Dongfang Xue's face was solemn and solemn, and she sat cross legged before the order of ascension. The majestic soul energy gushed from her body and went towards the flying order.

At the same time, a drop of blood essence burst out from her eyebrows.

"Ao --"

a roaring sound of dragon chanting burst out from this drop of blood essence.

A looming mini dragon seems to fly out of this drop of blood essence and hovers around it.

The vast dragon power is released from the Oriental snow.

The terrifying power, unexpectedly will the dust on the ground, all circle around.

Gu Xuan looked at the snow in the East in surprise.

The strength of Dongfang snow should not be far from that of the poor and afraid of saints. However, the strength of the dragon is not what the real dragon at the peak of ordinary holy land can release.

The dragon power is not only as simple as prestige, but also has a variety of mysterious breath.

"She has a lot of potential!

I'm afraid we can't imagine our future achievements! "

Gu Xuan made a judgment in his mind.


The essence of Oriental snow falls on the order of flying.

The rising order began to tremble, as if very uneasy, as if in resistance, in the refusal of Oriental snow to recognize the Lord.

That drop of blood essence, not only did not fall into the order of ascension, there is even a sign to be thrown away.

Gu Xuan was not surprised.

This drop of blood essence, if it is so easy to integrate into the ascending order, then there is a ghost.

The order of ascending to the throne, however, did not succeed in trying to recognize the Lord. He even ate the treasure of the holy master.

It is inevitable that it is difficult to recognize the Lord.

Oriental snow show eyebrow micro Cu, she will not easily give up, no matter how to struggle to fly up, her that drop of blood essence, are constantly trying to get into it.

At the same time, with the help of Gu Xuan, her soul energy, which has become extremely majestic, is constantly trying to get into the ascending order.

Whether it's blood essence or soul energy, as long as any of them can enter the order of ascension, then the distance from recognizing the Lord's order of ascension will be a big step forward.

Oriental Snow's eyes have been closed for a long time.

At this moment, she put all her mind into the recognition of the ascending order.

Only in this way, the speed of recognizing the Lord will be faster.

As for the external affairs, she could not feel it. Even an ordinary warrior of the middle level or even the first level of the holy land could easily kill her at this time.

"What a fool, do you believe me?

I didn't even do a little defense.

However, the feeling of being trusted is really good! "

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth showed a trace of smile, and a trace of doting color flashed in his eyes.

But soon, Gu Xuan put away his smile.

His broken eyes had opened, and his eyes swept around the cave, as if through the thick soil wall, he saw the famous peak warrior of holy land.

After a few blinks of an eye at most, the fastest top martial artists of holy land will arrive.

Gu Xuan held his chin and frowned.

"If this cave is used as a fighting ground, it will be a little smaller after all.

In that case, let's enlarge it a little bit. "

In the eyes of ancient Xuan, there was a fine light.

He waved his sword.

The earth line holy power condenses on the Zhutian sword, so that the whole Zhutian sword starts to bloom with yellow light.


Zhutian sword starts to tremble.

The ancient Xuan cuts out with one sword!

A round light of earthy yellow suddenly forms, with the ancient Xuan as the center, and suddenly spreads around.

Soon, the scattered round light touched the earth wall.

Suddenly, the whole cave, at the speed visible to the naked eye, expands with the expansion of light.

After a few blinks of an eye, the original 10 Zhang round hole has already reached the size of 300 Zhang.

At this time, two top warriors of the holy land appeared in the newly expanded underground cave.

One, appeared in front of the ancient xuanzheng.

The other is behind the ancient Xuan.

At the sight of Gu Xuan, the two martial artists at the top of the holy land were surprised.

"It's you, Gu Xuan!"

Two different voices, but at the same time, seems to have tacit understanding.

"It's a coincidence that you two have met again so soon.

I really don't want to be enemies with you unless it's necessary.

After all, both of them are not weak.

It can even be said that among the top warriors in the holy land, they are the most top-notch beings! "Gu Xuan side passed the body, the rest of the corner of the eye, respectively looking at two people.

These two people, it is moving thousand mountains and hate invisible!

One is the first genius of the real world!

The other is the first genius of the Holy Land triple heaven!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

A total of 49 top warriors of the holy land also appeared in the cave and gathered together in twos and threes.

Four of them flew to Qianshan.

There are two people, toward hate invisible behind.

As for the other fighters, after landing, they just stood in their places and did not even dare to shout.

"My God, moving mountains, hate invisible, actually all are here.

It seems that the treasure is really valuable! "

"Eh, those two people who hate invisible are the sixth Ramadan hermit on the Jingsheng list, and xiangyangzi, the seventh one!"

"Look in the middle, isn't that the ancient Xuan of Jianglong city?

What is the woman next to him doing? "

At the top of the holy land, there was a lot of discussion.

Hate invisible behind, a man with a Buddha bead, staring at the ancient Xuan and Oriental snow, suddenly face a change.

"Hate brother, that woman, it seems that she is recognizing the Lord's flying order!"

Hate invisible light way: "a real dragon just, it doesn't matter, want to recognize the Lord flying order, not so simple.

If you give her half an hour, you may not succeed.

So don't worry, hermit of Ramadan. "

The Buddhist monk of Ramadan who holds the Buddha beads is relieved.

Gu Xuan turned his head slightly and looked at the moving mountains.

To be exact, they looked at the four people behind the moving Qianshan Mountain.

Those four people were the real people who stirred up the trouble in Tianqiu gorge.

"Ming zero, Ming 1, Ming 3, Ming 4, you four fools, are you still alive in the sixth place?

Those guys in zhongyuanyu are really useless! "

Gu Xuan sneered.

A cold smile.

"We can't die. Don't worry about it.

But today, you're dead.

I advise you to wake up your companion. Otherwise, he will be awakened by others later. I'm afraid that the reversion of the ascending order will drive her out of her wits! "

Ancient Xuan mouth hook.

"If you want to disturb my mind, you are still far from it."

In Gu Xuan's broken double pupil, a fine light flashed.

He swept the people present coldly.

"This flying order has been owned by this Oriental snow fairy.

All of you, you should give me Gu Xuan a face. Let's go.

Otherwise, when the three saints and the guardians of the sixth frontier come back, I don't think any of them can run away. "

Gu Xuan threatened.

Moving Qianshan sneered: "don't treat us as fools, the three saints, it's not so easy to deal with.

I can't come back for a while.

Besides, if you dare to stay, what are we afraid of?

However, time is running out, and I don't want to talk nonsense with you.

Hand over the ascending order, I will protect you and Dongfang Xue from death.

If you don't, I will kill you with my own hands , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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