Jin Shengzun flew between the wood saint and the earth saint and seemed to be communicating with them.

A moment later, the faces of the wooden and the earth saints were already full of unwilling colors.

How can they be reconciled when others get the order?

However, in the current situation, there is no way to be reconciled.

If they were the leaders of the Eight Immortals in their prime, they would not pay attention to them.

Unfortunately, they have consumed more than half of their strength.

In addition, Gu Xuan is here. I don't know how long it will take.

Dongfang Xue, only half a minute away, can recognize the master's flying order.

In any case, the ascension order will not belong to them.


Mu Shengzun stares at Gu Xuan and snorts coldly. It turns into a escaping light and flies upward and disappears from the cave.

Tu Shengzun followed him. Before leaving, he also took a cold look at Gu Xuan, as if to say that it was not over.

Jin Shengzun looks at Gu Xuan with a smile on his face.

"Gu Xuan, you are very good. You don't lose the face of the water saint.

Looking forward to seeing you in level nine.

Finally, I'll give you some advice.

The evil ancestor shizhixuan will set an ambush in the seventh state. Be careful. "

Gu Xuan bowed his hand to Jin Shengzun.

"Thank you very much for reminding me. I will be careful.

Shi Zhixuan is not simple. Lord Jin, you should be careful. "

Jin Shengzun laughed.

"Don't worry. When you get to the seventh level, the five element saints will gather together. No matter how strong the stone pavilion is, it's only for you to retreat."

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly and said curiously, "so, the three saints are not fighting for the order of flying to the eighth place?"

Jin Shengzun nodded.

"Of course, the role of the order of ascension is not just a direct link to the eighth level.

Otherwise, how can we attract the three of us?

Our five element saints, the real battlefield, is in the ninth state.

As for the eighth level, it can only be regarded as the starting point of Xuansheng level warrior.

Only when they reach the Ninth level can they guarantee that they will be on the list of burning heaven saints and have a ranking. "

Gu Xuan nodded and laughed.

"I see. I don't know if you can give me some advice. What's the magic effect of the flying order? "

Jin Shengzun shook his head, but there was a mysterious smile on his face.

"I can't reveal it. You can only let your confidant think about it.

I'll see you later


Jin Shengzun turned into a golden escape light, like a meteor, flying upward and disappeared in the cave.

Gu Xuan held his chin and looked at the snow in the East, revealing the color of thinking.

"Boss, guess where we went before?

Who did you meet again? "

Little green jumped to Gu Xuan's side with excitement and a mysterious smile on her face.

Seeing Xiaolv's mysterious smile, Gu Xuan immediately remembered Jin Shengzun's mysterious smile. He was not angry, and he was rewarded with a sudden shudder.


Little green showed her teeth in pain.

Small lotus root touched the head, just listen to that "Dong" sound, all feel headache.

The boss is more and more moody now.

What do you think of Xiao Green's words just now?


All of a sudden, the space in the whole underground cave trembled suddenly.

The source of the tremor is, of course, the location of the Oriental snow.

The ascending order turned into a metal token flashing blue light.

A mysterious breath, in its body rotation.

And it's spinning around the snow in the East.

At this moment, the Oriental snow seems to blend with the rising order, and the body is also shining with blue light, beautiful.

Oriental snow suddenly opened his eyes, eyes, a wisp of blue essence flash.

She suddenly got up and felt that her body seemed to become extremely light, and she could not help but rise from the sky.

Dongfang Xue said in surprise, "Gu Xuan, I think the Lord has succeeded!

In this order of ascension, there is a teleportation array that leads directly to the eighth state.

However, at most three people are allowed to pass.

How about it? Do you want to use it? I'll listen to you

Ancient Xuan step out, close to the horizon.

He went to Dongfang Xue and looked at the flying order.

On the order of ascension, it revealed a kind of intoxicating light, which was mysterious, and gave him a feeling of profound, no way to see through.Gu Xuan thought for a moment and said with a smile, "three people, too few.

I don't think so.

There are secrets in the order of ascension, which is up to you to explore.

Believe it, this secret must be of great use. "

East snow smell speech, mercilessly nodded.

"However, Gu Xuan, you must have suffered a lot in order to let me recognize the Lord's ascending order.

This underground cave has become hundreds of times bigger. The battle just now must be very fierce, right?

I feel guilty in my heart, but I am the one who gets the benefit when you fight with others. "

Gu Xuan joked: "just now, when the enemy saw me protecting you, they said you were my confidant.

If you feel guilty, you should be my confidant and repay me. "

East Snow's face flushed with crimson.

When Gu Xuan's confidant, her heart 10000 willing.

"Since you say so, I'll answer..."

Dongfang Xue's words have not finished, was interrupted.

Little green and lotus root, do not know when, jumped to the blood moon above, shouting.

"Boss, you are a thing. What is it?

Is it a new treasure? I feel that there is a very strong force in it

"Boss, is that Red Pavilion in your hand a toy for me?"

Gu Xuan's mouth trembled.

This is the blood moon Pavilion. In your eyes, the blood moon Pavilion, which almost destroyed the three saints, has become a toy?

Gu Xuan turned his head and waved the blood moon Pavilion. He called the blood moon over.

"You two idiots, get down here.

Add up to more than ten thousand years old, how can you still look like a child?

This is not a toy. It's the blood moon. It's called out by the blood moon Pavilion. It has infinite power.

I just got it. I don't know how to use it.

If you touch the attack, I will miss you on this day next year, your memorial day. "

Gu Xuan threatened.

Small green and small lotus root one Zheng, flurried from the blood month above jump down.

"Honey, is this so scary?

I'm only 100000 years old, and I don't want to die. "

The lotus root patted the breast.

Little green touched his bald head and gave him a big white eye.

"It's because of you, the old thing, that the two of us together will be over 100000 years old.

The real dragon is not old yet

Small lotus root also roll eyes.

"That's why you are so naive. It's not just that there's no hair on your mouth, not even on your head. "

Small green is very angry, and opens his mouth is a dragon chant, revealing the head of the real dragon.

Mouth, two long green whiskers, with the small green swing head, and constantly swing.

"What's not hairy? What are these two green ones?

Slap in the face? No

Little green looks unreasonable.

Gu Xuan slapped him in the face.


"I will satisfy you! If you don't think it's enough, keep it like this. It's hot eyes

Gu Xuan scolded.

"Well, stop making trouble and tell me about it. Where have you been these days?

What happened again?

All of you are at the top of the holy land, which is too exaggerated. "

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