"The transmission array has been affected by blood and is becoming more and more dangerous.

We must find out the law as soon as possible, and send hundreds of martial artists from the city of Jianglong into the holy cave of cultivation. "

The light in Gu Xuan's eyes flowed, staring at the transmission array, and continued to deduce.

As for the light of the sixth frontier guardian's order, Gu Xuan did not intend to fight for it.

There are too many people vying for it. I'm afraid we can't tell the result for a while. If we join in, we will only make the situation more chaotic.

Hate invisible three people, Tuan Laoren and jiusanren, three old strong players of triple tianwuzhe alliance, and countless other warriors and fierce beasts, this big scuffle is destined to take a long time to come to a conclusion.

Just then, all of a sudden, an old man with broken arm laughed.

By chance, the light of the guardian's order fell into his hands.

"Ha ha, the guardian order is mine!

I am the new guardian of the sixth level! "

The old man with broken arms laughs and wants to make the guardian recognize the Lord.

However, without action, the light in his hand suddenly burst out a powerful force, which even penetrated his only palm and flew out.

The old man with broken arm screamed.

He never thought, was caught in the hands of the guardian order, unexpectedly will fly out.

"Bad old man, just because you want to be the new guard of the sixth level, you are dreaming!"

Three old strong, appeared in the arm broken behind the old man, each clapped a hand, it will be broken into pieces.

Hate invisible looking at the constant pursuit of the defenders of the light of the warriors and fierce beasts, eyes showed a trace of irony.

"The guardian, though not wise, has the instinct to choose a strong master.

The guardian, at least, is a post set by the law of heaven, not all cats and dogs can recognize the Lord.

If you want to be a guardian of the sixth frontier, you must get the approval of the guardian's order.

You are still far from it

Hatred mocks the people.

"It's really shameless. If you hate the invisible, what qualifications do you have to say that in front of my group?"

Group old robe a wave, staring at hate invisible eyes, very cold.

Hate invisible cold smile.

"Zhongyuan Yutuan old man, you are not only disgusting in appearance, but also full of feces.

I'll show you now whether I have the right to recognize the order of the Lord and the guardian! "


Hate invisible step out, the body as if into a meteor general, speed to a unimaginable point.

People only feel that in the sight, there is a competition stroke, hate invisible has appeared in the guardian order by the light.

Through such a long time of observation, he has seen thoroughly and incomparably the movement track and law of the light of the guardian's order.

Right hand forward a probe, hate invisible will be ready to guard the order to grasp the hand.

"Stop it!"

Group old a burst of drink, body into streamer, burst out a strong momentum, toward hate invisible is rushed.

The fierce sword spirit burst out from him.

"A sword flies a fairy!"

The terrible invisible sword Qi turns into a huge invisible sword, which is like cutting through the whole ocean and attacking towards the invisible hate.

Where the sword passed, the sea water was divided into two parts, making the sea bottom a vacuum!

The power of this sword is enough to kill gods and demons!

Hate invisible seems to be indifferent to the general, the right hand is still toward the guardian of the light by the exploration, will be firmly in the hand.

At this time, the invisible sword was only a foot away from his body.

Hate invisible at this critical moment, the corner of his mouth raised a smile, his left hand turned into a palm knife, directly cut off the right hand palm, and threw it to the Ramadan monk.

The monk of Ramadan took it over and broke out with incomparable speed, far away from the invisible body of hate.



A sound of flesh and blood being penetrated sounded, and the invisible body of hate was cut by the invisible sword. At the same time, it exploded and became fragments.

A famous warrior looked at the scene in surprise, not knowing why.

However, this scene fell into Gu Xuan's eyes, but it was Gu Xuan's heart full of admiration.

Hate invisible is the first day of the Holy Land triple heaven. He uses the true emperor's spirit body to perfection.

The immortal body should be used like this!

No matter how strong the attack is, how can it be?

From the beginning to the end, hate has no intention to resist. When he cuts off his right palm, his original body is already equivalent to an empty shell.

And the real body is the broken palm!

In Ramadan, the monk threw the broken palm to his body. The broken palm grew into arms, shoulders, neck, upper body and lower body at the speed visible to the naked eye.Almost in the blink of an eye, hate the invisible body, then appear again in front of the public.

There was a sound of exclamation.

Many martial artists began to feel that it was too difficult to kill them just because of the invisible hatred.

Only one arm of the body can be remodeled. How can you kill such a warrior?

Group old face iron blue, there is a kind of teased feeling, anger incomparable.

"If you have the courage, you can fight me with real swords and guns. What kind of skill is it to rely on the true emperor's body?"

Hate invisible looking at the light in his hand, sneered:

"when I recognize the guardian token and become the guardian, then I will play with you zhongyuanyu!

Then don't run away

Old Tuan's face was very gloomy.

"Dare you threaten me? Do you really think that if you become the guardian of the sixth frontier, you will be invincible?

If you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end! "

Hate invisible sneer, did not say much, a magnificent soul energy, toward the guardian is covered and gone.

The light of the guardian suddenly becomes dim. The guardian makes the original appearance appear in the invisible hand of hatred.

This is a blue token, like water, rippling with waves.

The force of the surrounding heaven and earth seems to be affected by it, and it is extremely extraordinary to gather towards it.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

More than ten figures, start!

The three old brands of the Martial Arts Alliance, namely, Tuan Lao, Jiu San Ren, poor and afraid of saints, Dongfang Xue and others, all rushed to hate formless with lightning speed, and wanted to make a final effort to seize the defender's token.

These ten strong men are all at the top level of the holy land. Their strength is terrible, but they have no fear of hatred.

As long as the guardian is ordered to recognize the Lord, even if he is the real emperor, he can also use the power of heaven and earth to make a tiger grow stronger. How can he fear more enemies if Xuan Sheng is not there?

Gu Xuan was still indifferent to this.

After such a long time of deduction, he has a little insight into the changes that have taken place on the transmission array.

The guardian's order doesn't really matter. In the seventh state, it's useless at all.

What's more, after becoming a guardian, if you don't become a Xuansheng, you can leave the sixth realm, or two words.

At the end of the day, most of them still have to give up their position as guardians before they can go to the seventh frontier.

The only advantage is the opportunity to get ahead of everyone, find out the rules of the transmission array and get the first chance.


Gu Xuan suddenly raised his head and looked at the invisible direction of hatred.

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