Feeling the killing intention in Gu Xuan's eyes, the finishing brush was suddenly confused.

Just said, to clap hands, good friends?

Even if you are not a dragon brush, you are also the spirit of the magic weapon of the Dragon Palace. Do you have dignity?

"Hello, my dear warrior, in fact, I think I can change my name.

Why don't I change my name to dragon brush from today on? "

The finishing touch is very straightforward.

Gu Xuan is again "ha ha".

I have to focus on my body.

"You say you can only focus on the point, how to point, show me.

If you're useful, I can consider keeping you.

If it doesn't work, I'll kill you.

So, do your best!

Of course, if you want to do something, you can try it

Gu Xuan gave a faint smile.

"No problem! I won't play tricks. Don't worry!

I'm just demonstrating! "

With a smile, the finishing pen said.

However, it will "demonstrate" the word, bite very heavily.

Gu Xuan raised his right foot, stepped lightly in the void, and an energy ripple spread out. In the blink of an eye, an enclosed space of three Zhang in diameter was formed.

Make this enclosed space, of course, is afraid of running away.

"Let's go!"

Gu Xuan put the finishing touch.

The eye of the finishing brush flashed a touch of fine awn, the corner of the mouth aroused a sneer.

"Then I'm going to start."

It drank so much that it spat out three drops of ink.

Among these three drops of ink, there is a very mysterious and powerful energy.

Even though it is ancient Xuan, all feel a trace of threat from this powerful energy.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes and looked at the three drops of ink carefully, trying to find out a clue.

But, just at this moment, the finishing touch moves.

It shakes its body, and the tip of the pen pours at three drops of ink.

All of a sudden, the violent energy burst out from three drops of ink, just like a beast in a cage, suddenly released.

Three big characters, suddenly appear in the void.

"Town, kill, kill!"

Gu Xuan frowned as he read.

These three big characters are not finished, and each one is short of the last stroke.

"The finishing touch!"

On the finishing touch, a light suddenly burst out.

It waved three times in a row, and the last stroke of the three big characters was written by it.

At this time, on top of these three characters, a terrible power erupted and fell towards the ancient Xuan.


There are many traces left in the void where the three big characters pass. It seems that even this space can not bear the power of these three characters.

Gu Xuan only felt like there were three stars. He suddenly fell from the sky and wanted to smash him into meat cakes.

"Finishing pen, do you want to die?"

With a cold smile, Gu Xuan flung out his right fist.

Golden flash!

Boom! Boom!

The sound of three explosions sounded, three big characters falling like stars, burst instantly.

The clear voice of the finishing pen rings.

"Didn't you ask me to show you?

Then I will demonstrate it well!

This is the beginning. Watch it

The finishing pen is suddenly a small mouth, two drops of ink fly out.

Two big characters, which are equally short of the last stroke, appear in the void.

However, these two words, without any energy fluctuations, are quite different from the three words with extremely powerful power just now.

When Gu Xuan looked at these two words, he knew that he wanted to escape.

Because, those two words are "Yin" and "Dun"!

With a smile on her face, the two words are complete.

Then, its body shape, is disappeared in its original place.

Gu Xuanshi showed his broken eyes and looked around to see where he had gone. Unfortunately, he found nothing.

However, he was not surprised.

Before finishing the pen, I have seen the powerful insight of his broken eyes and the magnificent power of soul. In this way, it has the courage to escape, which proves that it really has this confidence.

I'm afraid we can't find it by ordinary methods.

"You're perfectly hidden, but if you think of the ban, I'll feel it.

Since you don't choose to go out, do you think it's useful to hide? "

Gu Xuan stepped on the void with his right foot.

"Take itHum!

The void rocked.

The enclosed space, about three meters in size, began to shrink at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally, when it was reduced to only one Zhang in size, Gu Xuan sensed the position of the finishing pen.

"Still want to hide?"

Gu Xuan sneered and his right hand went forward to grab a place that seemed to have nothing.


Even space is torn by the grasp of ancient Xuan.

The finishing pen was almost close to the back of Gu Xuan's hand, and suddenly it flew out.

Its speed, almost to an incredible point.

"This is..."

Gu Xuan squinted.

He was acutely aware that there was a small word "disease" written on the body of his finishing brush.

Obviously, it speeds up its own pace through this word.

Gu Xuan's eyes are bright.

It seems that this fine pen has some effect.

This move alone can speed up the speed of the martial arts' body method. If it is used properly, the benefits are incalculable.

"I can't stand in the way of this prohibition!

Now, I'll show you how I broke the ban! "

The finishing pen will "demonstrate" two words, bite still very heavy.

Of course, it is necessary to say that resistance naturally needs to be resisted. As for whether the resistance can succeed, it is also uncertain.

Therefore, we must firmly grasp the word "demonstration".

Once he failed, Gu Xuan could not use this as an excuse to revenge himself.

If Gu Xuan knew the idea of finishing the pen, he would have to laugh at its naivety.

In the world of warriors, the weak eat the strong. What excuse do you need to kill a magic spirit?

If you only fight with warriors, you don't know how many treasures to destroy every day.

When the treasure is destroyed, the spirit of treasure will be destroyed.

No matter what the weapon looks like, it's just a treasure.

Who cares about the idea of tools?

Not to mention, the magic weapon in front of me is not my own.

Gu Xuan looked at the finishing brush, and did not immediately start.

Otherwise, it would be easy for Gu Xuan to catch the finishing touch pen, which has been completely exposed, in this one Zhang size ban.


The paper vibrated.

When the finishing pen opens its mouth, it spits out a piece of paper rolled into a cylinder. When it quivers in the void, the paper shakes open.

This is a picture.

A fiery red dragon, leaping on paper, lifelike, heroic, as if at any time will jump out of the general!

However, what's more, this giant dragon has no eyes.

Therefore, it seems a little empty.

"The finishing touch!"

With a sudden drink of the finishing pen and a cold smile, the tip of the pen is to draw a point.

Fire red dragon that empty eyes, instant formation!

"Oh -"

a dragon song rings from the painting!

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