Gu Xuan raised his head to the sky with a roar and a blow to the Thunder Dragon.


A huge explosion, no accident, the Thunder Dragon is broken!

For Gu Xuan, the first wave of thunder looting did not have enough power.

However, the real test, from the second wave, is the official start!

In the sky, the clouds of robbery are rolling, and a roar of anger seems to ring out in the clouds, ringing through the range of thousands of miles.

Boom! Boom!


The whole world, seems to be boiling, rob cloud in an instant, even expanded several times.

This means that the power of Tianjie has been enhanced several times.

A piece of thunder, in the robbery cloud flashing, looming, let this side of the sky, become a bright and dark, it seems that there are stars in the twinkling.

Under the terrible pressure from the sky, those who are at the peak of the leisure holy land will be scared by this power and can't help kneeling.

Within ten thousand miles, almost everyone noticed this sudden change.

The faces of the warriors became more and more ugly.

However, no one would think that someone would interfere with Xuansheng Tianjie.

No one's going to do that with a normal mind.

If you get involved in Xuansheng Tianjie, the power of Tianjie will be doubled, and you can almost judge the death of those who cross the heist.

What's more, it's not as simple as falling down, but the spirits are all gone, and there is no chance to go to the nether world.

Tianjie represents the way of heaven!

To intervene in the Xuansheng Tianjie is to fight against the law of heaven. It is to fight the face of Tiandao and the face of xiatiandao. How can such a warrior come to a good end?

Those who saw this scene believed that it was part of the change of the world in the seventh state.

This makes them more and more scared, and they don't understand what happened in this seventh state?

Even such a terrible natural calamity has come out, and the area of hijacking cloud is still expanding. What will happen next?

Will the area of hijacking clouds become larger and larger, and eventually spread to the whole seventh state, destroying all the creatures in this seventh state?

Tiger beaked bird habitat.

The guardian array becomes more solid under the blessing of Golden Horn ape.

Although the power of Tianjie outside is frightening, with him as a Xuansheng, the power of Tianjie is blocked by him.

The warriors and tiger beaked birds who guard the formation are not affected and are still practicing normally.

If not for the Golden Horn ape, all the Dragon guards and tiger beaked birds would have been oppressed by the threat of natural calamity. They would have fallen on their knees and would not dare to move bullets, let alone practice.

The golden horned ape stood on the edge of the protective barrier, with his hands on his back, looking at the scene from a distance, his eyes full of dignity.

What happened to the disaster?

Judging from the first wave of looting thunder, the Tianjie is just the ordinary Xuansheng Tianjie, which is not much stronger, and even weaker than the one when he was crossing the robbery.

But now, the sudden expansion of the hijacking cloud means that the disaster has suddenly increased. This situation is too abnormal.

All of a sudden, the pupils of the golden horned ape shrank, as if thinking of something.

His face was full of shock.

"I see. But can this really save the poor and the afraid of saints?

Brother Koo, you are so reckless. "

At the moment, in the tumbling clouds of robbery, more majestic thunder and lightning fell, turned into four thunder dragons, and rushed down fiercely!

Compared with the first wave of thunder robbing thunder dragons, the power of each of these four thunder dragons has been increased by more than four times!

In other words, only the second wave of thunderbolt, in terms of power, is already 16 times as much as the first wave!

But, not only that, this thunder dragon body, actually also entangles a trace of black energy.

Gu Xuan's attention has been attracted to the past by the black energy.

This black energy is more dangerous than the Thunder Dragon!

This is - the power of destruction!

Pure to the ultimate destructive power!

Although there is only a trace, but with the Thunder Dragon's attack, the two are in one, and the power is so strong that it can be said that it has reached an unimaginable level.

Gu Xuan's face was dignified to the extreme.

The second wave of Rob thunder, he is fully confident of confrontation!

But this is only the second wave!

There are at least four waves of thunder behind!

The power of the second wave of thunder robbing is 16 times that of the first wave. What about the third wave and the fourth wave?

Gu Xuan shook his head and threw away all the figures.

These are meaningless.

Try your best to resist it!

Gu Xuan stood in the same place, standing upright, protecting the poor and afraid of saints.


Zhutian sword, I don't know when, has been held by Gu Xuan!The sword is trembling!

It seems to be trembling and excited!

Seeing the Thunder Dragon fall, the light of thunder and lightning lightened Gu Xuan's white face more and more.

Broken double pupil, already activated.

The black and white eyes, deep to the extreme, as if to see through everything.

Gu xuanyang took up the sword of killing heaven.

"Taishangjiu Jue Gong, kill Jue Jian!"

"Taishangjiu Jue Gong, Wanshui Jue Jian!"

The two sword moves were used by Gu Xuan.

The two swords, which span hundreds of Zhangs, soar into the sky and face the thunder dragons. They are beheaded in the past!

There was another big bang, and four thunder dragons exploded.

A heavy and extremely heavy, like the mountain pressure of the general force, along the Zhutian sword, on the ancient Xuan body.

Gu Xuan's feet, with the speed visible to the naked eye, are a foot deep into the ground!

A trace of blood came from the corner of his mouth.

He was injured.

Although the injury was soon repaired and had no effect on him, Gu Xuan felt more and more that the disaster was more powerful than he had imagined.

The third wave of thunder, I'm afraid, will be enough to split him into powder!

But what about splitting it into powder?

Gu Xuan is not afraid at all!

In his eyes, more and more fighting.

This is the Xuansheng Apocalypse of the poor and afraid of the saints, and the experience of the poor and afraid of the saints. But since he has stepped in, this is also his experience!

Among the hijacking clouds, there was a roar of anger, which seemed to denounce the ancient Xuan!

The third wave of Rob thunder, appeared in the blink of an eye, and cut down hard.

Gu Xuan's face changed slightly.

"There is only one Thunder Dragon!

Is this disaster not playing according to common sense? "

There is only one Thunder Dragon condensed from the third wave of looting thunder. However, this one is more terrible than any Thunder Dragon seen in ancient Xuan!

Thunder Dragon's face, more clear, each of the scales, each beard, are delicate, as if it is a living creature.

Gu Xuan even felt angry from the Thunder Dragon.

It is now, incomparably angry!

An arm thick destructive force suddenly appeared on the Thunder Dragon and kept spinning around it, like a black snake winding its way.

"Aw --"

the Thunder Dragon roared, and the sound wave rolled, shaking the world.

Around the body of the dragon, the space collapsed.


It toward the ancient Xuan, with unprecedented speed, rushed down!

This speed is even better than many Xuansheng!

"How fast

Gu Xuan was a little surprised.

But he did not have the slightest fear!

Zhutian sword, lift up again!

This time, it's time to show off. From the moment we arrived at the seventh level, we will deduce the sword moves of the present day! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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