Rolling dark clouds, but also a little rich.

Ao Ao Ao -

one by one, the thunder dragons poke their heads out of the dark clouds, drag their long bodies, and fly to the direction of the ancient Xuan!

There are also 320 new thunder dragons!

In addition to the thunder dragons who stopped their operations before, Gu Xuan had 640 thunder dragons!

This number, in the burning land and even the holy land, is the number of all the living beings who have survived the natural calamity before and after.


Where Thunder Dragon passed, the whole area of the disaster seems to be distorted and may be broken at any time.

Dense Thunder Dragon, full of the whole sky.

This extremely exaggerated scene of natural calamity, if not covered by the field, I am afraid the whole Holy Land triple heaven will be shocked!

This is terrible!

Gu Xuan looked at the sky and his whole face twitched a few times.

Originally thought, after the successful canonization, combined with the Holy Land and the real emperor's means, enough to successfully survive the natural calamity.

Even if I had guessed that the disaster would increase, I never thought that it would be doubled directly, so boastful!

This level of natural calamity, that is, the joint efforts of the ten real emperors and the first level warriors of the holy land, would have to be blown to the dust!

"What should I do? Most of this is the last one.

Through it, he will become the only one in the world, and he will be promoted to be the real emperor and the warrior of holy land at the same time.

Failure, of course, nothing to mention. "

Gu Xuan clenched his teeth.

In any case, this wave of natural calamity must be carried over!

Gu Xuan burst out a roar, mobilized all the energy that could be mobilized, and his body gushed out the momentum of the extreme rage!

At the same time, his right hand above, blooming a sword.

Sharp sword spirit, straight to the sky!

"Meteoric sword! It's up to you

Ancient Xuan urged the idea of meteor sky sword, which was integrated into the sword light blooming on the right hand.

At the same time, Gu Xuan's body became golden.

Jin Xing's power was also urged by him.

"Tianxuan battle style" also worked, and as soon as it turned, it directly launched the power of the third Xuan.

Ancient Xuan's body, at this moment, in terms of strength, has been comparable to a lower grade tongxuan Lingbao!

This strength of the body, in the face of the first two waves of looting thunder, can even directly stand hard resistance!

"And you, the Dragon Palace Dharma map, the finishing pen, come out to me!"

The Dragon Palace Dharma map flew out of Gu Xuan's body and suspended in front of him.

A head appears from the Dragon Palace Dharma.

"What's the matter? How could there be a disaster? "

After asking, without waiting for Gu Xuan to answer, just look at Gu Xuan's appearance, you will know that this is Gu Xuan's crossing the sky.

"Lord Gu Xuan, I'm so weak that I can't stop the thunder!

Please put me away

The finishing brush preached to the soul of ancient Xuan.

Gu Xuan didn't even look at the finishing brush.

"I know you can't stop it, but in order to prevent me from being crushed to death by the last straw, I am wronged.

When necessary, even if you block a Thunder Dragon.

Although I have a lot of treasures on me, the more powerful ones are all brought from the burning land. I have long had feelings, and they are destroyed like this. It's not good. "

Gu Xuan's voice, almost a thousandth of an instant, then feedback to the finishing pen.

The finishing touch:

Dare to be a cannon fodder?

You are the soul of the magic weapon of the Dragon Palace. In the holy land of the second heaven, that is the most precious thing. Are you doing this to me?

The finishing brush is eager to find Gu Xuan, but in this situation, we should protect ourselves before we can say anything else.

Its mouth a, a mysterious big characters, is flying out.

"Shield! Shield! Shield

One side of the shield blocks the whole dragon palace Dharma map.

Next to it, the defense measures of ancient Xuan are still the most important thing!

"Come out, dragon hall!"

Gu Xuan drank a lot, and the Dragon hall, which was integrated into his body, also flew out.

At the same time, the ancient Xuanxin thought and moved song xiaodai in the Dragon birthday hall to the ancient Yanmo mansion.

The hall of dragon birthday is his last defense.

We must get song xiaodai out first, otherwise, if he is in the Dragon birthday hall, he will be killed by robbery thunder.

Roar and roar -

there are 640 thunder dragons in the sky.

Then, they are like a Thunder Dragon army, toward the ancient Xuan is mercilessly split down!

Boom!Where the Thunder Dragon passed, the space began to break, and all the rules began to collapse.

At this moment, the whole area of the natural calamity seems to have been attacked by a terrorist attack that is enough to destroy the world.

Ancient Xuanyi stands between heaven and earth, full of war in his eyes!


Before Thunder Dragon arrived, his body had already begun to flash.

These leaping lights, seemingly small, but, I'm afraid, can kill a half saint!


One after another, the flame is burning on the ancient Xuan's body.

The leaping light is completely annihilated in the flame.

"I'll help too!"

The voice of Yunxi rings out from the ancient Xuan's body.

If you look at Gu Xuan from another perspective, you can see that there is a woman with an emperor's crown on his body at the moment, just like an illusory flame, guarding him firmly.

Gu Xuan nodded.

"I didn't want to call you, for fear that you would be hurt.

Now that you're out, that's all.

If there is something wrong, it will be hidden in my soul!

I have a jade bone in my hand. Even if I fall, my soul can be saved! "

Yunxi solemnly said, "I know. Don't worry about me!

It will do me great good to be sanctified again.

In addition, I sleep so long, it is not a white sleep.

With the improvement of your strength, my strength is also constantly improving! "

Yunxi finished, then did not make a sound.

There's no time to talk, no time to prepare.

Thunder Dragon, has reached the top of the ancient Xuan.

As long as Gu Xuan reaches out his hand, he can touch it.

Of course, Gu Xuan would not be so stupid as to reach out to touch them. It was meteor sky sword that met them!

In the burning sky continent, the meaning of the meteorite sword was not controlled by the ancient Xuan, who did not know how strong the meaning of the meteorite sky sword was.

Not long ago, although he was able to control the meaning of the meteor sky sword, but at that time, the ancient Xuan had only the emperor's realm, and he could not play the power of the meteorite sword!

But now, he does!

The power of meteor Sky Sword is blooming in full swing!


A thousand feet across the sword, suddenly appeared, containing the power of destroying the heaven and the earth!

This sword has the power of a high-level warrior in holy land!

This sword, cut through the sky, divided the heaven and earth!

Two hundred thunder dragons were cut in half with this sword!

The power of this wave of disaster has been reduced by one third directly!

The weak idea of the meteorite sword returns to the ancient Xuan body.

I don't know how long it will take to recover if I want to cut out the powerful sword just now.

This effect, Gu Xuan has been very satisfied.

Of course, satisfaction is satisfaction. Gu Xuan did not dare to be careless.

After all, there are more than 400 thunder dragons in the sky! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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