The Golden Horn ape looks at the emperor in surprise.

"You? You're here for that teleportation array?

So, that teleportation array can really lead to the eighth state? "

Although Gu Xuan has just said it, both the Golden Horn ape and the Oriental snow people are full of doubts.

Now, however, no one doubts.

"The teleportation array that went to the eighth place actually appeared directly in front of us?"

Ouyang Huadie and Dongfang Xue, who had already been unable to restrain themselves, rushed to the top of the golden tree and surrounded the transmission array, constantly looking left and right.

Even the golden horned ape couldn't help but fly over, looking at it and marveling at it.

Although it's not too difficult for a strong person of Xuansheng level to go from the seventh to the eighth, what the golden horned ape never expected was that it was so simple?

Now, even the transmission array is in front of you!

Small lotus root and small green, their eyes shine, they do not have much idea about whether to enter the eighth state, but, with their sensitivity to energy, they have long noticed that the transmission array is unusual.

Gu Xuan stares at the lotus root and green.

"You two, don't reach out and touch. If something goes wrong, I'll have to sell you to make up for the loss."

Gu Xuan warns aloud.

Inside the barrier, a scene of happiness.

Outside the barrier, the emperor of Thailand was flying alone, and the cold wind was blowing by. There was an embarrassing atmosphere, which seemed to be spreading.

He is a powerful Xuansheng, only one foot short of the door, can be promoted to the existence of Xuansheng's middle level. Is it gorgeous and beautiful to be ignored?

"Ah, ah!

I'm angry, you bastards, how dare you ignore the emperor!

I immediately broke through your protective barrier and killed you all

The emperor was so angry that he became extremely angry.

His hands suddenly made a Dharma seal on his hands. With one hand, he shot out a huge palm which was completely condensed by the skull and bones, which was falling from the sky.

This palm, earth shaking, with the sound of wind and thunder, hard toward the barrier to pat!

"You're a dead man. You're freezing. Why are you so angry?

Do you know how difficult it is to arrange this guard array?

How can you ruin it in vain? If it is destroyed, it will lose money! "

Looking at the hand of emperor Tai, I don't know when I've been teasing.


Gu Xuanfei stepped out of the protective barrier and punched out.



The fists and palms collided, and a terrible roar broke out.

This side of the space, has become broken.

The huge palm, which was completely condensed by skeletons, suddenly collapsed and turned into idle energy without any power.

Push! Push!

In the void, the emperor of Thailand withdrew ten Zhang in a row, and only then did he stand firm.

Gu Xuan directly resisted the shock force, and his internal organs and internal organs instantly turned into powder.

However, this kind of injury is nothing to him who has the body of the real emperor.

In an instant, it has recovered.

On the surface, he is still so pale and light, it seems that the huge anti shock force has no effect on him.

"What? How strong is his strength? "

The emperor's face was very ugly.

With his body strength, far more than ordinary Xuansheng, I don't know how many times, he still has to rely on the back to degrade his strength. However, Gu Xuan stood still.

In other words, Gu Xuan's physical strength is far above him!

Emperor Tai stares at Gu Xuan, as if he wants to see through it thoroughly.

Unfortunately, he couldn't see anything.

The more you look at it, the more you feel that Gu Xuan seems to be full of mystery.

He did not know that Gu Xuan was a real emperor!

In the whole three thousand worlds, I'm afraid no one will see a warrior who takes one of the saints and associate him with the true emperor.

This is the reason why Gu Xuan insisted on pretending to be forced in front of the emperor.

What he wants is that the emperor misunderstands his strength.

The appearance of the emperor in front of his eyes was obviously shocked.

At this time, two of the emperor's men, as well as hundreds of warriors and fierce beasts, finally approached here.

However, they stopped at a hundred feet away and did not dare to continue to approach.

Two powerful men of Xuansheng level are fighting. If they dare to approach, they will be too long.

Their target is the teleportation array, but now, the teleportation array is already within that huge protective barrier. They have no other way but to look from afar and cry without tears.

Inside the barrier, the Golden Horn ape also flew out and stood beside Gu Xuan, looking at the emperor.Although the strength of the Golden Horn ape today is slightly inferior to that of the emperor.

However, after fighting with the three supreme masters, the golden horned ape has gained a lot. In addition, he has integrated the order of the guardian of the sixth level, which is of great potential.

If it is really a fight, in the short term, it is not easy to win or lose.

Therefore, the Golden Horn ape is not afraid of the emperor.

Gu Xuan gave a faint smile.

"Well, Emperor Tai, do you want to fight now?

Two on one, I'm afraid you'll end up with nothing to eat

The Emperor gave a cold hum.

Two on one, he thought he was more sure than the two in front of him.

However, if there is a fight, I don't know how much movement and how many people's attention will be attracted.

In addition, in the seventh state, the sky is full of red clouds and energy surging abnormally. It seems that there is a possibility of great changes at any time. He is not willing to fight with anyone at this time.

Gu Xuan just showed that hand, also really shocked him.

"You are cruel! The green mountains will not change and the green water will flow forever. Before the end of the holy list contest, I will surely kill you

The emperor clenched his teeth and, though angry, could do nothing about it. He turned and was ready to leave.

However, at this time, more than a dozen escape light, but from far to near, flew over.

"He can't beat both of you.

What about me, then? "

A voice, like thunder.

The faces of the crowd changed at the same time.

Another Xuansheng!

"It was him who moved thousands of mountains, and he was promoted to the realm of Xuansheng?"

"When he was still at the peak of the holy land, he was the first genius of the real world. Now that he has made great achievements, is his strength going against the sky?"

A famous warrior and fierce beasts were amazed.

Gu Xuan stares at moving Qianshan and squints.

"I thought it was you who was defeated.

You clearly took away the body of the dead, but his face into your own appearance.

Do you want to hide the fact that I beat you out of my body and run away like a dog with its tail between you

Moving thousand mountain anger way: "now different from the past, now I have how strong, not you can imagine!"

"If you want to kill Gu Xuan, you have to add us!"

It is also a familiar voice for the ancient Xuan, which explodes in the void.

There are 11 figures flying to the scene.

It is just before that, the group of old people who have gone back and forth, as well as jiusanren.

The one who just talked is the sage son of Confucian Dao!

At this moment, the realm of Confucian Dao sage son is actually the first stage of Xuansheng! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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