Chi Chi Chi!

More than a dozen of emperor level top martial artists have been pierced in the center of their eyebrows just one foot away from the master of Dajing island.

Blood hole, through the whole head.

"Good Strong... "

One was shot through the head of the warrior, and finally mumbled out these two words, is a face of regret fell down.

Hissing -

the sound of sucking cool air, one after another.

With just one stroke, you have killed more than a dozen imperial top warriors!

"Big whale island Master, how strong it is!

Those ten emperor level top martial artists are the core high-level of huangmu island and Zhangmu island!

I'm afraid any one of them can defeat two with one.

But now, the owner of the Whale Island has killed them with just one stroke. "

A fierce beast who had just moved his mind and wanted to snatch the colorful keel was trembling with fear.

Sharp and incomparably sharp teeth, even in the mouth chattering.

Among the crowd, an old man was surrounded by a dignified look in his eyes.

"I'm afraid that the strength of the master of the Whale Island is much stronger than that of the boy who killed 100 Qianlong every second!

He did not give full play to his strength at all, just a casual blow

The old man is a senior figure of over 400 years old. He is well-informed and experienced.

Hearing his words, the warriors and fierce beasts around him moved one after another.

The whale's eyes became more and more awe.

Too strong!

It's not at the same level as them.

The Saber Toothed shark also frightened his teeth to tremble. Just now, he advised Gu Xuan to go and grab the colorful keel.

But what a stupid idea it is now.

Almost, I hurt myself.

He looked at Gu Xuan with some fear, for fear that he would become angry and kill him.

After all, if Gu Xuan really listened to its advice, what would it be like now?

I'm afraid it's not optimistic.

However, on Gu Xuan's face, there was no sadness or joy, no half silk expression fluctuation, and there was no exposure of murder.

A heart hanging from the Saber Toothed shark, this just let go.

Myself, may have been in the door of hell.

After that, never talk much.

Fortunately, Gu Xuan didn't know what the swordtooth shark was thinking. Otherwise, he would despise it greatly.

Although the great whale Island owner is powerful, how can he be his opponent?

"Master Gu Xuan, another Qianlong has fallen down!

Shall we rob it? "

Huang Chang's eyes are full of eager to try.

She wanted to do it for a long time.

The light curved corners of the mouth.

"Qianlong, if you want to kill it, it's a good thing.

In any case, even if other people grab the colorful keel, they may not be able to resist the self explosion attack of transparent Qianlong. "

Around, a famous warrior and fierce beast heard Gu Xuan's words, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

This man is really cheap and good!

Grab the colorful keel that everyone wants, but still feel that you are in the most good?

So thick skinned?

Little green opened her mouth.

I didn't expect that Gu Xuan's father's skin was thicker than his own scales!

If the thicker the skin is, the stronger it will be. I'm afraid Gu Xuan's father is invincible!

Huang Chang corners of the mouth twitch two times, in addition to silence, unexpectedly can not think of what response to make.

Some fierce animals, such as the megalobodon shark, felt very pleased to hear this.

It's worthy of being a great master of ancient Xuan. It's domineering!

These words alone will bring a lot of hatred!

But how many people dare to fight against him?

As fierce beasts, the concept of respecting the strong goes deep into their hearts.

It's their pursuit to be able to say something like Gu Xuan, which is light and light, but makes the enemy feel pain and itch!

Gu Xuan's words, although uncomfortable, but no one cares too much.

After all, it's no use caring about it, but I can't.

Soon, all people's attention is back to a falling Qianlong.

"I see!"

At this time, a fine light flashed through Gu Xuan's black and white eyes.

He once again soared to the sky and rushed to the dragon that had just been identified!

A group of warriors and fierce animals were deeply moved.

Like Gu Xuan, they didn't have the courage to rush directly into the sky and kill the Qianlong group.

However, they still dare to gather the strength of several people to attack the fallen Qianlong.

If you don't dare to take this risk, how can you get colorful keel."Kill!"

"Give it to me!"

"Be careful, everyone. Attack its head!"

The sound of exclamation rang through the sky outside the wall of the east city.

Ao Ao -

there are always Qianlong falling, from one head to several.

The dragons, just like those specially designed for landing and self exploding, keep ringing.

But with the passage of time, the sound of Qianlong exploding becomes less and less.

There are fewer and fewer warriors and fierce beasts alive.

Some warriors died under the attack of Qianlong.

More warriors died in the self explosion of Qianlong.

There are also a few warriors who are very lucky to get colorful keels, but they can't resist the self explosion of transparent Qianlong and are directly blown to pieces.

And the colorful keel, eventually fell to other people's hands.

In order to avoid casualties, the fighters and killers spontaneously began to unite.

A temporary team came into being.

Of course, the two strongest teams belong to guxuan Yixing and Dajing island.

These two teams are the two teams with the largest harvest in the operation of seizing colorful keel.

"Ao Ao --"

several dragon chants were heard, and five Qianlong dragons fell from the top of the ancient Xuan and his party.

"Let's go!"

Huang Chang drank heavily.

The big tooth shark and other five ferocious beasts, already Guo Jie, followed Huang Chang, straight to the sky.

A series of energy, across the mysterious arc, fell on the head of five Qianlong.

Boom! Boom!

In a series of explosions, the Qianlong burst into two claws and two tails.

And the last dragon became a colorful keel.

"Take it

Huang Chang's body moved and turned into a long phantom, holding Qianlong in one hand.

Then, a sense of crisis suddenly enveloped him.

Guo Jie exclaimed, "be careful!"

Huang Chang said with a smile, "don't worry, no problem! I was ready for it

Her heart thought move, is to accept four fierce beast, issued the order.

The four fierce beasts all spit out energy cannons and bombard in front of Huang Chang.


There was an explosion from the invisible void, and the transparent Qianlong, which had not yet exploded, was smashed directly.

At this time, Gu Xuan fell from the sky and stood beside Huang Chang.

"You and your four fierce beasts have cooperated well.

Yes, with your current fighting power, you can fight against the one star warrior in the imperial realm

As he spoke, Gu Xuan waved his hand at will, and suddenly flew from his head to the sky.

A Qianlong is directly held by the giant palm.

A quick grip!

The Dragon burst.

A colorful keel fell.

Gu Xuan step out, is close to the horizon, from the air, will be a section of colorful keel in hand.

"Ancient Xuan's great power!"

"Master Gu Xuan is domineering

Saber Toothed shark and scallop crocodile emperor flatter each other.

Only half a quarter of an hour later, Gu Xuan alone had nine pieces of colorful keel! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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