Yueyang mountain eyebrow a pick, finally still can't help, a kick to the tiger king.

Unfortunately, the tiger king hugs very tightly, the body protection energy automatically protects the body, can't kick.

On the contrary, it's Yueyang mountain. I feel my feet ache.

Gu Xuan can't see it anymore. The top martial artists in holy land have no dignity. There are a group of younger brothers watching you outside!

As soon as Gu Xuan waved his hand, a holy power condensed into his palm, and directly mentioned the tiger king to himself.

Poor afraid of saints, Mo Jingyun a few people, looking at Yueyang mountain, seems to think of something, a look suddenly.

Dongfang Xue doesn't know the ability of Yueyang mountain. She looks at Gu Xuan in doubt and wants to get the answer.

Gu Xuan explained with a smile.

"The ability of Yueyang mountain is to feign death.

With his current strength, even if he is the top warrior in the holy land, he can't really kill him.

When he's dead, he'll come back to life.

What's more, this method of feigning death can not only be used by him, but also be used by others at a certain cost. "

Dongfang Xue was very surprised.

"Is there such a strange skill in the world?

It's amazing. The people under you have their own strengths. "

Yueyang mountain can only chat up a smile.

"It's just a way to protect my life. That's all I have.

If you want me to fight, I can't

Gu Xuan said with a smile: "because of this, only he can solve the problem of parasitism.

The reason why the evil eating monster has no solution is that it lives and dies with its host.

When the host dies, it dies.

If the host can feign death, then the host can be resurrected after death.

However, the evil eater can't use the magic of feigning death. If the host is resurrected, it can't be resurrected.

Now, do you understand? "

Gu Xuan said so thoroughly that even a fool should understand.

The faces of all the people in Jianglong city were relaxed.

In this way, it doesn't matter how terrible the evil eating monster is.

The poor and afraid of saints laughed: "Gu Xuan boy, you really have your way. You can even think of it.

From now on, this evil eating monster is not enough to fear. "

Gu Xuan shook his head.

"To be optimistic, it is.

However, we still need to remember that we should not get hit easily.

Once under the control of the evil eater, first of all, I need to spend my soul energy to seal the evil eating monster.

Then, use the secret method of feign death to recover.

However, pessimistic, it is true that the body is controlled by the evil eating monster. The evil eating monster is likely to kill itself directly before I attack.

In this way, as soon as it dies, the host will die directly, and there is no rescue at all.

The evil eating monsters are the subordinates of Shi Zhixuan. They are very good at this kind of things

The poor are afraid of saints.

It's true!

Evil eating monsters, that is, the strength of the first level of the holy land. If they can successfully parasitize themselves, they will even commit suicide immediately and die with themselves, and they will also make money.

Seeing that the poor and afraid of saints had different faces, Gu Xuan had already guessed what he was thinking.

"Of course, this is the worst case.

Just now, I have made a thorough study of the evil eating monsters in the king tiger's body.

The more powerful a warrior is, the longer it takes for the evil eating monster to completely root in its body.

As long as it is discovered in time, sealed or even killed, it will be fine. "

The king of tiger sighed and said in the tone of a passer-by: "however, once the evil eating monster invades his body, there is no difference at all. When he finds the trick, I'm afraid it will be late just like me."

Gu Xuan gave a faint smile.

"With the power of your soul, you should have discovered it long ago.

You didn't find out. You were stupid.

There are a lot of weaknesses in eating evil spirits. Next, I will explain them to you.

In addition, I have condensed a lot of [evil suppressing runes], which are specifically aimed at evil eating monsters. "

With a wave of his hand, Gu Xuan flew out and flew to the people.

"One for each.

With it, once the phage evil monster invades, the evil suppressing Rune will react.

At that time, we will use the spirit energy to activate the rune and kill the evil eating monster directly.

Even if you encounter a powerful evil eater, it doesn't matter if you can't kill it. I'll do it in time.

The most unfortunate situation is that the consciousness and body are controlled. As long as the evil eating monster doesn't want to die together, it will be easy to do... "

Gu Xuan explained the characteristics of evil eating monsters and many weaknesses.

It's a quarter of an hour before we finish.Originally, the mysterious and uncanny wujiexie monster, in the eyes of the public, has been nothing different from being burrowed into clothes by mole ants. It's just a small matter.

According to Gu Xuan, Yueyang mountain doesn't even need "Zhenxie Rune". Once it feels like it's going to become a host, it just explodes.

Anyway, it won't really die.

In short, the evil eating monster dares to invade the body of Yueyang mountain, that is to seek his own death.

They cast longings and envious eyes towards Yueyang mountain.

Yueyang mountain was not proud, but devoured Gu Xuan's "evil talisman" with all the people.

Although he is not easy to die, he is still afraid of death.

If you can die less than once, you will never die.

The tiger king looked at Yueyang mountain with a look of hope.

"Yue Daoyou, this feign death..."

Gu Xuan interrupted: "don't think about anything you don't have.

I have paid a lot of money to seal the evil eater in your body.

If we want us to clean it up completely, we can see your performance in the future. "

The tiger king looked disappointed, but did not dare to continue to ask.

He is the first to be parasitized by the evil phage and regain the control of his own consciousness and body.

It's a great deal of luck.

If more words, angry Gu Xuan, that can be troublesome.

Regardless of whether Gu Xuan would kill himself or not, he only needed to remove the seal in his body, and he would immediately become a puppet of evil eating monsters, and life was not like death.

"Well, this is the end.

Now, let's find a place to have a good rest.

Then, while training the Dragon guards, they go to find the transmission array leading to the eighth state.

If you get to the eighth level, you will be ranked on the holy list.

When the time comes, you can get the reward of the way of heaven, and the future is limitless! "

Gu Xuan drew a super pancake for everyone.

The spirit of all the people in the city of dragon subduing was suddenly invigorated.

Indeed, according to the rules, as long as you enter the eighth level, no matter how many people, you can be on the holy list and have a ranking!

If they all enter the eighth state, it must be a great feat on the history of Shengbang Dabi!

It is not too much to say that there is no one before us or after.

The king of tiger smiles at Gu Xuan with flattery on his face.

"Master Gu Xuan, the habitat of our tiger beaked birds is a hundred miles away.

If you don't like it, you can go there and rest for a few days. "

Gu Xuan nodded.

"In that case, lead the way."

"Come with me, my Lord!"

The tiger king made a gesture of invitation.

A group of people, toward the habitat of the tiger beaked birds, flew past.

Now, in a huge palace.

Shi Zhixuan stands in the hall.

In front of him was a huge altar.

One of them was a huge beast with a fierce face.

Shi Zhixuan looked at it, his face showed a trace of evil smile.

"Haven't the defenders of the seventh state become my prisoner?

How pitiful you are, you have to be a sacrifice

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