A cold light flashed in the old man's eyes.

"Then, you will regret it."

Gu Xuan shrugged.

"There is no regret in my dictionary."

The old man's mouth caught a sneer. His eyes moved away from Gu Xuan and fell on three young men in royal clothes.

"Are you three willing to give up the ship?

If you don't want to, I'll kill the four of you together. "

The old man's tone was flat, as if he were talking about something ordinary.

Wei, Fang, and Tang Qiu, their faces were full of satisfaction.

It's really worthy of being a heart eater. What a bully!

This group of warriors who don't pay attention to the army of immortal thieves should kill them directly to make an example.

In the sky, dense martial arts, in the words of the old man, feel cold all over the body.

Among these warriors, there are many strong ones.

However, they did not even have the courage to look directly at the heart eating old man.

It seems that doing so will attract the attention of the heart biting old man, and make them fall into a hopeless place.

The three young men in royal guards looked at each other. They did not speak, but their lips were moving all the time. Obviously, they were communicating.

Although they haven't started fighting yet, they are afraid of the strength of the heart eating old man.

The so-called name of a man and shadow of a tree are not easy to deal with. He is so cruel that he can turn his body into a corpse. He has been rampant on the sea for many years. He is not easy to deal with.

The old man waited quietly, not in a hurry.

Anyway, everything is under control.

However, Gu Xuan was quite curious and looked at the warships of the three young men in royal clothes.

In principle, these are just three warships rented. Except for the group on the deck, there should be no one in the cabin.

That is to say, even if it is not Huang Chang and Guo Jie who the old man is looking for, he can never hide in their three warships.

They clearly don't want to fight against the old man, but they are so hesitant. Why?

Three people, continue to discuss.

The old man waved to the Dharma protector.

"All of you in the sky, you can start testing.

Through the detection, stand on the edge of this big array.

As long as it's not the person I'm looking for, I'll let you live. "

The house guard fell next to the old man, took a red stone from his hand, and flew back to its original position.

"As long as you pass by me, if the detection stone doesn't light up yellow, it will be considered as passing."

The Dharma protector held up a stone and beckoned a famous warrior in the sky.

Several warriors of imperial class 12 stars were pushed out to be the vanguard troops. They flew to the body of fanghufa, and then swung past them in turn.

Detection stone, only a few flashes of red light.

The housekeeper nodded.

"You, go in this direction and wait for the edge of the array.

As soon as the array is lifted, you can leave. "

Several warriors of the imperial level of one or two stars, with happy faces, flew to the edge of the array in the distance.

Below, a pirate did not even look at them.

This is undoubtedly a good signal.

More and more martial arts practitioners went to the body of Weihu to test.

Without exception, all were passed.

Gu Xuan looked at the detection stone, thinking.

A moment later, in the distance, the three young men in royal guards seemed to have made an agreement.

"The warship can stay, but you must swear first that you will never covet the things on our warship and let us take all the things on board.

Anyway, what do you want is people? "

A young man in royal clothes looks at the old man who eats heart and says solemnly.


A touch of essence flashed in the eyes of the heart eating old man.

Even the Three Dharma protectors, as well as the strong among the numerous pirates, flashed in their eyes at the same time.

Gu Xuan's mouth trembled.

"Those three martial artists in the Dragon Palace are really three talents!"

Gu Xuan's heart was filled with Fei.

When they said this, they just made it clear that there was definitely no one on board for the old man.

But at the same time, they also made it clear that there were treasures on their warships.

Tell a pirate leader that I have treasure on board. Don't rob it. This suffocating operation makes Gu Xuan deeply doubt the intelligence quotient of these three people.

This is simply three mental retardation!

The old man stared at the three and narrowed his eyes.

"I don't know. What is it?

It seems to the three that they attach great importance to it. "

A royal young man said angrily, "you care what it is!Anyway, you're looking for people.

This thing is not your goal. In that case, why not take an oath? "

After hearing this, many pirates laughed.

Heart eating old man, also smile.

"I think you may have misunderstood something."

The old man pointed to the pirate warships below.

"We, pirates! As long as it's a treasure, it's our goal.

So if the three want to go, leave the ship and everything on board. "

Three young men in royal clothes showed anger on their faces at the same time.

Obviously, the treasure they deliver is their limit.

"In that case, if you have the ability, you can grab it!

Today, I will let you, the so-called fairy thieves, be destroyed

A young man in royal guards shouts.

It caught everyone's attention.

A warrior who is queuing up to pass the test is excited.

Good warships have been destroyed by pirates, but their hearts are very angry. If someone takes the lead and can smash the pirates' court, it will be a pleasant thing.

Moreover, if the old man who eats heart is killed, they don't mind to take a hand and kill the pirates.

Of course, the old man will not die. They will not fight.

Anyway, it's none of their business.

Gu Xuan held his chin and stared at the three warships from a distance.

"Let me have a good look. What treasures are there on the warship?"

As soon as his mind moved, Gu Xuan's soul power flowed toward three warships at the same time.

As he searched, he thought.

The three young men in royal robes in the Ye long palace are very valuable. Everyone has a magic weapon of space.

However, the treasure was not put in.

This shows that the treasure can't be put in.

The treasures that can't be put into the magic weapon of space, in theory, are just a few types of things.

Or, it's also a magic weapon of space.

Or, it is something that exceeds the load of space magic weapon. Once it is installed, even the space magic weapon will be destroyed.

If it is the latter, even space magic weapons can not carry things, Gu Xuan does not think, just a warship can.

Then, it is the former.

If you narrow down the scope, it will be more convenient to find it.

With the soul power of ancient Xuan, it was soon discovered that there was a stone tablet on each of the three warships, which had a hidden space fluctuation.

To the naked eye, they are three ordinary stones.

And it's very conspicuous.

It was placed at random beside the mast, like a stepping stone with several footprints on it.

These three stones, on the warship, will not attract anyone's attention.

The soul power of the ancient Xuan flows towards the three stone tablets.

Three pieces of information, feedback.

Suddenly, the pupil of Gu Xuan shrinks.

"Longmen stone!"

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