As soon as the thunderbolt comes out of the cloud, it begins to condense, turns into four thunder dragons and rushes down.

Compared with the second wave of the thunder dragons, the power of these four thunder dragons has more than doubled.

This time, the golden horned ape did not dare to fight directly. Instead, he bit the tip of his tongue and vomited five drops of blood essence.

Every drop of blood essence falls into the five surrounding mountains.

On the five elements mountain, a ray of light was immediately released.

The rays of light crisscross each other, forming a large net composed of the forces of the five elements.

The four thunder dragons, bumping into the net, couldn't fall down.

"Take it

The golden horned ape suddenly drank, and the big net was closed. The four thunder dragons struggled, but in vain. Finally, in the increasingly tight net, they broke up completely.

And the five elements mountain, also Qi Qi Qi short one third!

"Gu Xuan, I can't hold on!

According to the current situation, my five element mountain can only support another wave of natural calamity at most! "

Cried the Golden Horn ape.

Its face, has become very ugly.

Originally, it was only 40% sure about the Xuansheng Tianjie.

Therefore, when you see the metal holy Bodhi, you will take the risk to devour it.

If we succeed, we can have 70% confidence in this Xuansheng Tianjie.

Unfortunately, although the metal holy Bodhi was badly damaged, it was not easy for the Golden Horn ape to kill.

A lean camel is bigger than a horse.

At the time of the battle, the golden horned ape was still in the downwind. Although he kept fighting, he would surely win.

However, the metal Saint Bodhi was not a fool. When he got the upper hand, he found an opportunity to slip into the sixth level.

The Golden Horn ape steals the chicken and does not become the erosion rice, not only has not been able to devour the saint Bodhi, but has exhausted his whole body energy because of the battle.

After meeting Gu Xuan, he was also bluffing. He could only threaten Gu Xuan by destroying the transmission array. He didn't dare to do it.

Unfortunately, although the ancient Xuan cheated to help, the chance of success in crossing the sky is still very low.

At most, it will increase from 10% to 23%.

The end of failure, of course, is that all people die together.


The fourth wave of looting thunder, another eight thunder dragons!

"Wuxing mountain, Wuxing Tiangang shield!"

The golden horned ape burst out, and the five mountains suddenly rose from the sky, just right into one, and became a huge multicolored shield!

Boom! Boom!

Thunder Dragon impact the shield, for a moment, can not break it.

However, cracks have appeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This colorful shield will not last long.

At present, Gu Xuan has only one mind to pay attention to the external situation, and more mind is immersed in the deduction of the "big five elements evasion".

This skill is a very profound art of reclusion.

Everything in the world is composed of five elements.

Or, with the help of the hidden technique, the hidden door can be used.

If you want to practice this skill, you need at least the level of holy land.

If you want to have a little success, you must at least have the top of the holy land.

However, once it is small, it is difficult to find out that even the top martial artist of the holy land uses this skill under the eyes of a martial artist of Xuansheng realm.

It should have been a pleasure for Gu Xuan to get this skill.

Unfortunately, this skill is incomplete, only half of it.

If you only practice half of it, it's not a complete five element evasion. It's too risky to avoid the disaster.

Therefore, the ancient Xuan has been deducing and wants to complete it.

It's a pity, how profound is this skill?

Even with the wisdom of Gu Xuan, it is impossible to deduce it completely in a short time.

Gu Xuan frowned, and his brain was running at full speed.

He has divided the mind into six parts, one is concerned about the external situation, and the other five are all deducing the "big five elements evasion".

Each mind deduces one of the five elements.

Ancient Xuan's body shape, in the poor fear of saints and Ouyang butterfly, constantly disappear, and continue to appear.

Sometimes his body turns into a flame.

Sometimes, his body will become a clay figurine.

Unfortunately, in any case, he can not become a water energy condensed into a person.

Gu Xuan was not proficient in the control of the power of water movement, and even understood only a little bit.

"There is a lack of water element, and the five elements are incomplete. It is very difficult to hide under the natural calamity and secretly transfer the energy to the Golden Horn ape!"Gu Xuan frowned and thought about how to break the deadlock?

If it's nine five, it's good

Gu Xuan's hands bear the Dharma seal, and he sighs in his heart.

9527 is the water Bodhi. With her help, maybe I can use its power to enter a door on the cultivation of the great five elements.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

Ouyang Huadie and the poor fear of saints did not notice the color on Gu Xuan's face. Now, they are observing the calamity of the outside world.

From this Xuansheng Tianjie, they saw many things, had a lot of feelings, a body of energy, can not help but surge in the body surface.

Even, they sometimes have an illusion, as if it was them who were going through the Xuansheng apocalypse, not the golden horned ape.

Whenever this time, their faces will become very ugly, the threat of natural calamity, too terrible, they can not stop.

However, when the Golden Horn ape solves the scourge of Thunder Dragon, they will become sober again and wake up. It is not them who have survived the disaster.

At this time, they often have a little more understanding of the peak of the holy land, the mysterious saint, the power of the rules, and even the power of the law.


Above the whirlpool space, the great body of the golden horned ape trembled.

Eight thunder dragons and five elements Tiangang shield explode together.

The terrible power of explosion swept it.

One by one, as small as the snake's electric light, fell like a blanket, and did not enter its body.

This means that the last barrier of the Golden Horn ape's crossing the sky has been broken.

Next, it can only choose to fight with thunder dragon!


Golden Horn ape is spit out a mouthful of blood, its eyes, has become red.

The energy on its body seems to be disordered and weak.

Its body, at the speed visible to the naked eye, rapidly becomes shorter from ten feet high.

In the blink of an eye, it becomes the size of a normal person, and even a little bit thinner.

Golden Horn ape wryly said: "I am clearly a holy ape, now, unexpectedly turned into a monkey, sad."

In the sky, there is a dull sound of thunder.

More looting thunder fell from the cloud and condensed into sixteen thunder dragons!

This time, the whole sky is twisting.

"Ao Ao --"

the Thunder Dragon raised its head and roared.

The whole glittering metal world, has become dim!

The fifth wave of Thunder Dragon, finally attacked! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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