Out of the ground, the golden shell mussel opened the scallop and spat out two toes.

"Wonderful! The part of their bodies reserved for resurrection is actually hidden in the body of the golden shell mussel.

What's more, the energy of the soul is also well hidden.

They've got the essence of my art of feigning death. "

Yueyang mountain is very excited.

Even though he has been unable to help Mo Jingyun and Li Xiyun regenerate, since the patriarch has found the core part of their resurrection, there must be a way to successfully revive them.

The poor afraid Saint looked at little green enviously. He also wanted to have such a charming green dragon.

After a moment, he shook his head, and looked at Yueyang mountain and Gu Xuan with some bitterness.

It's a great pity that he failed to learn the skill of feign death.

This kind of skill can protect people's life at the critical moment.

However, since both Mo Jingyun and Li Xiyun can be used, it shows that this device is not only used by practitioners themselves.

If you have a chance, you must find Yueyang mountain and have a good discussion on this matter.

"Gu Xuan, why don't you do it yet?"

See Gu Xuan has been looking at two feet, poor afraid of saints can not help but ask.

He is still waiting to see how Mo Jing Yun and Li Xie Yun are revived!

Gu Xuan did not immediately answer the words of the poor and afraid of saints. Instead, he frowned and looked at his two feet.

Yang Xiaoxie was worried and expectant in his heart, staring at Gu Xuan.

After a long time, Gu Xuan's eyebrows, wrinkled more tightly.

"There's something wrong with their soul energy."

"What's the problem?"

Poor afraid of saints, Yang Xiaoxie, Yueyang mountain three people, at the same time a look of surprise asked this question.

He studied it carefully.

"If soul energy can also be expressed in terms of life and death, compared with the living soul, their soul is dead."

Hearing the word "dead", the faces of the poor and afraid saints and Yueyang mountain all changed slightly.

Yang Xiaoxie was so pale that he almost fainted and was held by Yueyang mountain in time.

Gu Xuan looked at Yang Xiaoxie and shook his head.

"Don't get excited. I haven't finished speaking yet.

I was just making a metaphor.

In fact, souls exist and are complete, and they are naturally alive.

It's just that it's very low in activity and tends to die. "

The fluctuation of the soul tends to be nothing.

What's more, it seems to be self sealing.

Although this can ensure that the soul energy does not dissipate, it is not easy to revive

Gu Xuan held his chin.

If the soul is self sealed, it is equivalent to that a warrior falls into a coma on his own initiative.

It's OK to wake them up from the outside, but it's always against their will.

Forced awakening may be feasible for comatose warriors, but not for "comatose" souls.

Forcing them to wake up will disturb their souls and blur their consciousness.

In this way, even if the soul is awakened, they can not use the art of feigning death on their own.

According to Yueyang mountain's description just now, if they want to revive, the external help will occupy about half of the role, and the other half will depend on themselves.

Therefore, the key now is how to let their self enclosed soul be released.

"Even if their souls are damaged, I have an immediate cure.

However, I can not easily try to solve the problem of self sealing of soul.

If there is a slight difference, they will either be closed forever, or when they wake up, their consciousness will be disturbed. "

While thinking about the solution, Gu Xuan explained to Yang Xiaoxie.

Yang Xiaoxie worried: "master, are they not saved?

Just waiting for them to wake up?

What if they never wake up? "

Yueyang mountain sighed.

"Because of the art of suspended animation, they will never be able to recover on their own.

That's the biggest problem. "

Yang Xiaoxie's tears began to flow.

If Li Xie Yun really falls, she doesn't want to live.

Gu Xuan saw the death ambition on Yang Xiaoxie's face and sighed.

This little girl is really infatuated.

It seems that it was a correct decision to let the evil cloud chase her at the beginning.

Gu Xuan said to Yang Xiaoxie: "don't worry, I'm a Dandi. I'll help them to wake up.

And... "

Gu Xuan's words, said here, is a sudden stop!

A light flashed through his mind.

"Bodhi fruit!"Gu Xuan was surprised.

The poor, afraid of saints, doubted, "Bodhi fruit is nothing more than increasing life, increasing Qi, or capturing water Bodhi.

Their souls are self enclosed, and it helps to use Bodhi fruit? "

Gu Xuan smiles with confidence.

"It's useless to use Bodhi fruit directly.

But by virtue of the attraction of Bodhi fruit, you can attract something useful! "

The eyes of the poor fear the saints.

"You mean water Bodhi?

That's great. Let's go to pick Bodhi fruit, and then go to find water Bodhi

The ancients have a look at the poor and afraid of saints.

Looking for water Bodhi?

This is what you need!

"Water Bodhi is useless to the present situation of evil cloud and Jing cloud.

What I need is wood Bodhi

A fine light flashed through Gu Xuan's eyes.

"Wood Bodhi? And this thing? "

The poor, afraid of saints, said in surprise.

Gu Xuan's mouth trembled.

The poor and afraid of saints only need water Bodhi. I'm afraid he only knows about water Bodhi, but he has no idea about the other five elements Bodhi.

Gu Xuan looked scornfully at the poor and afraid of saints.

"Since there is water Bodhi, why is there no wood Bodhi?

There are not only wood, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, but also Bodhi with corresponding attributes.

If you talk too much, you don't understand.

Anyway, as long as there are Bodhi fruits, you can try any Bodhi you want to catch.

Don't talk much nonsense. Lead the way to the depths of 100000 mountains at once

The poor and afraid of saints nodded. Gu Xuan wanted to look for Bodhi fruit, and he was most in favor of it.

"Come with me!"


If the poor and afraid of saints turn into a way to escape light, they will fly in the direction of 100000 mountains.

Seeing this, Yang Xiaoxie knew that Gu Xuan had found a way to seal the soul of Li Xie Yun. His eyes were full of excitement, so he immediately prepared to fly away with the poor and afraid of saints.

Gu Xuan caught Yang Xiaoxie.

"Don't fly, you're too slow.

Let the old man fly by himself, let's ride the dragon

Chenglong, the word from the ancient Xuankou, is particularly domineering.

Have a real dragon, if you do not have to install, force, it will be meaningless!

"Go back to your underground."

Gu Xuan's right hand made a burst of energy, and when it fell into the golden shell mussel, he jumped onto the little green back.

Yang Xiaoxie and Yueyang mountain followed closely.

The golden shell mussel felt the energy that the ancient Xuan had penetrated into the body, and the clam shells opened and closed one by one, trembling with excitement.

This is a very pure power of rules. It's very useful for a fierce beast like him who only has the top of the imperial realm!

If not for legs, it would like to kneel down to kowtow to Gu Xuan.

When it was so excited that she didn't know how to express her gratitude, little green had turned into a green light and disappeared in the sky.

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