The seventh state is the world of wood and soil.

Gu Xuan and his party appeared above a forest and fell on the crown of a giant tree.

At the entrance, there are lush trees and giant vines that cling to the trees.

These trees, each of them, can be called towering trees.

The giant tree at the foot of a line of more than 100 warriors, even if it is not the first, it is definitely one of the top three.

But in this seventh state, it seems that it is only medium-sized.

The crown of some of the larger trees is like a huge arena, where many fierce beasts live.

"How did it fall here? There's no sense of teleportation or space

The poor and afraid of saints look at the distance and smack their tongue.

Gu Xuan gave a faint smile.

"This shows that there is no fixed exit for the transmission array from the sixth to the seventh.

We were left here at random.

Otherwise, no matter how fast the Tuan Laoren and jiusanren of zhongyuanyu run, they will leave some traces.

I don't believe that with their present strength, they can hide so perfectly that even I have completely concealed it. "

Gu Xuan has just swept the surrounding ten miles with soul energy. However, he has not found any breath of martial arts.

That is to say, those who have entered the seventh frontier are the first ones to arrive near here.

The poor fear Saint stroked his beard and nodded.

"In this way, the old group and Jiusan people are really lucky.

When it comes to luck, our luck is not bad.

Compared with the first six states, the danger level of this seventh state has increased by an unknown number of times.

We were thrown here, at least safe. "

Ouyang flower butterfly said with a smile: "yes, maybe, the people of Zhongyuan domain have been thrown into some dangerous place, and they can't die any more."

Gu Xuan shrugged.

"Who can tell? However, one thing is certain.

That is, you were wrong. We are not safe here.

Look there

Gu Xuan suddenly turned his head and pointed to a direction.

The crowd looked puzzled and looked at the past.

At the edge of the sky, a fierce beast, like a dark cloud, flew over.

"I'll go! Why are there so many birds and beasts? What are those things? "

The poor, afraid of saints, said in surprise.

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes and searched the memory in his brain quickly.

"The tiger beaked bird has the word" King "on its forehead, and its beak is three feet long. Once it pecks, it can penetrate even space.

The feathers are as hard as meteorite iron. Apart from tongxuan Lingbao, they can't even hurt a single hair.

Look at this, at least a thousand beaked birds are coming

Their faces changed slightly.

This is the proper holy land, the top level fierce beast!

East snow eyebrows light frown.

"I also know that this fierce beast, every flock of tiger beaked birds, has a leader under his command.

Their leader, the king of tiger beaked bird, is at the top level of the holy land, but its strength is absolutely superior to the sum of the rest of the tiger beaked birds

The one who was afraid of saints said in surprise: "in this way, it is definitely the existence of fierce beasts in the early stage of Xuansheng.

It seems that our luck is not good. We met such a group of fierce flat haired animals.

Shall we avoid them or fight them? "

Gu Xuan disdained a smile and raised a golden stone in his hand.

"There is no need to avoid such a group of garbage beasts.

Even if it's a really fierce beast at the first stage of Xuansheng, I'm sure to kill it, let alone not to mention it.

Moreover, when we enter the teleportation array, the golden horned ape has fully recognized the Lord of the sixth level guardians.

This thing is really useful to it. Now, it is constantly recovering its strength.

With my help, he should be able to wake up in an hour at most.

We won't leave until he wakes up. "

At this point, Gu Xuan stopped for a while, and a light flashed through his mind.

"By the way, don't you think that in front of such a strong enemy, our dragon guards can grow up faster?"

Xiao ou, Xiao green, rhubarb and 9527 all look stiff at the same time, recalling the miserable and inhumane years in the ninth state.

At that time, heixuan was also holding the purpose of training them, so that they could live in the heat of the water. I don't know how many times they fought.

And, many times, they were seriously injured and even thought they were dead.

Now, they can't help shivering at the thought of heixuan.

Then, it is a devil like existence.Now, is the boss going to evolve like that?

"No, we should adjust our mentality. We are now at the top of the holy land.

The so-called bitter sweet, that is it!

Now, it's time for us to be teachers and train these dragon guards!

Even the eldest brother's apprentice, the princess yunyun, we can find a chance to abuse it

Small lotus root state of mind adjusts very quickly, and small green mutter way.

Dong Dong!

Gu Xuan gave them a shudder.

"Go away and train the Dragon guards. It's not your turn.

I don't see what you look like one by one. I want to be a teacher and train others.

You'll have to make your own appearance first

Gu Xuan's face was full of dislike.

One has a braid on his head, one has a bald head and green eyebrows, and all of them look like little farts, which really lowers everyone's average appearance.

The poor and afraid of saints look at little green with loving eyes.

"You two, just watch. If you hurt you, even if you just lost a root and a piece of scales, it would be a great loss

The corners of his mouth trembled, and the poor were afraid of the saints. The angle of things was always so different.

When everyone was thinking about it, the crowns of tiger beaked birds, which were like dark clouds, had surrounded the canopy where they were.

Obviously, they did not want to let Gu Xuan and others have any chance to escape.

On the tiger beaked birds, a magnificent momentum, towards the people above the tree crown is pressed over.

The body of the Dragon guards trembled. It was instinct, not fear, but a glimmer of excitement.

Just now Gu Xuan several people's words, they can hear clearly.

In front of them, these fierce beasts who seem to peck them with one mouth and can pierce their bodies will be their training partners to help them improve their strength.

Gu Xuan looked at the birds with tiger beaks, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"King Tiger beaked bird, why do you hide so deep?

Why don't you come out and have a chat? "

"How can you say who hid it?"

In the middle of the tiger beaked birds, a man with the word "King" on his forehead came out from under the wing of a tiger beaked bird.

"Also, don't call me king of tiger beaked birds, but call me Lord tiger!"

The man stares at Gu Xuan. His face is full of discontent. Obviously, he is not happy with Gu Xuan calling him "king of tiger beaked birds".

Gu Xuan stares at the tiger king, his pupil shrinks slightly.

The tiger king is a fierce beast that has turned into human beings.

"You want to chat with me, but I don't want to talk to you.

I was ordered to find Gu Xuan. If I found it, I would kill him.

Now I ask you, do you know where the ancient mystery is?

If you can find me, you will die

The tiger king's eyes, from the ancient Xuan a person's body to sweep, a face arrogant appearance, incomparable.

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched.

Others, too, have a kind of muddled look.

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