
High in the sky, the wind howled.

Standing on top of the clouds, Gu Xuan opened his double pupils and looked at the brilliance of the sky a hundred miles away.

"This is the light that the teleportation array is activated.

Moreover, more than that, there is a trace of "spirit rays" hidden in the sky light!

At least they are all the "spirit Xiaguang" of Shangpin tongxuan Lingbao level

Gu Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

This [spirit Xiaguang] is hidden to the depth, it is he who opened the broken double pupil, which can be seen.

Other martial artists, even Xuansheng, do not have special pupil skills here, I'm afraid they can't see it.

Gu Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

In addition to hiding the light of the spirit, the light emitted by the transmission array when it is activated is not simple.

This transmission array is probably an ancient transmission array.

"Whatever you say, you should go and have a look."

Gu Xuan made up his mind and flew back to the arena.

That ray of light has long attracted the attention of many people.

The ancient Xuan flew directly to the clouds to look around, which shows that the light is not simple.

However, a hundred miles apart, only Gu Xuan, a martial artist with special pupil skills, could see clearly what the light was.

Therefore, dongfangxue, Ouyang huadiei and others are looking forward to Gu Xuan's return.

As soon as Gu Xuan returned to the martial arts arena, several people gathered in front of him.

It is rare that the poor and afraid of saints seem to have lost their curiosity. Instead, they sit on their knees and practice quietly.

Gu Xuan looked at the poor and afraid of the saints in surprise.

At the moment, the poor and afraid of saints have entered a state of settled state. Unless they encounter danger, they will never wake up.

"Brother Gu, what is that light?"

Ouyang butterfly asked curiously.

Gu Xuan's mind did not change. If you were to tell the truth, Ouyang flower butterfly definitely wanted to see it. What kind of treasure was released?

Then, take the opportunity to take the treasure.

At this time, Gu Xuan didn't want Ouyang Huadie to join in the fun.

The seventh and eighth states are about to merge into one. No one can predict what will happen later. Ouyang Huadie is better to stay here.

As for the Oriental snow, Gu Xuan didn't mind that she knew the existence of the spirit and did not mind that he would join in the fun.

However, as soon as the Oriental snow goes, it goes without saying that Ouyang Huadie will clamor to go.

With a sigh in his heart, Gu Xuan had already made a decision and could not tell the truth.

Gu Xuan said quietly: "the light is the light generated when the transmission array is activated.

According to my estimation, this transmission array is not simple. It should be a teleportation array leading to the eighth state.

I'm going to have a look. You all stay here to protect the Dragon guards. "

"I see."

Dongfang Xue nodded and her expression was very plain.

However, Ouyang Huadie frowned. Based on his understanding of Gu Xuan, he always felt that there was something wrong with Gu Xuan's attitude. However, he could not say what was wrong with him.

"Elder brother Gu, if we can use that transmission array, can we take everyone directly to the eighth level?"

Ouyang butterfly seems to be moving.

Gu Xuan shook his head.

"Now, there's no need to go to the eighth level. It's meaningless.

What we need to do for the time being is to take the tiger beaked bird habitat, that is, here as the stronghold, while training the Dragon guards and observing the changes. "

Ouyang Huadie and Dongfang Xuewen Yan, both of them show the color of doubt.

"There's no need to go to the eighth level?"

"There's no point in going to the eighth level?"

What does it mean that they can't understand at all?

The ancient Xuan did not explain it.

He looks at Ouyang butterfly.

"If you really can't practice meditation, you can set up a guard array here with uncle luanzhang and uncle fengdiei.

I'll ask the golden horned ape to help you.

Small lotus root, small green, rhubarb, 9527 people, you can also freely transfer.

All in all, I'm the only one on the other side of the transmission array

When Gu Xuan finished speaking, his body turned into a kind of escape light, which was to escape when he was facing a hundred li away.

In the blink of an eye, his figure disappeared into the sky.

Ouyang butterfly and Dongfang snow are still frowning.

Suddenly, Dongfang Xue seemed to think of something.

She raised her head and looked at the red clouds that had already filled the whole sky.

Ouyang butterfly looks at the sky and the snow in the East.

"What? Dongfang Xue, is it true that the meaning of the old brother's words has something to do with these red cloudsOuyang Huadie asked tentatively.

Dongfang Xue will not answer the question of Ouyang butterfly.

"Do as Gu Xuan just said, and arrange a little guard array.

It can be used. "


The Golden Horn ape suddenly flew out of the Dragon guards and fell in front of Ouyang Huadie and Dongfang snow.

"You two, brother Gu has just mentioned it to me.

If you want to arrange the guard array, I will do my best to help you! "

The Golden Horn ape laughs.

A hundred miles away, a slightly shabby transmission array, only one Zhang in size, is inlaid in the heavy killing array.

These killing arrays are not big, but they are full of opportunities. Anyone who dares to get close to the array will be mercilessly killed by space law blades.

Around the killing array, whether in the air or on the ground, there are many warriors and fierce beasts. All of them have strong breath. All of them are strong at the peak level of holy land.

All warriors and fierce beasts confront each other and guard against each other, but they are always watching the transmission array.

Those who can reach the seventh level, whether they are warriors or fierce beasts, are the ones with strong strength and bad luck, but no one dares to act rashly. This shows the power of killing the array.

Of course, that's not all.

No matter how strong this killing array is, it can not stop their yearning for the eighth place.

After all, going to the eighth level is tantamount to a final conclusion. To be able to rank on the list of burning heaven saints and have the qualification to obtain Dabi award in advance.

Dabi's reward, but the gift of heaven, who is not greedy?

Another reason to stop all warriors and beasts is because of the existence of these competitors around!

No one wants to give up the opportunity to enter the eighth place to others.

Because, everyone has noticed that there is a big "ten" on the transmission array from the seventh to the eighth!

When all people see the word "ten", they naturally have a message in their minds.

That is, only ten people can use the transmission array!

There are only ten places. If someone else uses one, it means that they will have one less chance.

Therefore, anyone who wants to act recklessly will be attacked mercilessly by other warriors and fierce beasts.

The bloody air in the air is the greatest deterrent to all.

Just now, there are no less than ten fierce beasts, which have been chopped into pieces.

However, no one is willing to give up.

No matter the warrior or the fierce beast, they want to find the opportunity to enter the transmission array, start the transmission array, and go to the eighth level!

From time to time, there was a line of escape light flying, a see this situation, also dare not start, joined the confrontation team.

In this case, Gu Xuan appeared at the end of the confrontation.

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