Beard hesitated for a while, but he didn't plan to buy more road money.

After all, we are all warriors at the top level of the holy land. We still need to have this credit.

"In that case, take it out!"

Whiskers on the ancient xuandao.

Gu Xuan frowned.

"I have too many treasures. I don't know what you want?

Well, you may as well choose your own. "

At the command of Gu Xuan, Ouyang Huadie, the poor and afraid of saints and others, with a smile on their faces, offered their own tongxuan Lingbao.

All of a sudden, there are lights in the cave.

In front of those who are poor and afraid of saints, there are seven or eight pieces of tongxuan Lingbao, including two of them.

Ouyang flowers and butterflies presented the seven treasures Scripture, and the light of Buddha was shining.

In this light, there are several pieces of tongxuan Lingbao.

Ouyang mountain range, Ouyang peak stack, etc., are also shining in front of each other's mysterious light.

Musendan laughed.

"I don't have enough tongxuan Lingbao for you. I'll take out some pills."

The breath that belongs to Danti, emanating from him, is full of hundreds of Jiupin pills, revolving around him.

At first, his face was excited and his breath was short.

However, with the appearance of his identity, their faces were not good-looking.

There is a team of Dandi, it is not easy to meet.

But now, they just met?

Can we say that these guys are actually playing pigs and eating tigers?

At this time, Gu Xuan laughed and waved his hand, and then he put his tongxuan Lingbao out a little.

There are ten lower grade tongxuan Lingbao, six middle grade tongxuan Lingbao, Zhutian sword and pick star hand. These two top-grade tongxuan Lingbao also shine at the same time.

Beard and other people, a face pale up, bean big sweat, drop by drop.

The people who can keep the top grade tongxuan Lingbao are not what they can afford.

This person, unexpectedly still has two!

The Golden Horn ape looks at this scene.

"Little brother Gu, are these things really for them to choose?"

Gu Xuan sighed.

"What can I do? What else can they do if they are so strong at the top of the holy land

The Golden Horn ape looks at the beard.

"I said," this big brother, I'm really a golden horned ape. If you don't believe me, I can grow up to show you.

Why don't you give me some face? Less? "

The body of the golden horned ape grows up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and becomes ten feet high. Its head almost reaches the top of the cave, and then it stops.

A breath belonging to Xuansheng was suddenly released from it.

Dong Dong Dong Dong.

Dozens of the top warriors of the holy land, headed by whiskers, all knelt down.

They buried their heads in terror, and did not even have the courage to look at the golden horned ape. They wanted to cry without tears.

Gu Xuan looked at his beard and joked, "Why are you kneeling?

Don't you want to buy money from the road?

Pick it up. We're in a hurry. "

His face was sad.

"Sir, you have heard me wrong. We are not trying to bribe Lu Cai, but to give you treasures."

Gu Xuan looked at his beard and praised: "talent! I'm very optimistic about you!

In that case, offer it. "

Under the sign of their whiskers, a group of top martial artists in the holy land have all handed over their treasures. There are as many as 20 lower grade tongxuan Lingbao.

The Golden Horn ape naturally disdained these things, but gave a cold hum.

Gu Xuan collected these treasures, which made the poor and afraid of saints greedy.

Then, the crowd directly entered the transmission array and went to the sixth level in a space fluctuation.

Dozens of people, such as whiskers and whiskers, watched Gu Xuan disappear with tears.

"Don't lose heart, we will continue to guard here.

There will always be unseen warriors who will break in, and then we will be able to make up for our losses! "

At this time, a figure, broke in.

The whiskers and his party were so excited that they cried again.

The fat sheep came to the door so quickly.

"I opened this hole..."

The beard was reporting the opening remarks, and a blow came.


His beard flew upside down and hit the rock hard.

With a click, even the ribs were broken.

"A bunch of idiots, how dare you waste my time, my lord?"This is Dongfang lie.

His body, surging strong breath, pressure a number of Holy Land peak martial arts, even dare not to rush to him.

He ran towards the teleportation array.

The sixth realm is a sea, which is very much like a heaven in holy land.

Gu Xuan and his party of more than 100 people directly appeared on a huge island.

"This is the largest and only island in the sixth territory.

There are two on the island and two at the bottom of the sea.

However, very few people will go to the bottom of the sea, which is the world of fierce beasts.

The defenders of this world will also be at the bottom of the sea. Therefore, going to the bottom of the sea is a very dangerous thing.

Brother Gu, if you want to find a passage, you can find it on this island. "

Golden Horn holy ape looked at Gu Xuan and said with a faint smile.

Gu Xuan nodded.

"Thank you for reminding me. It seems that brother Jin is going to go to the seventh place alone?"

The Golden Horn ape said with a smile: "I am Xuansheng after all. This sixth level is no difficulty for me.

You have your way, I have my way.

If you have a chance to reach the eighth place, we will meet.

Here, for you, it's very dangerous. "

Gu Xuan held his chin and said, "I know that naturally.

The sixth state is a connecting link between the preceding and the following. Most of the top martial artists in the holy land will be here.

I think I'll be here, too, to solve a lot of things.

Brother Kim, we'll see you later. "

Gu Xuan arched his hand, which was a farewell.

The Golden Horn ape is also learning from the ancient mysterious appearance, arched the hand, but obviously it does not have this habit, the posture of arched hand is somewhat awkward.

After saying good-bye, it turns into a kind of escape light and flies in one direction.

Seeing the Golden Horn ape disappear in the sky, the ancient Xuan points in the opposite direction.

"Let's go this way."

"Why not follow it?" asked the poor afraid of saints? As long as you ask, it will not refuse.

And even if you don't follow it, there's no need to go to the opposite line of defense.

It should be knowing where the passage to the seventh state is.

It's a lot easier for us to follow it. "

Gu Xuan shook his head.

"The Golden Horn ape is powerful, but I don't trust it.

At the beginning, it appeared only to make use of me and help it to be promoted to Xuansheng.

What's more, I'm still cheating on me.

Even if it's grateful to me now, it's only temporary.

When it comes to life and death, I don't believe it will risk its life to help us.

In the end, it's a secret exchange with me.

I hang a favor in it, it's enough, at the critical moment, ask it to help, even if it's even.

What's more, if I'm right, it just doesn't want us to follow it, so it's deliberately looking for a transmission array on the sea floor.

So, we don't have to follow it. "

After listening to Gu Xuan's analysis, he nodded his head.

The poor, afraid of saints, shook his head and said, "Sheng Mi en, Dou Mi Qiu.

You are kind of alive to it.

This is too big! It's good to leave. When we meet next time, let it help you.

It's not the golden ape.

If you two don't owe each other earlier, it's a relief for both sides. "

Gu Xuan smiles.

"The poor are afraid of their predecessors, but they can see it clearly."

Gu Xuan's ideas are similar.

"Let's go and find out about the situation,.

Let's go

As soon as Gu Xuan waved his hand, his party was mighty and mighty. In the opposite direction to the Golden Horn ape, he turned into a series of escape lights and disappeared in the sky. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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