Hate intangibly raised the sky Gang hammer in the hand.

The momentum of his body was also soaring.

"Tiangang hammer! That's Tiangang hammer!

It seems that brother hen is going to be serious.

Tiangang hammer out, coupled with the immortal body of the real emperor, even if the moon chasing fox appears, how can I hate my brother!

That Gu Xuan is dead! "

In Ramadan, the hermit was very surprised, to xiangyangzi.

Xiangyangzi is more excited, a pair of eyes, seems to be flashing light.

Gu Xuan's face became dignified.

Whether it's the true seal of the sky thunder moving Qianshan Mountain or the invisible Tiangang hammer, the strength of the two men has been enhanced by several percent. The next battle will be extremely dangerous.

Even though he was faced with two geniuses of the same level, he felt that he had more heart than strength.

"It seems that there is no way out!"

Gu Xuan squinted his eyes. Now, he can only release the thirty-three story Dan Hall again.

Let that Lord Saint Dan help, presumably, these two people in front of us, only scurry.

However, only a moment later, Gu Xuan would not decide this idea.

As soon as the Lord Saint Dan came out, there were too many variables. Although he could shield his perception, he could only let him see what he wanted to see.

But, after all, the order of ascension is a very special treasure. If the Lord Shengdan feels the existence of the order, it will not be worth the loss.

Gu Xuan was holding the sword of killing heaven, and his face moved. He seemed to think of something.

Gu Xuan separated a trace of mind and entered the Zhutian sword.

In Zhutian sword, in addition to Zhutian Jianling, there is another Jianling.

"Meteoric sword spirit, it's your turn!

In this battle, you will replace Zhutian Jianling, as the sword spirit of me

The voice of Gu Xuan rings in Zhutian sword.

The sword spirit of the meteoric sky sighed in embarrassment.

"I'm not as good as you.

Even if I make a move, I will make you stronger at most. Either of your two opponents is a genius of the same level as you.

It's not so easy to defeat both of them.

In particular, the hatred is invisible, or the real emperor

Gu Xuan snorted coldly.

"Do you really think I'm a fool?

I never believed that you would be as simple as you showed.

If you don't help, I'll drive you out immediately, and you can find another host. "

Gu Xuan threatened.

The spirit of the meteoric sword sighed lazily.

"Besides threats, can't you really offer something as a inducement?

Even if you don't take it, I'll be more comfortable if you draw me a cake?

I know the threat, but I don't know if I owe you in my last life? "

Meteor Sky Sword spirit complained, but the body is very honest in action.

Gu Xuan only felt that Zhutian sword suddenly sank and seemed to have become heavier. Zhutian Jianling had retreated to the second line and replaced it with meteoric sword spirit.

The momentum of Gu Xuan changed suddenly.

At this moment, he is like a sword!

An invincible sword for killing gods and demons!

"Sure enough! You're hiding your own business

Gu Xuan was angry with the meteoric sword spirit.

He felt that his strength had increased by at least 50%!

Just because the meteoric sword spirit replaced Zhutian Jianling, his own strength suddenly increased by 50%!

Gu Xuan never dared to think of such a thing.

He immediately realized that meteor sword spirit had been dishonest and did not know how many things were hidden.

"What kind of hiding? It is only these days that we have recovered a little strength.

Otherwise, in my original state, I really can't help you.

Forget it. Stop talking nonsense. Get ready quickly. It's moving mountains. It's coming!

Not good, that hate invisible together!

If you want to protect the real dragon in the back with one pair of two, you will suffer some losses after all! "

The sword spirit of the meteoric sky and the soul of the ancient Xuan communicated with each other.

Gu Xuan's heart moved.

"With your current strength, it should not be difficult to hold down the real emperor?"

"What's not difficult? It's impossible, isn't it?

You want to be beautiful. Why don't you let me rush up and kill these two people.

I'm a sword spirit. I can't give full play to my strength by myself, OK? "

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth sparked a smile.

"I see. Listen to your tone, as long as someone is in charge of zhutianjian, it is not difficult for you to hold him.

In this case, I will be separated... "

"Die! Ancient mysteryBefore Gu Xuan's words were finished, the momentum of moving Qianshan's body had reached the peak. His body moved, and the space around him trembled violently.

One after another space turbulence, in this momentum, there are signs of collapse.

One step out, moving thousands of mountains of body, it has disappeared.

Gu Xuan only felt that there was an incomparable terrible energy, which seemed to lock himself in.

"I think it's too late for you to separate yourself..."

Gu Xuan's mouth trembled: "at this time, you can't shut up, don't affect my fighting spirit?"

"Yu Lei Jing Tian Jue, Tian Lei 18 seals!"

Moving Qianshan roared and rushed to the ancient Xuan.

His two palms dance, full of nine footprints, from nine directions, flashing lightning, toward the ancient Xuanyin!

The space is broken by the palmprint.

The pupil of ancient Xuan shrinks.

His broken double pupil can clearly see the attack of Qianshan Mountain.

The attack of moving thousand mountains is not only nine fingerprints, but eighteen!

Only, there are only nine channels that can be seen by the naked eye.

The remaining nine, hidden under the visible nine fingerprints, are like shadows.

If you only guard against these nine fingerprints, the attack in the dark will blow yourself to pieces!

Gu Xuan didn't dare to neglect him and directly raised the sword of killing heaven.

"Taishangjiu Jue Gong, kill Jue Jian!"

The ancient Xuan's old skills are repeated, but the power is better than the original. I don't know how many chips.

Brush, brush!

Gu Xuan stabbed eighteen swords in a row, and only heard the sound of eighteen explosions. The "Eighteen seals of sky thunder" had been completely dissolved by Gu Xuan.

Moving Qianshan was repulsed, and his face was unbelievable.

"His strength has grown a little more than me?"

The strength has increased by 50% of the ancient Xuan, and the steady pressure has moved a thousand mountains.

But ancient Xuan, there is no space for rest.

He is facing two peerless talents of his own level!

The attack of moving Qianshan has just ended. Tiangang hammer, the real life emperor's tool in the hands of hate invisible, has been severely bombed over!

"Tiangang hammer method!"

Gu Xuan only felt that the space around him suddenly stagnated, and his body suddenly became more than a hundred times heavier.

Bang bang bang!

The void suddenly appeared.

Hate invisible hit out of the sky hammer shadow, each hammer shadow, as heavy as a mountain, toward the ancient Xuan is to blow away!

Space, become endless distortion.

Being hit by this hammer shadow, even Xuansheng will be severely damaged.

Gu Xuan took a deep breath and lifted up his sword to kill heaven!

Suddenly, the sky was full of sword shadows.

Just listen to the sound of Dangdang, and each sword shadow collides with the hammer shadow.

The ancient and the invisible.


After a thousand sound, the shadow of hammer and sword disappeared.

Ancient Xuan and hate invisible two as a general competition, entangled in the figure, this is separated.

It was a draw between the two.

Hate is invisible, but the face is solemn.

If the first thing to do to Gu Xuan is not to move Qianshan, but to him, he is the one who has just been defeated.

But he didn't give Gu Xuan any chance to breathe, so he did it. According to reason, at least he could hurt Gu Xuan.

But the result is that the deviation is too big.

Not only failed to hit Gu Xuan seriously, but also only drew with him.

If Gu Xuan didn't fight against two, I'm afraid the result would not be good.

Gu Xuan's face was a little pale.

Although the energy in his body is endless in theory, the energy in the elixir field can not even be transferred to the whole meridians in the face of two peerless talents at the same time.

What's more, the cost of fighting is enormous.

He didn't even have time to breathe.

On Zhutian sword, the light is also dim.

Just when the old force was exhausted and the new force was not born, the moving thousand mountains turned into lightning and broke out at a terrible speed and rushed towards the ancient Xuanxuan!

"If you want to hang up, you two, it's a foul to attack seamlessly like this."

Gu Xuan seemed very angry.

No one noticed that there was a glimmer of satisfaction in his mouth.

Everything is in his calculations!

Next, he should blow it up!


Moving Qianshan from the body of ancient Xuan, through the past.


Gu Xuan's body was blown apart.

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