"Here is the place where I crossed the sky, Wuxing mountain!"

Golden Horn holy ape flies in the sky and points to the five mountain roads below.

Gu Xuan, poor and afraid of saints, Ouyang flower and butterfly fly behind the Golden Horn ape and look down at the place it points to.

"I thought that the whole fifth state was a metal world, but I never thought that there were mountains totally belonging to the five elements and the other four elements."

Below, in addition to Jinxing mountain, there are water mountain, wood mountain, soil mountain and fire mountain.

Shuixing mountain is completely condensed by water. Within the mountain, some weak fish and fierce animals can be seen.

Muxing mountain is a big tree, growing into a mountain.

Tu Xing mountain, the most common, is a yellow mountain.

Huoxing mountain is completely composed of flame and has no entity.

Five mountains, with a wonderful law, form a circle, which looks very spectacular.

Gu Xuan said with a smile: "so it is. Wuxing mountain seems to be five mountains, but in fact, it is a whole.

This is a kind of five element array.

It seems that the elder Saint ape wants to use this array to fight against the Xuansheng heavenly calamity. "

"As expected, I have good eyesight. This is indeed a change of the five element array.

I named it "five elements dot gold matrix", which means turning stone into gold.

When I get through the Xuansheng disaster, I will change from stone to gold, and my value will rise greatly.

Ha ha ha

The Golden Horn ape touched the golden horn on his head and laughed.


The golden horned ape sneezed inexplicably before he finished laughing.

"Just now my ape hair seems to have been blown into my nose by the wind."

Golden Horn ape rubs his nose and explains.


Just after explaining, another sneeze came out.

When Gu Xuan watched the Golden Horn ape sneeze, he suddenly had a bad premonition.

As if in order to prove the idea of ancient metaphysics, the Golden Horn ape is another sneeze. After sneezing, the power of the law on its body suddenly burst out and became quite disordered.


In the sky, clouds of robbery gathered and rolled from afar.

The Golden Horn ape looks confused.

"When I just sneezed, I didn't control my energy.

It seems that I am about to start Xuansheng Tianjie now

The corners of Gu Xuan's mouth trembled.

This golden horned ape looks majestic. How can it be so unreliable?

Sneeze a few times, even the energy on the body is not well controlled?

No, it's not right for a fifth level guardian of the holy land to sneeze at all!

This golden horned ape, in the final analysis, is a funny comparison!

Gu Xuan said in a hurry: "it's not as if it's going to start. The Xuansheng Tianjie has already started.

Master holy ape, don't be dazzled. Go to the middle of Wuxing mountain and activate the array.

What's more, you said just now that there is a way to hide the natural calamity and let me use my golden power for you.

What is the solution? You should say it first

With a wave of the Golden Horn ape's big hand and rolling energy, it swept the three ancient xuanren.

"There's no time. Go ahead and talk about it!"

"No, you say it first. I'll deduce it first. Does it work?

If not, I'll... "

Ancient Xuan resisted the sweeping energy of the golden horned ape, and was not willing to be pulled in so rashly.

Unfortunately, by this time, Ouyang Huadie and the poor fear of saints had been taken away by the golden horned sage ape and landed in the middle of Wuxing mountain.

Ancient Xuan's forehead was covered with black lines.

Now, whether he wants to go in or not, he has to go in.


He then fell to the core of Wuxing mountain.

At the foot is a huge array.

The golden ape's patterns are all drawn by the golden ape.


At this time, the hijacking cloud had completely condensed and made a dull roar.

One by one, golden thunder dragons roam in the tumbling clouds of robbery, disappearing and appearing from time to time.

"Master holy ape, you're too late to speak."

Gu Xuan urged.

Now, he had no chance to test the feasibility of the method.

Just ask the Golden Horn ape to quickly say that method, he must immediately start to practice, and then put it into practice.

The Golden Horn ape threw a jade slip.

"Soul energy sink into jade slips, learn quickly!"Ancient Xuan results in jade slips, and immediately began to check the contents.

In a blink of an eye, he had finished reading.

After watching, Gu Xuan's whole face was twitching.

"Master holy ape, you are making fun of me!

There are only half of the five elements in the jade slips!

This half, you want me to use it to hide from the world and borrow the holy power of Jinxing for your use?

You don't want me to help you survive the disaster, you want to die with me

Gu Xuan was furious.

At this time, there was a boom, and the whole sky seemed to shake.

A golden Thunder Dragon came down from the sky and rushed down towards the Golden Horn ape.

Its speed is almost as fast as it can be. The peak martial artist in the leisure holy land, I'm afraid, can't even touch its shadow, so he has been hit.

When the Golden Horn ape steps on the ground with his right foot, a whirlpool is formed under his feet.

"This whirlpool is a space Rune condensed by my blood essence.

Gu Xuan, as long as you are in it and constantly release the power of gold, I can absorb and borrow it.

What's more, you can clearly see how I survived the disaster!

However, Gu Xuan, if you want to control this whirlpool, it must be under my body in any case. In this way, you can cooperate with your half of the "big five elements evasion" to avoid being found by the natural calamity. "

The Golden Horn ape didn't explain why there was only half of the "big five elements hiding skill"?

Gu Xuan quickly pulled Ouyang Huadie and the poor afraid saint, and jumped into the whirlpool at the foot of the Golden Horn ape.

It's really a space of its own, but it's only three feet in size.

As long as you look up, you can see clearly the external situation.

Gu Xuan had an impulse to kill people with the jade slips.

"Half? For the sake of safety, you can bring it to me

Gu Xuan roared.

"Don't be nervous. I can't say a word about it."

The voice of the Golden Horn ape.

"If there had been a mate, I would have given it to you.

How can I use it to deceive you here and give it to you?

To tell you the truth, I have only 10% confidence to get through this disaster.

That's why I ask for your help.

This is also helpless, I hope you don't blame me!

It's no use blaming me. You'd better study it quickly. How to use the five elements hiding skill?

You have to use it, and then transmit energy to me, in order to ensure the safety of the four of us!

Come on, Gu Xuan. It's up to you whether we live or die! "

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