The whole face of the fire saint was twitching.

What is more maddening is that the sea of blood summoned by the ancient Xuan is also overwhelming, rushing to another body of the fire saint.

In an instant, the body was annihilated by the sea of blood.

In the sea of blood, there were several terrible explosions.

After that, there was no more movement.

The fire Lord felt that his other body had disappeared.

Looking at the ancient metaphysics in front of him, Huo Shengzun's eyes gave birth to a trace of despair.

If he didn't use the art of separation, he could still fight with Gu Xuan even though he was badly hurt.

Unfortunately, he did.

The other body, which took away half of his strength.

Now, with the fall of another body, that half of the strength is also swallowed up by the sea of blood, and can not return to the present body.

How can we fight with the ancient Xuanxuan?

"I'll fight with you!"

Even if he wants to die, he will drag Gu Xuan and die together!


The flames of heaven gathered towards the sacred fire.

The mighty power of gold also converged towards him.

He used his power of fire line Bodhi to wildly mobilize the fire nature power in this world, and wanted to make a final fight.

There was a trace of pity in Gu Xuan's eyes.

This fire saint is a dog jumping over the wall in a hurry.

He's just killing himself by doing so.


Gu Xuan's body is burning with cold ice. If the other party wants to destroy himself, he will complete the other party!

Now, in a separate space.

A magnificent, magnificent, just like the palace of heaven, stands quietly.

In the palace, a beautiful man to the extreme, expressionless, sitting on the throne.

His eyes focused on the dark mirror in the hall.

Under the porch mirror, four men stand.

If Gu Xuan was here, he could recognize the Lord at a glance. These four men were the other four among the five element Bodhi.

Their eyes were full of melancholy as they gazed at the dark mirror.

"Fire saint, too careless."

Jin Shengzun shook his head.

The water Saint sighed.

"Who told him that he was so greedy that he dared to destroy the plan of the Lord of heaven, and arbitrarily integrated the seventh and eighth realms, thus destroying the whole holy list.

He's also coming to his own devices. "

Mu Sheng Zun frowned.

"It's not the fire saint who is weak, but the ancient Xuan. It's too strong.

His progress was so fast that it was easy to kill him when we first met him.

But now, even if we are single to single, only the water saint can stabilize his head

Tu Sheng Zun nodded.

"I should have found a chance to kill him.

Although the fire saint is a little stupid, he is one of us.

In his previous battles, he restrained himself very well. He did not use fire, nor did he summon the power of fire to move heaven and earth.

But now, it is like crazy, can't help it.

That ancient Xuan is the master of the supreme flame. Playing with fire in front of him is not enough. "

Four people discussed, there is a sense of sadness of the dead rabbit.

The handsome man sitting on the throne finally spoke.

"Since you want to save him, I will help you.

Shengbang Dabi has been destroyed, but Lord Tiandao will certainly repair the burning holy list, but the final effect may be much worse than before.

But there is no way out. Only in this way can people be sent to the burning land without breaking the rules. "

After a pause, the handsome man went on:

"remember, the flowers of the two realms must not be given to the people of shizhixuan.

As for the book of life and death, I will take it myself! "

The four water saints were full of surprise.

The water Saint asked, "but, Lord, you can't go to the first to the eighth state, can you?

How to get it? Let's help. "

The handsome man gave a cold smile.

"I can't go there. But, level nine, I can go!

If you want to rob the book of life and death, who says it must be in the eighth place?

I'll pull Gu Xuan into the Ninth level and then do it.

What's more, I can't tolerate the three warriors who burn the sky in the ninth state, and continue to act wantonly! "

The four water saints were shocked.

"But if you don't sit here, no one can stop the stone pavilion from going to the ninth state."The water Saint advised.

The messenger of heaven laughs.

"Don't worry, no one can go to the Ninth level.

After the eighth level merges into the seventh level, the transmission array has been destroyed, and there is only one left.

And I, after pulling the ancient Xuan into the ninth realm, I will destroy the last teleportation array. "

The four saints had a twitch at the same time.

The idea of the messenger of heaven is really rude and direct.

"But, Lord Tiandao emissary, in this way, if the Lord Tiandao has repaired the burning holy list, how can it go on?

Xuansheng can't enter the ninth realm, can't they get a higher ranking

"In order to prevent Shi Zhixuan from entering the ninth state, there is no way.

The secrets of the ninth and tenth realms should never be known to the evil ancestors.

Lord of heaven, you will understand.

In short, you don't have to worry about what kind of shengbangdabi will become.

Now, I'm about to do it! "

With a cold smile, the messenger of heaven took out a crystal ball.

In the world after the fusion of the seventh and the eighth.

Huo Shengzun and Gu Xuan are still fighting.

However, the ancient Xuan now has an overwhelming advantage.

The power of fire in heaven and earth condensed by the fire saint was easily restrained by the ancient Xuan.

Even, the ancient Xuan uses the ice spirit cold inflammation, absorbs these forces unceasingly, transforms into own strength use.

The fire Saint Zun originally wanted to strengthen himself by condensing the power of fire to move heaven and earth, and then burst into self destruction.

Unfortunately, in front of Gu Xuan, with his current strength, there is no chance of self explosion.

Each time he just transformed a little destructive power, he was broken up by the ancient Xuan, so that the fire Saint had to continue to condense the power of fire in heaven and earth, strengthen himself, and then continue to transform the destructive power.

Over and over again, the fire saint can't remember how many times he tried to blow himself up.

In the end, he was hopeless.

"Gu Xuan, kill if you want! You're so squeamish, like a woman

The fire Saint wanted to enrage Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan looked sorry.

"Why did it stop? Continue to absorb the power of fire!

I feel that the absorption of your destructive power, as well as the power of fire that you condense into heaven and earth, has an enhanced effect on my supreme flame.

If you gather more, I'll absorb more. Let's work together for ten days and a half months, and you'll die again, OK? "

The fire saint was mad with anger.

No wonder Gu Xuan didn't kill him for such a long time, just like cat and mouse, he used himself as a free energy extractor?

When did he suffer such humiliation?

"I'll fight with you!"

The fire Saint Zun was so angry that he rushed to Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan's face suddenly showed a smile, but the smile, flash away.

He felt that a powerful force was approaching him!

This power is so powerful that it is hopeless! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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