On a vast ocean, there is a strange combination.

A 40 Zhang size giant thousand teeth evil shark, standing on the body of a full 10 Zhang long green Jiao.

On the body of the green Jiao, there are several Terran warriors.

This, of course, is the ancient Xuan.

They are now, in the direction of departure from the direction of tongtiangu, galloping forward.

Originally, the direction of their advance is facing tongtiangu, straight ahead.

Unfortunately, no way, Gu Xuan felt a familiar breath.

The breath belongs to the first evil ancestor, which is now the holy two.

Gu Xuan was helpless. He had expected that he would meet with the first evil ancestor again, but what he never expected was that the speed of meeting would be much faster than expected.

Because, the first evil ancestor body, is also in the direction of Tongtian Valley straight forward.

Moreover, his speed is faster than that of Gu Xuan and his party.

Obviously, the target of this first evil ancestor is probably Tongtian valley.

Now, Gu Xuan didn't want to meet the first evil ancestor.

Otherwise, before we get to tongtiangu, we have to fight again.

God knows how strong is the first evil ancestor who condensed his body?

If you don't want to meet, you can only hide.

Fortunately, the soul power of Gu Xuan is much stronger than that of the first evil ancestor.

Therefore, before the first evil ancestor was separated, he had already begun to avoid him.

What made Gu Xuan wonder was that too many people knew about tongtiangu.

He even began to suspect the giant killer shark at Little Green's feet.

No way. It's a coincidence.

He swam in the water and headed for the Holy Island. Suddenly, a group of sharks appeared.

For no reason, the shark king knew the news about tongtiangu.

It's as if someone had arranged it on purpose.

However, it doesn't matter. Anyway, whether there are traps in Tongtian valley or not, Gu Xuan wants to go there.

Little green wants to transform into a real dragon. It only depends on itself. I don't know how long it will take.

If you can leap over the dragon's gate, it will be accomplished in one stroke.

With a real dragon as a companion, to the holy land of triple heaven, not to mention a more help, but at least, pull the wind!

What's more, Gu Xuan has been trying to find a way to open the ancient house of Yanmo.

If you can open it and release the king of nine color carp inside, you can jump into the dragon's gate together, and you will make a lot of money.


In Gu Xuan's heart, he suddenly realized that a strange energy was being released from Huang Chang.

A moment later, a group of strange fish with one foot jumped out of the sea floor and landed on the giant thousand toothed evil shark.

Then, they hopped and went to little green again.

Finally, they gathered around Huang Chang and spit out bubbles in her mouth, which made her look very happy.

Huang Chang was surprised and said, "Mu Ling Jue, I finally understand the first layer."

Guo Jie looked at the one legged fish beside Huang Chang, and his face was full of joy.

"Really! We've been able to control the beast.

For the first time, it was amazing to be able to control hundreds of fierce beasts.

Although, these fierce marine animals are not fierce at all, and they are weak. One can be killed with one slap.

But it's pretty good. "

Guo Jie looked congratulatory.

Unfortunately, the words just finished, he was huang shang vicious glare one eye.

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"

Huang Chang said angrily.

Guo Jie touched his head and didn't know where he had provoked her.

Gu Xuan's mouth trembled. Guo Jie was normal at ordinary times. Unfortunately, in front of Huang Chang, his EQ and IQ decreased linearly.

"This is really interesting.

First seduce, then arrest the soul, and finally, you can control it.

If you practice to a high level, with the power of one person, I'm afraid you can control tens of thousands of fierce beasts.

At that time, when you were in the holy land, you could walk horizontally. "

Gu Xuan said with a smile.

Huang Chang smiles.

"I don't dare to say that when I walk horizontally, but if I practice the Mu Ling Jue to the third level, I can control the fierce beasts in the same realm as myself.

It is said that the ancestor of the Muling school once practiced the seventh highest level of the Mu Ling Jue.

With the power of one person, we can control 100000 fierce beasts by force.

Among them, there are many fierce beasts in his realm.

I'm far from my grandfather.

What can be controlled now is that these unilegged fish have little combat power.I don't know how long it will take to control the same level of fierce beasts. "

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth sparked a smile.

"Not necessarily. The fierce beast you can attract now is really weak.

The beast you can control is weaker.

However, if the fierce beast is willing to be controlled and driven by you, it will not be confined to the realm of the fierce beast. "

Huang Chang nodded. She understood the truth of Gu Xuan.

In fact, there are records in the cultivation method of Mu Ling Jue.

It's hard to control fierce animals by force, but in fact, there are risks.

If the imprisoned fierce beasts have enough mental or willpower, they will resist if they are unwilling to be controlled.

In that case, the caster will be attacked.

It is possible that the mental strength will be damaged in light, and the soul will be damaged if it is heavy, or even fall down on the spot.

Therefore, "Mu Ling Jue" advocates that those who practice this skill should cultivate fierce beasts from their urine.

Especially those who grow up, even stronger than those who practice "Mu Ling Jue", can be controlled safely only when they are brought up to the point where they are interlinked with their hearts.

However, it is also difficult.

First, we need to find the young beast.

Secondly, it will take a long time to cultivate them.

Therefore, if he wants to have a fierce beast with high strength and is willing to be free and controlled by himself, Huang Chang knows that in the short term, it is impossible.

Of course, under normal circumstances, this is the case.

But obviously, the reason why Gu Xuan said that was that he didn't intend to let Huang Chang attract fierce animal cubs step by step.

So, it's too slow.

Gu Xuan looked at Huang Chang, and his mouth was slightly hooked.

"Run your" Mu Ling Jue "and try to detain all the ferocious beasts in the sea, the Seven Star emperor level and above

Huang Chang was a little surprised.

"But the ferocious beast above the imperial level can't be restrained by my first layer of" Mu Ling Jue "?

If they resist a little, I'm afraid they'll run away. "

On the face, some mysterious smile.

"It's impossible to slip. You can start."

After hearing Gu Xuan's words, the giant thousand tooth evil shark could not help but shiver. It always felt that something terrible was about to happen.

Although Huang Chang was puzzled, she still nodded according to the words and began to run the Mu Ling Jue.

A strange energy, from the yellow clothes body, toward the four sides rippling away!

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