way to deal with the pirates in front of us just by relying on the combat power of the alliance of chambers of Commerce.

Among the warriors who went to the Holy Island, some of them were more powerful than jingbupo and hualiushui.

These people all went to the Holy Island to participate in the tianbang contest.

If you don't tell them the seriousness of the matter, they may not be the first to take action, but will choose to retain their strength and prepare for the big match in the sky.

The warships of the ancient Xuan group were in the most peripheral position.

This is the location that Jing Bupo specially arranged for them, in order to facilitate Huashui to send people to assassinate Gu Xuan.

Under the warship, the four guards of Huashui, seeing that the pirates had arrived, killed the opportunity in their eyes, and flew onto the warship at the same time.

They did not find that the pirates coming from afar, in fact, were no longer disguised by their own people, but real pirates.

"Give up all the treasures, I can give you a happy, otherwise, I will let you not survive, not death!"A guard, with a sword in his hand, pointed to Huang Shang and Guo Jie. He was a pirate.

The two men and Gu Xuan, who claimed to have killed Hua Qianmo, are the main targets of their trip.

"It's you! You're pretending to be pirates, trying to get revenge on us? "

Huang Chang looked at the four of them. Some of them were familiar, and immediately guessed that they were sent by Huashui.

Song xiaodai hides in one side, looks at that person, the body then unconsciously trembles.

Those two people were just the people who were deliberately looking for trouble outside the giant whale chamber of Commerce.

They are subordinates of huashuishui!

"If there is any personal resentment, it should not be solved now.

It's not too late to solve our problems when we escape from the pirates. "

Guo Jie looked at the four men and frowned.

Are these four people stupid?

In this critical moment of being surrounded by pirates, how can you come to trouble?

The four people looked at the silly Guo Jie and laughed.

"Pirates? What's terrible?

Besides, if pirates don't come, where can we get the chance to fight you? "

The first guard laughed.

Guo Jie was about to say something, but he was caught by Huang Chang.

Huang Chang squints her eyes and stares at the four people.

"Just now, the flare came from the side of this ship.

In other words, you put it!

You are - pirates

In the eyes of the first guard, a killing opportunity flashed through his eyes. The four men shifted their positions and quickly surrounded Huang Chang and Guo Jie.

"It is said that people will die, and their words are also good.

But now it seems that people are going to die, and they can become smart.

We are not Pirates of course, but pirates are our people

Guo Jie and Huang Chang's faces changed greatly.


On the warship, four guards called out "kill".

This voice, and the pirates in the mouth of the word "kill" into one.


Each of the four men used their own killing moves to attack Guo Jie and Huang Chang.

The four swords, in this dark night, seem to make a light mark on the night.

The four men are very proud. According to intelligence, they are only two emperor level and one star warrior. With their strength and this combined battle array, they can easily kill them!


All over the sky, from the top of Guo Jie and Huang Shang, when the head falls!

Almost at the same time, with a squeak, the cabin door opened.

From it, Gu Xuan stepped out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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