"I don't accept it!

Heaven, I don't accept it

Suddenly the Golden Horn ape clapped his chest and roared.

It is ready to crack, staring at the empty front, as if, is really looking at the way of heaven, roaring at the general.

"I must go to the sixth level, I must leave the space of ten realms, no one can stop me, even if it is you, the way of heaven is no exception!"

The golden horned ape roared and stepped forward with his right foot.


The entire metal floor exploded where it landed.

At the same time, the golden horned ape roared and rushed straight ahead, as if chasing something.

"I'll go!"

Gu Xuan scolded and quickly controlled the whirlpool space and moved forward with the Golden Horn ape.

Fortunately, the Golden Horn ape at this moment is seriously injured, and the speed is not fast. Otherwise, in case one of them fails to keep up, I'm afraid it will be found by the scourge.

Whirlpool space, you have to stay under the Golden Horn ape all the time.

Gu Xuan looked at the sky.

The whole sky is already a scene of cloud robbery.

Although the last wave of looting thunder has fallen, but the sky robbery is not over.

When the Golden Horn ape has passed through the demon robbery, the heavenly way will give it a gift. That is to officially correct the name of the Golden Horn ape and admit that it is a real mysterious saint!

At that time, the unique means and privileges of Xuansheng will be possessed automatically.

"It's a pity that, in view of the present situation, it will be very difficult to get to this point.

This demon robbery has made the golden horned ape fall into a dreamland and cannot extricate itself.

We must find a way to help it, otherwise, let it jump down so disorderly. Once the whirlpool space leaves under it carelessly, the disaster will find us immediately.

Even if we have "Da Jin Xing Dun Shu", it is possible that Tianjie will not find us at all.

But you can't bet.

If you lose, everyone will die! "

The secret way in Gu Xuan's heart.

Xuansheng Tianjie is not something anyone wants to be involved in.

Once mixed in, the power of Tianjie will increase dramatically. Maybe it will chop down the seventh wave of thunder. Who can withstand it?



"Heaven, I will die with you!"

"The way of heaven, I have become Xuansheng. According to the original agreement, I have been able to leave the fifth realm.

Why did you stop me? If you stop me, I will kill you!

Don't run away and fight with me

Golden Horn ape, like a wild horse out of rein, jumped up and down in the range of the five elements mountain, leaping left and right, attacking the empty ground.

The words in his mouth also changed from the initial entreaty and disobedience to such a harsh language.

Gu Xuan wanted to tell him that if you don't pee and look at the mirror, you dare to shout with the heaven?

Heaven can crush you with one finger.

Of course, even if Gu Xuan said it, the Golden Horn ape couldn't hear it.

In his mind, Gu Xuan began to look for information about Xuansheng Tianjie.

Unfortunately, he does not know much about this information, which is not helpful to the current situation.

All along, no one dares to intervene in the martial arts who have survived Xuansheng's natural calamity, no matter how bad the situation is.

Otherwise, once it affects itself, the situation will be unthinkable.

But Gu Xuan had to intervene.

If you don't intervene, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The ancient Xuan concentrated his mind and calmed his mind and separated most of his consciousness to analyze and deduce the current situation of the golden horned ape.

A moment later, Gu Xuan's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Now, it thinks that he has been promoted to Xuansheng, but he still can't get out of the fifth level. So he thinks that the way of heaven is unfair and wants to hate the way of heaven.

To solve this problem, we must start from the source.

If I make it feel that it has failed to survive the robbery, so it cannot leave the fifth state, it will wake up immediately

The poor and afraid Saint looked at Gu Xuan's appearance and said in surprise, "Gu Xuan boy, I said you must be good.

What's the matter with you? "

Ouyang butterfly is also looking forward to looking at the ancient Xuan.

"The way to solve the problem is to think of it, but it is still difficult to implement it."

The poor and afraid of saints feel empty and happy.

"No hurry, no hurry, think slowly, think slowly, time, there are plenty of..."

Before he had finished speaking, there was another boom. The golden horned ape fell to the ground, and his head was broken and bleeding.

"Time, I don't think it's much."

Those who are poor and afraid of saints change their mouths.

The golden horned ape is also a quasi Xuansheng, and its combat power has reached the level of Xuansheng. Even though the body is empty and there is not much energy, the strength of the body will not be able to fall down, and it will break its head and bleed blood.But now, it's just a broken head, which is not a good phenomenon.

"You dare to attack me with the God hammer!

You dare to let me bleed so much, I'll fight with you! "

The Golden Horn ape got up and ran in another direction.

The poor and afraid of saints shake their heads.

"It's over. It's all over. It's all over."

The flowers and butterflies of Ouyang are white, and the poor are afraid of saints.

"You wretched old man, didn't you see that my elder brother was trying to save us?

Can you stop talking so much nonsense.

If you want to die, just get out of the whirlpool space, that's it.

Don't involve us. "

Ouyang Hua die scolded.

The poor, afraid of the saints, snorted bitterly, knowing that they were in trouble, they did not argue again.

But the heart is to think: "good men do not fight with women!"

If it was Gu Xuan, he would have to answer back.

Boom! Boom!

After falling three times in a row, the Golden Horn ape finally lay on the ground and did not get up for a long time.

At this time, Gu Xuan, who had been meditating and speechless, bloomed a fine light in his eyes.

"There's a way! Since it was promoted, it won't wake up, tell me

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth sparked a smile.

"What's the meaning of this?" asked the poor afraid saint

Gu Xuan said with a smile: "it means to pass the way of heaven and slap the soul of the Golden Horn ape!"

"I'll go! Pretend to be The way of heaven?

Who lent you the courage?

It's the way of heaven.

In case the way of heaven feels that someone pretends to be it, so that the power of the disaster will be strengthened, then we will be a desperate end!

Don't be impulsive

The poor trembled with fear of the saints.

Pretending to be the way of heaven is not something that normal people dare to think about.

This Gu Xuan boy is too abnormal.

Suddenly, the poor afraid saint's eyes narrowed, staring at Gu Xuan.

"You boy, are you still trapped in the illusion and haven't come out at all?

That's why I thought of such a suicide method? "

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched.

"I don't have to do this. I have another way to free us completely."

The poor, afraid of saints, said excitedly, "don't you tell me soon?"

Gu Xuan gave a cold smile.

"That is, we quickly walked out of the whirlpool space, and bravely exploded before the thunder was cut down.

In this way, although dead, but at least will not be distraught, there is no pain.

How about it? "

The face of the poor and afraid of saints is stiff.

"I think it's better to pretend to be the way of heaven, to be brave and resourceful, and to be a great feat in life!

Let's go

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