The fifth state, a transmission array, lights up.

The people of Jianglong City headed by Gu Xuan appeared on the transmission array.

After the light of the transmission array dissipated, the surrounding scene fell into people's eyes for the first time.

At the entrance, there are endless mountains.

It's just that there are no flowers and trees on these mountains.

Because these mountains are actually golden mountains!

"I'll go, Jinshan. It's dazzling!"

The poor, afraid of the saints, looked at the scene around him with interest.

For ordinary people, gold is money. If these Gold Mountains are put in the secular world, I am afraid some people will fight for it.

However, the gold is nothing to the warrior.

Especially for the martial arts at the level of holy land, there are as many gold as they want.

Ancient Xuan could even create a golden mountain.

The warrior who has mastered the power of the golden line wants gold more easily than anything else.

However, this kind of scene, even for the martial arts, is still very spectacular.

The party flew into the sky and looked into the distance.

"The fifth realm, it seems, consists of all kinds of metals."

The poor, afraid of saints, sighed.

Gu Xuan squinted and looked at a mountain 20 miles away.

From there, he felt the feedback from the anteaters.

"Let's go there! It will soon be known who is calculating us. "

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed a fine light, and his body moved. He led the people to fly to the mountain twenty miles away.

At the same time, Gu Xuan began to think about the information about the fifth realm in his mind.

The fifth realm is the golden world.

Here, master the golden way of martial arts, it is like returning to their own home, strength at least increased by more than 10%.

And the golden ape is very powerful.

This is a kind of ferocious animal that was born in the power of gold and feeds on metal.

Its strength has even been extremely close to the realm of Xuansheng.

Even, rumor has it that its defense ability has even been comparable to that of the warriors in Xuansheng's realm.

"You must be careful. There are six channels leading to the sixth.

However, the guardian of this area, the golden horned ape, may be stationed near any passageway.

Not only that, any place, may also meet it.

So, once you see it, you're on the alert. "

Gu Xuan reminds people of humanity.

The poor and afraid of saints asked, "is there anything like a guardian here?

There is no one from the first to the fourth

Gu Xuan shook his head and laughed.

"No, it doesn't mean there isn't.

From the first to the third, we did not meet the defenders.

But in the fourth place, we walk by it.

Did you forget those three headed snakes?

One of them, with only one head, was the guardian of the third territory. His strength was not weak. Unfortunately, two heads were cut off.

I wanted to cut off its third head, but I didn't take the initiative to provoke us

At this point, Gu Xuan stopped flying.

"We've been through four places in a row, and we haven't dealt with the defenders once. It's a wonderful flower.

No matter how lucky, it is limited.

In this situation, I have a hunch that the Golden Horn ape is likely to be met. "

The poor and afraid of saints have a murmur in their hearts. It's better to meet the guardians earlier!

At least, the defenders from the first to the fourth are always weaker.

The guardian of the fifth realm, the Golden Horn ape, is not weak enough to hear the name.

Moreover, this guy must be a ferocious beast born to understand the golden way.

In this metal world, it's like a fish in water. To kill it, except Xuansheng, it's hard for others to be strong.

Gu Xuan looked at the mountain ahead. The smell of anteater came from there.

However, according to Gu Xuan's perception, the smell of this anteater has been extremely disordered. I'm afraid it is under attack.

"Let's go down!"

A hook in the corner of Gu Xuan's mouth is to fly to that mountain.

Soon, Gu Xuan and his party fell to the bottom of the mountain.

The anteater lay on the ground, dying.

When he saw Gu Xuan, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he even sat up.

"How could you find me so quickly? Sure enough, it was you who set up the bureau that made me think that I betrayed them?"The anteater's eyes widened, and it finally responded.

"When did you..."

Before the anteater's words had been finished, they stopped abruptly.

Its body, has been cut in two by a ray of light, dead can no longer die.

"It's really admirable that you dare to walk in here, knowing that we are ambushing here.

It seems that they want more people to bury you with you. "

A familiar voice came into Gu Xuan's ears.

On the metal floor, a figure came out slowly.

"I have long guessed that the people who deal with me may be from the war clan.

But I didn't expect that it would be you, Yang Xiaoyao! "

Gu Xuan looked at the man in front of him and was really surprised.

You know, he was outside the Holy Island, but he had a fight with Yang Xiaoyao.

At that time, Yang Xiaoyao had no flaw in his breath or soul energy. He was a native warrior completely, and had no sense of disobedience that was incompatible with the world.

However, today's Yang Xiaoyao has always revealed the unique flavor of the war clan. His fighting spirit is soaring, even affecting this space.

It can be said that the present Yang Xiaoyao, compared with the former Yang Xiaoyao, is more than twice as strong!

The corners of the mouth of the poor afraid of saints tremble.

When I saw Yang Xiaoyao, who was the second in the list of startled saints, I didn't feel that he was anything special. How can I see him now and feel a kind of hair standing up all over his body?

The spirit of war is just a kind of feeling that people are placed on the battlefield where thousands of troops are fighting.

As for a group of dragon guards, the whole body's Qi and blood began to roll under the cover of the war spirit, as if they might explode and die at any time.

With a wave of his hand, Gu Xuan lost his soul energy to the eyebrows of many dragon guards.

The sign of blood rolling on them just disappeared.

However, everyone's back has been soaked in sweat.

That war spirit, too terrible.

Yang Xiaoyao stares at Gu Xuan with a smile on his lips.

"Emperor Dan is the first emperor to burn heaven.

Easy, is to resolve my [war sense of oppression].

However, this makes me more convinced that your weaknesses, many!

Today is the day of your death , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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