Gu Xuan's voice seems to be angry, but anyone who is familiar with Gu Xuan can recognize that he is not very angry.

Because, his soul energy, has been going up and down, Zai Zai carefully looked at several times.

The visitor is just a black Jiao.

A black Jiao at the peak level of the holy land, Gu Xuan can kill a group of them.

However, because of the small green, Gu Xuan now has a good feeling for the fierce animals like Jiao.

Soon, the black Jiao is San San to Gu Xuan in front of, a face uneasy appearance.

"The little black Jiao is the bodyguard of the sixth frontier. I've met master Gu Xuan."

Black Jiao is obviously afraid of the ancient Xuan.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "do you know me?"

The black Jiao talks up a smile.

"Ancient Xuan's heroic demeanor is naturally recognized.

I've seen the battle in the cave a little bit from a distance. "

Gu Xuan quipped: "it's the man who pursues the moon. So you want to avenge it?

After all, I have a share in the death of chasing the moon. "

Black Jiao was shocked.

"Mr. Gu Xuan, you misunderstood me. Even if you have a hundred guts, I don't dare to fight with you!

In the world of fierce beasts, the weak eat the strong. The pursuit of the moon also killed the former sixth frontier guard and became the new town keeper.

Since you have killed the moon chaser, even if you want to be the guardian of the sixth frontier, it's easy. "

Gu Xuan disdained to smile.

The so-called guardians of the sixth frontier are just prisoners placed here by the law of heaven.

I'm not interested in being a prisoner.

"Since you are not here for revenge, I ask you, what do you want to do here?

It's better not to tell lies, or I'll know. "

A dangerous smile flashed across the corner of Gu Xuan's mouth.

His eyes, like falcons, firmly lock the black Jiao.

Black Jiao nods hastily, express oneself won't lie.

"I'm here for the same purpose.

It's all for this array.

This array is the source of power for chasing the moon.

The moon chasing is dead. I just want to get the treasure of chasing the moon with my companion. "

The soul energy of ancient Xuan always enveloped the black Jiao. When he saw that black Jiao said this, there was no unusual performance or soul fluctuation. He had decided that the black Jiao's words were true.

"Oh? Do you know how to get into this array? "

Ancient metaphysics is a wonder.

Black Jiao said: "this array is quite strange. If you want to go in, you can't go from here.

You have to transmit the array from a place in the feisheng hall. "

Gu Xuan's eyes were awe inspiring.

Feisheng hall is a temple in the sixth realm, which can not be entered by the martial arts of Xuansheng level.

The treasure of feisheng hall is feisheng order.

In order to get the flying order out of it, the moon chasing specially gathered the warriors who wanted to participate in the holy list contest to the bottom of the sea and led them to the feisheng hall.

Sure enough, a group of top martial artists from the holy land brought out the order of ascension from the feisheng hall, which led to the following things.

Now, feishengdian even the town hall of the treasure of the ascension order are not, no one has made its idea.

But Gu Xuan didn't expect that to enter the array in front of him, he had to enter from the transmission array in feisheng hall.

Gu Xuan thought for a moment, and a little anger flashed in his eyes.

"No, black Jiao, are you kidding me?

You can only enter from feisheng hall. What are you doing here?

Don't tell me, the entrance of feisheng hall is also here? "

The black Jiao talks up a smile.

"The entrance of feisheng hall, of course, is not here.

I'm here to meet my companion, haiyasha.

He is now, in this array!

Half an hour ago, he had already entered this array. "

Gu Xuan was surprised.

I didn't expect that when I was here thinking hard about breaking the array, there were already people in this array.

When I think of how to break the battle, I'm afraid all the treasures are looted.

Fortunately, it's better to come earlier than to come at the right time. The black Jiao's companion was blocked by himself.

In this way, maybe you don't have to go in and get the treasures inside.

However, the premise is that the companion of black Jiao can bring out the things inside.

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth sparked a smile.

"How can he come out of this array?"

Black Jiao obviously hesitated for a moment. Obviously, he had already guessed Gu Xuan's intention.No matter what haiyasha can get, I'm afraid, it will belong to guxuan.

Black Jiao didn't want to say that, unfortunately, people had to bow their heads under the eaves.

The one in front of me can fight with the moon chaser. Even if he is not Xuansheng, he is a higher rank than his followers.

"It's very troublesome to go in, but it's much easier to get out," he said.

You don't need to go to feishengdian, you just need to find an array base of this array. He is in the array, and I am outside the array. At the same time, I inject a drop of blood essence into the array base. Then, we can temporarily form a space channel of half a second at that array base.

When the time comes, he will fly out in time

Hearing the speech, Gu Xuan suddenly felt a sense of sudden opening.

"Wonderful, this array contains the mystery of yin and Yang.

We just need to find an array base representing Yin and inject a drop of blood essence into it. The essence blood contains vitality and represents Yang.

In this way, at least at the base of the array, yin and Yang will be disordered immediately, forming a temporary flaw.

However, it is not easy to find an array base representing Yin?

Even if it was me, it would take a long time for you to find it easily? "

Gu Xuan looks suspicious and looks at the black Jiao.

Heijiao quickly explained: "if we only rely on observation and deduction, haiyasha and I can't find an array base even for 100 years.

However, we also know a little about the mystery of this array from the moon chaser.

Later, the moon chaser entered this array, and when he came out of this array, I was also in the outside world.

Therefore, I remember the position of the array base, and then I will try with haiyasha to find the treasures. "

Gu Xuan nodded. To get out of this array with the method just mentioned by black Jiao, it really needs the cooperation of two people.

It's reasonable to let the black Jiao cooperate with the pursuit of the moon.

Moreover, it seems that this black Jiao is deeply trusted by the moon.

Unfortunately, the cultivation world is so realistic.

I'm afraid the black Jiao has already colluded with haiyasha to seize the treasure of chasing the moon.

"What is that treasure?"

Gu Xuan asked faintly. He had lost his good face to the black Jiao.

Black Jiao is still respectful.

"It's a space snail, a space snail from the secret place of blood moon!

The moon chaser is relying on this space to provide endless energy for him , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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