A stream of holy power turns into a rune. It passes through Zhutian sword directly and goes into the channels of Qianshan Mountain.

Moving Qianshan only felt that his whole body's meridians had begun to close continuously.

The powerful power gained by the burning of Shouyuan also subsided and quickly retreated.

Moving Qianshan is full of unbelievable color. He, the first day of the real world, was so careless that he was pierced in the heart?

The attack of Gu Xuan's double fists has already stopped.

Because, no longer necessary.

He was staring at moving mountains.

"You seem to have forgotten the existence of my golden self."

After moving Qianshan, holding Zhutian sword, he pierced the man who moved Qianshan's body. Naturally, he was the golden Jue of guxuan.

Although he had been fighting with hate invisibly before, in fact, he had no chance to completely reshape his body since he was cut into powder.

Every time, he reshaped his body to half, and even before he started to reshape, he was destroyed by Jin Jue's sword.

In this way, nature can not kill hate invisible.

However, Jin Jue's plan to separate himself is to hold back hatred.

Then, find opportunities, cooperate with the body, will move Qianshan.

Just now, Dong Qianshan was chased by the ancient Xuan in great confusion. When he was burning Shouyuan, his whole attention was already focused on the ancient Xuan itself.

In the subconscious of moving Qianshan, there is hatred invisible. Jin Jue has no chance to attack him. Therefore, he will relax his vigilance.

In other words, most of the vigilance is put on the ancient metaphysics.

This just let Jin Jue separate body organic can take advantage of!

The meteor Sky Sword spirit and Zhutian sword easily broke the protective body suit and body protection energy of moving Qianshan Mountain, pierced his heart, and sealed his whole body energy completely.

Now, he has no escape.

In addition, the heart is pierced, which is fatal to any warrior who takes one of the holy ways.

The vitality of moving mountains is rapidly losing.

"No, master Qianshan, you can't die!"

The crowd watching the war from afar had already opened their mouths in surprise. The first thing to react to was the ghost.

One, three, four, this is the reaction.

Lord moving Qianshan is the first genius of the real world. For the real world, he is a very important person. How can he die here?

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The four men took action in unison and flew toward the moving Qianshan Mountain. They used the most powerful attack means one after another. Two attacked Jin Jue and two attacked Gu Xuan to save the mountain.

Gu Xuan and Jin Jue split up and laughed coldly at the same time.

With these four wastes, he can't insist on two moves and want to save people?

"Go away!"

Gu Xuan suddenly drank and stepped into the void with one step. His figure flashed. In the blink of an eye, he clapped four palms.

Just listen to the sound of bang bang, Ming zero four people, directly fly out.


One, three, four three, spit blood, before landing, they have been completely dead.

Only mingzero, who had a flash of light on his body, broke a defensive tongxuan Lingbao and managed to save his life.

"Damn it! No match at all!

Although moving Qianshan is very annoying, it is very important for the survival of the real world that he is alive.

I have never been willing to sacrifice myself for others. Today, I have to do something about it.

It's not like me

In the dark zero mouth blood straight, the corner of the mouth is hanging a trace of meaning inexplicable smile.

His hands bear a Dharma seal.

"The rules of the real world, apply to me!

Forbid surgery for death! "

With both hands, the power of rules belonging to the real world was released from him and from Qianshan.

Gu Xuan's eyes narrowed.

That Ming zero, actually wants to replace moving Qianshan to die.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

It is obvious that if you want to use this taboo skill, you have to pay a very tragic price.

In Gu Xuan's eyes, the ghost at the moment, even the soul, are burning.

"What a price! This is not even a chance to get out of my wits!

But after suffering endless pain, it turns into nothingness! "

Looking at this scene, Gu Xuan couldn't help admiring it.

The relationship between him and Dong Qianshan is not a close friend or relative. He is willing to die instead of Dong Qianshan for the future of the real world. Moreover, he is not qualified to go to the nether world.

"Unfortunately, it is futile to do such a thing in front of me.

If you want to save Qianshan, you are dreamingGu Xuan gave a cold smile.

Jin Jue's body was connected with Gu Xuan's mind, and he was ready to kill all the moving mountains. He died of no residue.

At the same time, on his left hand, Gu Xuan already held the jade bone of nourishing soul.

Once moving Qianshan's soul is detached and wants to escape and take possession of it, the "nourishing soul jade bone" in his hand will not hesitate to put the soul energy of moving Qianshan into it and kill it completely.

Such talented people as moving Qianshan must have many ways to protect their lives.

This is the reason why Jin Jue has not drawn out Zhutian sword for a long time.

However, at this time, Jin Jue separated himself behind him, but quietly, there was an invisible figure of hatred.

"Gu Xuan, you and you are separated, you really play me as a monkey!"

Hate invisible face, is not good-looking.

Gu Xuan only sent a sub body and held him back.

It made him feel ashamed.

If you have been dragging him, that's it. At the same time, you even take off to attack Qianshan, which is not just to make him lose face.

This is from the beginning to the end. I don't look up to myself at all!

No matter where we go, we all enjoy the general treatment of the stars and the moon. It's a shame to hate!

He turned to Jin Jue, and he punched out!


Jin Jue didn't respond to return at all, so he was hit in the back and broke away with a bang.

Zhutian sword has lost the control of Jin Jue's body, and the power of the spirit of meteor sky sword can no longer be exerted.

The golden light, quickly darkened.

In the body of moving Qianshan, the runes that sealed its power lost their function in an instant.

The pupil of ancient Xuan shrinks.

I didn't expect that hatred would come to bad things at such a time. It's troublesome.

Moving Qianshan now, only half of his life is left. If you don't take the opportunity to kill it, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

I'm afraid there will never be such a good opportunity.

Moving in the eyes of Qianshan, he regained a bit of spirit.

"Gu Xuan, today's hatred will be redoubled in the future!"

Moving Qianshan sneer, all of a sudden, there is a breath of destruction.


His body exploded.

However, the power of the explosion is not strong.

At the same time, the constant scream of hell, finally stopped.

his eyes as like as two peas changed, and the expression between them became almost the same as moving Qianshan.

Gu Xuan suddenly looked at the dark zero.

In other words, it is the soul energy that enters the moving Qianshan Mountain of the body!

"This is a good body.

Before long, my strength will recover.

Gu Xuan, when the time comes, I will kill you

Moving Qianshan put out harsh words, the body gushed out of space fluctuations, as if in a flash, disappeared in place.

There was no breath of him in the cave.

Until then, the figure of ancient Xuan, in a burst of spatial fluctuations, this appeared in the location of moving Qianshan.

"It's a pity that it's still a step too late to move Qianshan Mountain."

Gu Xuan frowned.

Naturally, he can and is sure to catch up with him. However, the most important task now is not to kill thousands of mountains, but to protect the eastern snow.

Hate invisible cold stare at the ancient Xuan.

"The account between us should also..."

Before he finished his words, a few majestic breath suddenly appeared.

Several figures seem to come out of the deep space.

Gu Xuan's mouth twitched a few times.

"How could the three saints come out so soon?"

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