"Let me go! Please let me go

King Wenlong was caught by Gu Xuan, struggling endlessly, and looked very frightened.

With a faint smile, Gu Xuan ignored the king of Wenlong.

The majestic soul energy, toward the top of the hall, Zai Zai carefully explored, Gu Xuan frowned.

I didn't find anything.

It's amazing.

Gu Xuan looked at the struggling Wenlong king.

"Say, what is there?

Or, what do you want to do? "

"If I said there was nothing there, would you believe it?" he said

Gu Xuan felt his IQ was challenged.

"What do you say?"

The fear on the king's face suddenly disappeared.

Instead, it is the color of success.

"Well, I'll tell you the truth.

I even burn my soul energy. The main purpose is to lead you here

Gu Xuan's face changed.

The soul energy of Wenlong king, in his hands, speeds up the burning.

With his soul energy as the guide, there are lines on the top of the palace.

These veins form an array, which is extremely mysterious.

A feeling of mystery and mystery haunted the ancient Xuan.

This kind of mysterious and mysterious feeling is not dangerous, but the ancient Xuan instinctively felt that something was wrong.

As for what was wrong, he did not know for a moment.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Gu Xuan coldly watched the white fog dragon which was getting smaller and smaller.

His soul energy, more and more weak.

The king of Wenlong has a ferocious smile.

"I said, everything here will belong to you!

All interests, all causes and effects, all sins!

As well as, you can not get rid of the shackles of life!

Of course, your life will be short.

For a short time, you don't even have time to walk out of this dilapidated hall! "


At the top of the palace, an invisible chain suddenly stretched out from the center of the array to bind the ancient mystery.

The majestic soul energy, gushing out from the chain, has not entered the ancient Xuan body.

These soul energies, together with the spirit energy of ancient Xuan, quickly merged into each other

at first, his face changed, and then his face turned happy.

His soul state is recovering at a very fast speed.

What does this Wenlong king want to do?

What on earth is this chain?

To bind yourself is to replenish your soul energy?

Isn't it amazing?

"Ha ha ha, Gu Xuan, do you feel the pain?

The soul energy pouring into you will burst you!

The total amount of these soul energies is comparable to that of a Xuansheng. How can you carry them in your realm

White fog little dragon is only three inches long, but it is a proud face.

Gu Xuan was confused.

"Compared with the spirit energy of Xuansheng, do you want to burst yourself?

Unless you have Xuansheng level soul power is false!

Otherwise, it's just helping yourself to return to the realm of soul. "

Happiness, it's so sudden.

Ancient Xuan feeling, some unreal.

His right hand made a slight effort.

White fog little dragon screamed.

Gu Xuan is sure, this is not a dream!

It's not an illusion!

It's true!

"Hum! Have the ability, you kill me now, anyway, you also quickly accompany me!

I didn't expect that you are still supporting yourself. If you feel pain, just yell and scream. Let me see your pain before I die!

Are you too miserable to make a sound

Wenlong Wang laughs more ferocious and complacent.

"I almost forgot to tell you that there are infinite causes and effects in these soul energies.

Because these spiritual energies are gathered by the souls of countless karma dragons after their death.

As sin dragons, their countless causes and effects, all their pain and all their unwillingness will be attributed to you!

Unless you can guide the skills of cause and effect, the force of cause and effect will eventually tear your body apart! "

Gu Xuan was a little confused again.

There is infinite cause and effect. Why don't you feel anything?

But immediately, he reacted.

He is a man who has practiced the great cause and effect. This is not only a skill that can guide cause and effect, but also a skill that can cut off the cause and effect!

I'm afraid that the force of causality into one's own body is directly absorbed by the great cause and effect technique.Therefore, I will not feel at all.

These causal forces seem to be very weak.

However, the great cause and effect technique, which absorbs the power of these causes and effects, should become stronger!

Gu Xuan felt a little shocked.

The king of Wenlong is a great dragon!

Before he died, he did not forget to burn his soul energy, activate the array at the top of the hall, restore his soul realm, and make his own contribution to the cultivation of great cause and effect!

No self-interest, professional benefit!

This is not a fake dragon, this is a great dragon!

Gu Xuan suddenly wanted to laugh, but he held back and did not dare to laugh.

Otherwise. He was afraid that the king of Wenlong, who was only two inches long, was very angry.

The king of Wenlong thought that Gu Xuan was trying to endure the pain.

"I can bear it! Your willpower is the strongest among the people I have ever seen!

All of a sudden, I don't want to kill you.

Unfortunately, it can't stop.

Finally, my cause and effect will fall on you!

You will be the new leader of the Ye long palace!

You will be the dragon of sin!

You will be the master of this dilapidated hall!

This will be the last straw that will crush the camel and make you and me collapse together!

Neither you nor I will enter the nether world!

This is the price you will pay!

Now, look back on your short life, ha ha ha

The laughter of the king of Wenlong became weaker and weaker.

In the end, his white dragon like body was only one centimeter long.

An energy that belongs only to the Dragon King of Yilong. As the white fog dragon becomes more transparent, it enters his body along the right hand of Gu Xuan.

Many pictures flashed through Gu Xuan's mind.

There are pictures of fighting the real dragon, being driven to the holy land of the double heaven, the picture of the Ye long palace, and even the picture of fighting with oneself.

Of course, Gu Xuan is very clear that this is the memory of Wenlong king.

Just before the king of Wenlong was on the verge of extinction, he finally felt that there seemed to be a powerful force of causation in ancient Xuan!

Even, it is the force of cause and effect that is superior to many causes and effects.

That's the power of causal order!

And that power, the cause and effect force that enters his body, is clearly arranged.

Gu Xuan, from beginning to end, did not feel the pain caused by receiving too much force of cause and effect.

Moreover, King Wenlong also felt that the soul energy entering the ancient metaphysics was like being swallowed up by a black hole.

The black hole, like a wolf, will never be full!

I'm afraid that the soul energy entering the ancient Xuan's body is not enough, not to mention exploding it.

"You lied to me! you deceived me!

I even made a wedding dress for you!

I'm not willing, I'm not willing to!

How can you not die, you... "

The king of Wenlong gave a final roar.

Unfortunately, even the words are not finished, his last trace of soul energy has been devoured by the ancient Xuan.

Gu Xuan was filled with emotion. Although the king of Wenlong was not very good-natured, he also wanted to fight and kill himself.

But he is still a good dragon!

You see, even if he died, he left a lot of good for himself.

Some of the benefits are intuitive.

Gu Xuan spread out his right hand.

In the hand, is a nail plate size soul armor.

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