"If you want to fight, come up and fight. If you have the ability, you can come up!"

The king of Thailand said.

Gu Xuan said with a smile: "if you want to use the method of encouragement, there is no way.

To fight, come down and fight!

If you have the ability, you can come down! "

The emperor of Thailand gave a cold smile. The ancient Xuan just said that he used the method of provocation, and in a flash he used it.

Want to drive yourself down, dream!

The emperor was more and more sure that there must be a conspiracy in ancient Xuan!

If you were in the transmission array, I'm afraid you would have gone to the eighth level. Now, Gu xuanming has such a good chance to stay in it?

If you say that there is no greasiness, then there is a ghost!

"Well, you are afraid of bandits

"Yellow boy, I will be afraid of you?

If you dare to come up, I will tear you to pieces

"If you dare come down, I'll take your head off and sit on a stool!"

"You come up!"

"You come down!"

Gu Xuan and the emperor of Thailand began to scold each other.

The atmosphere was very awkward for a moment.

A famous warrior and fierce beast, see this scene, the heart is angry and anxious.

You two Xuansheng, how can you occupy a place leading to the eighth place, but, you two, can't you be funny here?

Do you want to go to the eighth place? Can you give me a letter?

If you want to go, you can go. If you don't, you're still waiting in line!

This is the voice of the crowd.

Unfortunately, the voice of their hearts, Gu Xuan and the emperor Tai could not hear them. If they heard them, they would not care.

If you really care, a slap in the past, the world will be clean.

"I said for the 28th time, come down if you can!

Don't force me to say the 29th time, you cowardly king of shit

Gu Xuan pointed to the nose of the emperor.

The emperor of Thailand is not willing to be outdone.

"I said for the 28th time, you can come up if you have the ability!

What else can you do except hide in the transmission array?

In case the emperor comes down, but you run away, I feel this resentment in my heart, who can I find out? "

Gu Xuan sneered again.

"This young master said for the 29th time. If you have the ability, you can come up!"

"The Emperor..."

The quarrel between the two reached the stage of day-to-day.

Two of the dead king's men stood behind him, their faces twitching.

The emperor of Thailand today is different from that of the past.

Even they can't see it. The former Emperor of Thailand never counseled him to do what he said. What's going on today?

They retreated in silence.

The eyes of warriors and fierce beasts in the distance are all looking at here!

What a shame!

"I'm going to say it for the 38th time. If you have the ability, you can come down!

You're a dead old man. If you don't go to the nether world, you'll be like a scold!

I despise you

Gu Xuan held out a thumb to the emperor.

The emperor of Thailand was furious: "you are such a stinky boy with no hair. This is the 39th time that I said it was the 39th time!

Have the courage to come up! You have the courage to come up! "

"What? You even said it twice. Do you think you can beat me with such a fight?

You have your big dream of spring and autumn!

My young master... "

Before the ancient Xuanhua was finished, a pair of pupils suddenly shrank.

"All right! I don't want to play with you any more. Thank you for your cooperation and help me delay time! "

Emperor Tai didn't hear Gu Xuan's words at all. He said, "the 40th time, there is

Yeah? I beg your pardon? Delay time?

You're procrastinating! "

Suddenly, the emperor seemed to react, his eyes glowing red and staring at Gu Xuan.

His mind was spinning.

"What the hell are you doing, yellow boy?"

Gu Xuan looked at the emperor with a trace of irony on his face.

"You'll find out in a minute!"

Gu Xuan's hands were dancing, forming a series of Dharma Seals, and the power of space gushed from him.

These forces of space, divided into eight strands, flew over the eight directions above the transmission array and disappeared into the eight positions on the edge of the transmission array.


Suddenly, with the transmission array as the center, the whole earth seemed to shake.

Whew! Whew!

The killing array covered with the transmission array seems to have noticed something. It has condensed 36 space Dharma blades with a length of one foot. It cuts through the space and cuts towards the ancient Xuan!

Gu Xuan took out Zhutian sword and cut out 36 swords in succession.Each sword is a ten foot long sword, which is hard to hit with thirty-six space Dharma blades.

Just listen to the sound of the boom and explosion, the space above the entire transmission array has become broken and distorted, and you can't see what happened inside from the outside!

"No, is this ancient Xuan trying to destroy the transmission array?

Otherwise, how could the killing array guarding the transmission array suddenly strengthen its attack? "

As soon as the emperor's face changed, he did not hesitate. His body moved. His body was like a flash of lightning. He flew down in the direction of the transmission array.

However, it did not enter the range covered by the killing array at all. A sword with a length of 100 Zhang long was suddenly cut out of the broken and twisted space with unmatched sword power!

This sword is so powerful that it seems to split the whole sky in two.

"I told you to come down, but if you don't, it's too late to get down now!

I will not let you down

The sound of the ancient Xuan is a little mocking, coming from below.

The king's face was full of the meaning of killing. Facing the hundred Zhang sword, he did not dare to neglect it. From the sword, he felt the endless opportunity to kill!

"How could it be? Gu Xuan's strength has been improved to such an extent?

This sword is definitely a sword of Xuansheng level?

No wonder I can't see through his present state. Is he already Xuansheng? "

The two palms of the emperor of Thailand shot repeatedly, rolling energy, condensing into a dense group of skeletons. When facing the sword, they hit it and annihilated it.


With a huge explosion, skeletons and swords scattered at the same time.

The terrible power of the explosion rippled around.

Under the force of the earthquake, the emperor of Thailand fell down abruptly.

But at this moment, a dangerous breath enveloped him!

The emperor frowned and laughed coldly.

"I'll see what else you can do?

It's impossible to push me back! "

The emperor plunges into the twisted and broken space below.

At this time, Gu Xuan's voice came from dozens of Zhang to the left of the emperor.

"Emperor Tai, don't misunderstand me!

I don't have any means, and I don't want to force you back. I'm all gone. You can play there as long as you want! "

Gu Xuan has a tone of explanation.

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell you.

I've taken the teleportation array. I can't take the killing array.

But don't worry, it won't attack you. I've just left the means to detonate it.

Count the time. It's going to explode.

When the explosion goes down, there will be no danger... "


Before Gu Xuan's words were finished, the emperor of Thailand had been annihilated by the power of explosion.

Gu Xuan looked at the explosion from a distance and shook his head.

"When the explosion goes down, there will be no danger. Why don't you listen to me?

Really, conscience of heaven and earth, I didn't intend to pit you.

Believe it or not, I believe it

On his shoulder, Gu Xuan resisted an independent transmission array of three Zhang in size and simple in shape, and flew away without looking back in the direction of the habitat of the tiger beaked bird.

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