There are endless seamounts. If there is no sea water around, it is just like entering the mountains.

However, in this high mountain range, what grows is not flowers and trees, but countless undersea plants, all kinds of seaweed, seaweed, coral, vines, constantly swaying.

Gu Xuan and his party stopped in front of a mountain range.

In the mountains, many warriors have gathered, and they are almost all heading in one direction.

From the conversation of some warriors, Gu Xuan and his party heard clearly that they were heading for a transmission array leading to the seventh frontier.

There are five teleportation arrays leading to the sixth state.

On the only island in the sixth territory, there are two transmission arrays. However, the two transmission arrays are either destroyed or hidden by the pursuit of the moon.

Anyway, if you want to go to the seventh place, you can only go from the bottom of the sea.

Under the sea, there are three transmission arrays.

Obviously, among these seamounts, there is a transmission array leading to the seventh frontier.

"What's more, there should be a [cultivation cave] near the transmission array here."

The secret way in Gu Xuan's heart.

At that time, the hundreds of warriors in the city of Jianglong will have to stay in the holy cave and practice well until the end of Shengbang Dabi.

The seventh place is not a place where the Dragon guards of the city can go at will.

Even, Gu Xuan was already considering whether to leave song xiaodai, Princess yunyun and others in the holy cave of cultivation?

"Let's go in!"

Under the leadership of Gu Xuan, a group of more than 100 warriors, moving towards the direction of the surrounding warriors, is to fly quickly.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

A group of people flew straight ahead, and they met a famous warrior, a fierce beast, to avoid one after another.

Among them, many warriors and fierce beasts have seen the strength of ancient Xuan outside the triple heaven Saint island. Few of them dare to engage in evil with him.

Along the way, Gu Xuan saw many slightly familiar faces.

Of course, it's just "familiarity" that has once met, not cognition.

He had seen many warriors, even some fierce beasts, outside the Holy Island of triple heaven.

With his unforgettable memory, when he saw these warriors and fierce beasts again, the scene when they met before came back to his mind.

But that's all.

After emerging, Gu Xuan soon forgot these people.

These people are too weak to remember them unless necessary.

Soon, Gu Xuan and his party arrived at the core of these seamounts.

Here, it is a flat land.

A transmission array, which stands out in the middle of the plain without any cover up, seems to be afraid that no one will know that this is a transmission array.

On the plain, there are groups of warriors and fierce beasts, and the total number is no less than 10000.

"Brother Gu, look there!"

Ouyang butterfly frowned and pointed in a direction.

Gu Xuan followed the direction of Ouyang butterfly's finger and looked at the past.

In the distance, there are more than 3000 warriors in an orderly manner.

First of all, they are familiar faces.

These are not the familiar faces with one-sided relationship, but the real "familiar faces".

Gu Xuan's eyes, when looking at the past, the familiar faces also looked at him.

"The people of zhongyuanyu have already arrived here first."

He who is poor and afraid of saints smiles coldly.

"Li Tian, Tuan Lao, Yun Sheng, Ru Dao Sheng Zi, Ming Chen Sheng Zi, Kong Tong Sheng Zi, and Jiu San Ren, the nine elders of the last generation of Bai Lao Tuan.

In addition, there are three thousand martial artists in the holy land. Tut, this lineup is really not weak. "

Oriental snow frowned.

"Ancient Xuan, the people of Zhongyuan Region, are they enemies?

I don't think it's easy to deal with. "

Gu Xuan said with a faint smile: "it's really hard to deal with, but they should not be stupid enough to fight with me here.

Otherwise, some people will benefit from it. "

Gu Xuan looked in another direction.

They followed Gu Xuan's eyes and looked at the past.

Just thousands of feet away from Zhongyuan area, there is a team of nearly 1000 people.

These thousands of martial artists, intentionally or unintentionally, looked at a group of martial artists in the Zhongyuan Region, and their facial expressions were not good.

"This is the alliance of the warriors of the Holy Land triple heaven, and its strength is not weak. I'm afraid the leaders are the older generation of the strongmen of the Holy Land triple heaven.

Look at their momentum, at least they are the top three ranks of Jingsheng list.

It seems that they have become enemies with zhongyuanyu. "

Oriental snow smiles.

At the beginning, he had seen the people of zhongyuanyu and the people of Zhenjie. Nearly half of the warriors died in zhongyuanyu, but there were nearly 5000 people left.But now, there are only 3000 left, which is obviously the result of the feud with the Holy Land triple heavenly warrior alliance.

The smile on Gu Xuan's face is still plain.

He narrowed his eyes and swept over the leading warriors in front of the triple heaven warrior alliance.

The alliance of warriors, even though it has killed two thousand warriors in the Zhongyuan Region, can still survive. I'm afraid these leaders are really not simple.

Otherwise, with the character of Li Tian and Tuan Lao, how can we accommodate the more than 1000 people in the Martial Arts Alliance?

We should have rushed to kill all these people. This is the most normal situation.

Although the remaining 6000 warriors and fierce beasts were also divided into many small groups, there were no more than 1000.

The number of the third team is a fierce beast team, but there are only 500, which is half less than that of the Martial Arts Alliance.

In this case, the 3000 warriors in the Zhongyuan Region are still the largest team, and I am afraid the overall strength is also the strongest.

Gu Xuan held his chin and analyzed:

"the trip to the holy land of nine times in Zhongyuan Region has gained more than we imagined.

Although most of them are at the initial stage of the holy land, it is hard to imagine how terrible such a team would be if they returned to the burning land.

At that time, even the Ouyang family will be far less than Zhongyuan domain. "

Ouyang Huadie frowned and said, "it's also impossible. Because of the deep foundation of Zhongyuan Region, they have already prepared to participate in the holy list competition, and tens of thousands of people have come in.

Only a hundred people have come to our Ouyang family.

However, with elder brother Gu there, what is my family afraid of? "

Ouyang Huadie tries to make a face of flower maniac.

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth trembles, and Shengsheng moves his eyes away from Ouyang flower butterfly.

This little girl, more and more like to tease people!


The poor and afraid of saints suddenly look at Gu Xuan.

"Gu Xuan boy, you said the transmission array is there. What are you waiting for?

If you want to enter or not, you should go to find the holy cave of cultivation, and settle down those who do not want to go to the seventh state.

What are you going to do here

Gu Xuan shook his head.

"I don't know about it, but I'll soon know it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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