Gu Xuan's eyes swept over a famous warrior.

Although he was hurt, he didn't mean to leave. Obviously, there are still some powerful means to be used.

The potential of the real emperor is much greater than that of the martial arts in the holy land.

The three old strong players of the wuzhe alliance are also staring at Gu Xuan and eager to try. They will show their killing moves at any time and rush forward.

The regiment and jiusanren, not to mention, are already getting ready. I'm afraid they are the first ones to attack.

As for other powerful warriors and fierce beasts, they are in a state of encirclement, or close to the ancient Xuan, or to a group of warriors in Jianglong city. It is also possible to attack at any time.

Gu Xuan looked at the guardian's order in his hand. It was still shaking, but it was not as violent as before.

Gu Xuan deliberately held the guard's order in the fist he had just attacked. He was using the invisible power of hatred to completely suppress the guardian's order. Now it seems that the effect is good.

After a while and a half, the guardian will be recognized by the Golden Horn ape.

"But it's not very good."

Gu Xuan looked around at a group of martial artists and fierce beasts, and felt a sense of absurdity in his heart.

It's like a mammoth, looking at countless mole ants, waving their teeth and claws at their feet, ready to attack themselves.

Gu Xuan sighed for a long time.

As expected, I am still too kind.

"I just want to be quiet and observe the pattern of the transmission array.

You can't satisfy me with such a simple request? "

Gu Xuan looked at hate invisible, step out gently, it is close to the end of the world.

There was nothing to see where he had gone.

"In fact, I only use half of my strength to fight with you, because I need to divide at least half of my mind to monitor the spirit of meteoric sword, so as not to engage in East and West in the process of killing Heaven Sword.

Why don't you know what to do? "

In the mouth of the ancient Xuan whispered, appeared in hate invisible behind.

"I just think that you and I are both true emperors. It's not easy to cultivate, and there is no deep hatred. I don't want to destroy you completely.

But in your eyes, the killing intention against me can't even cover it up. "

Gu Xuan reached out his right hand and picked up the star hand, which appeared in his hand.

Gu Xuan specially explained that he wanted to make the star picking hand a top-grade tongxuan Lingbao. Just now, he succeeded.

Gu Xuan's right hand, blooming golden light, as dazzling as the sun, toward hate invisible shoulder, is slowly exploring.

Of course, it just seemed slow. In fact, Gu Xuan's attack speed was so fast that it was hard to imagine. Even though he was afraid of invisible strength, he could not react to it.

It's a mysterious feeling.

Hate invisible face big change, he suddenly felt that time and space, like two extremely heavy chains, bound him severely.

He wanted to move and escape, and he wanted to turn around to fight back, but he couldn't do it. He could only watch Gu Xuan's right hand fall on his shoulder.


It seems like a gentle pat, but the power contained in it is just like a huge mountain pressing down.

That powerful force, in hate invisible body, explodes.

Hate the invisible body, into the sky dust.

A grain of saffron, while far away from the ancient Xuan, while growing larger.

Hate the invisible head, take the lead in remodeling success.

He glared at Gu Xuan.

"You can't kill me!

I am the true emperor. Even if it turns into dust or dust, I can recover! "

Hate invisible while roaring, while opening his mouth, spit out his real life emperor tool - Tiangang hammer!

Tiangang hammer aims at Gu Xuan from afar, and it is suddenly smashed out!

The invisible vigorous Qi, like the water of the Taotao River, is attacking the ancient mystery!

Gu Xuan shook his head and sighed.

"Why don't you understand?

Did I forget how I hurt you?

I am not only the real emperor, but also a warrior in the holy land.

The power alone, whether it is the power of the real emperor or the power of the holy land, can not kill you in a short time.

But what if the power of the two together? "

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth raised a sneer like smile, and stepped forward, unexpectedly facing the terrible vigorous Qi that invaded, he rushed towards the hatred invisibly.

Gu Xuan's whole body is full of golden light, just like a Buddha arhat, and goes forward without hesitation.

At the same time, the most violent force of time and space flowed on him.

All of a sudden, Gu Xuan seemed to have become illusory, virtual or real, and his existence could not be seen clearly by the naked eye.

The soul energy, is unable to detect his existence.No one can see clearly, his movement track, he has appeared in front of Tiangang hammer.

The terrible invisible vigorous Qi did not cause any damage to him.

He raised his right fist and blew it out!



Tiangang hammer burst.

Hate invisible just reshaped the waist of the body, suddenly a tremor, as sculpture by collision in general, began to fragment.

"How could it be? You've smashed my instrument

Big mouth of blood, from hate invisible mouth out.

As soon as Zhenming emperor's utensils were broken, his foundation was shaken, and his spirit body could not even play a role.

"The way of time and space, the way of gold, Shangpin tongxuan Lingbao, plus the power of the real emperor, you are all integrated together.

It's no wonder that my instrument will be broken

Hate invisible eyes showed the color of despair, from the Tiangang hammer broken instant transmission of information, let him on the strength of the ancient Xuan, has given birth to endless fear.

To what extent should a warrior be gifted, how many opportunities, how much will he have, and how many hardships can he achieve such a perfect integration of so many "Tao"?

"At the end of your life, your understanding of me has finally become clearer."

With a faint smile, Gu Xuan still blows out the same punch.


The power of time and space, around the fist, as if to crush the world.

Jinxing holy power is perfectly integrated into the star picking hand.

Plus the inherent power of baquan.

Gu Xuan's fist, strong to an extreme, also fast to an extreme.

With hate invisible today's physical condition, he can not stop.


Hate the invisible body, once again burst.

He still turned into dust.

However, everyone knows that this time the hatred is invisible and can never be recovered.

Hate the invisible spirit, has been completely exhausted.

The breath in his body has completely disappeared.

A group of warriors and fierce beasts watching the war felt confused.

Gu Xuan killed a real emperor!

Ramadan hermit and xiangyangzi, full of fear in their eyes, burned Shouyuan directly, and fled to the distance.

Gu Xuan's action did not stop.

He turned his head slightly and looked at the direction of the three old strong players in the wuzhe alliance.

Their faces changed, but then they all gave a sneer.


The three turned around and flew in the direction of all the people in the city.

They want to take the people of Jianglong city as hostages, disturb Gu Xuan's mind and force him to submit.

"You three old things are really not good things."

There was a chill in Gu Xuan's eyes.

The force of time and space erupted on him.

When Gu Xuan took a step forward, his body melted into water, as if he were integrated with the sea water. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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