Just as Gu Xuan was thinking about how to make use of the flowers of two realms to force Shi Zhixuan to submit, Shi Zhixuan seemed to notice that he was wrong, and the anger on his face flashed away.

Gu Xuan gave a faint smile.

"There's no need to hide your ears and steal the bell. It seems that the flowers in the two realms are very important to you.

How about a discussion? "

The color of vigilance flashed in the eyes of Shi Zhixuan.

"What do you want to say? If you have a fart, let it go! "

Gu Xuan narrowed his eyes and tried: "let's fly in a different direction and discuss the ownership of flowers in the two realms.

You want two scenes of flowers, I can give them to you.

However, you also need to pay some price to satisfy me.

For example, work with me to help me get rid of the energy that's tracking me. "

Shi Zhixuan gave a cold smile.

According to Gu Xuan, ten thousand people did not believe in him.

"I really want to talk about the conditions. I'll talk about it when I see you.

I don't want to waste my time on the road. You are not as shallow as I am

Shi Zhixuan was not cheated at all.

Gu Xuan clearly wanted to delay time.

Besides, there was no one in the city of subduing the dragon as a hostage. Shi Zhixuan didn't believe that Gu Xuan would obey obediently.

Gu Xuan was a little disappointed. Shi Zhixuan was really crafty.

Is this guy really just a part of the evil ancestor?

The separation is so good, how strong should the real evil ancestor be?

I'm afraid, even if it's the way of heaven of burning the sky, how can he be?

Such a person, if get two realms of flowers, the consequences, unimaginable!

Two border flowers, a lot of effect.

But most importantly, it is the key to the integration of the two worlds.

Shi Zhixuan wants to be a flower of two realms, and the goal is to integrate the two worlds.

These two worlds are probably the world of burning heaven and evil ancestor.

Just think about it. What a terrible thing it is for the evil ancestor, who can't do anything about it, to integrate his world with the burning land and turn it into a world!

Once the two worlds merge, needless to say, it must be dominated by the world where the evil ancestors are.

All the original things in the burning sky land have been reduced to vassals.

With the evil of the evil ancestor, I am afraid that all the people of burning heaven will become his slaves.

This kind of thing, Gu Xuan won't let it happen.

Therefore, in any case, Gu Xuan didn't want Shi Zhixuan to get two scenes of flowers.

Although Liangjing flower also has other functions, it is not necessarily used by evil ancestors to fuse the two realms.

However, Gu Xuan didn't dare to take a risk by gambling on the safety of the burning land.

Today's burning land, the way of heaven is not complete, it is simply a sweet cake, 3000 world, many of the world are greedy.

The demon world, the real world, the war world and so on. Now there are more evil ancestors in the world, which is only known.

I don't know. I don't know how many.

Gu Xuan shook his head, not willing to think about it.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that the hope of burning the sky is dim.

However, no matter how remote, it is also my hometown!

Never let anyone touch it!

In Gu Xuan's eyes, a fine light burst out.

If you can't catch up with shizhixuan, you can only do your best.

We must not let shizhixuan reach the tiger beaked bird colony, otherwise, it will be a disaster for the whole city of Jianglong.

As for the group of Shi Zhixuan's men, how they would attack the land of tiger beaked birds, Gu Xuan did not care.

Now, there is no other way but to believe in the poor, the afraid and the frightened.

Of course, there are evil clouds!

He had sensed the smell of the evil clouds.

There should be no big problems with Li and evil clouds.

When it comes to the most dangerous moment, the ultimate means left by him will also be triggered.

At least, it's enough to keep everyone alive.

"His eyes have changed!"

Shi Zhixuan has been paying close attention to Gu Xuan, and even the smallest changes in his body are seen in his eyes.

A sense of danger immediately haunted him.

Shi Zhixuan is more alert.

But more than that, it's still holding back.

In fact, his present state is already the realm of Xuansheng.

In the world of integration of the seventh and eighth States, in terms of combat effectiveness, it is definitely the first and second existence.

Even if it was the fire saint who strengthened himself and fought with him with the power of fire, he was only defeated.

This is also the foundation for him to cooperate with the fire saint and to integrate the seventh and the eighth.

But I didn't expect to be chased by Gu Xuan now!

If Gu Xuan depends on his own strength, it's all right. If he can't win a fight, he will try his best. Shi Zhixuan believes that he will kill Gu Xuan.Unfortunately, this fight, there is no way to fight.

Once overtaken by Gu Xuan, it is not a question of whether to fight or not, but a question of whether or not to resist the attack of the powerful energy pursued by Gu Xuan.

The answer is obvious.

But where there is 50% possible to carry, he shizhixuan will not be so embarrassed!

This appearance, if by oneself's subordinate saw, that face all loses!

Each with his own mind, the two continued to play the chase.

In such a short time, they have been flying forward for hundreds of miles.

Now, deep in space.

In that majestic energy, a little bit narrow space.

The four saints had no strength to curse the eighteen generations of the ancient xuanzu.

They just feel that their bodies are about to fall apart.

That ancient Xuan, too special can toss about!

, the Lord of heaven, the suck of Tai Tai!

Just tossed for so long, can't break the interface barrier.

Now, it's hard to accumulate enough force to break through the interface barrier, but can't catch up with the ancient Xuan?

You said that such a huge momentum of energy, where is your positioning bad, you must be positioned in the ancient Xuan body?

That's good. Gu Xuan felt the pursuit of energy. He was still on the run. He had been running for hours without breathing.

This is simply, unreasonable!

The tiger beaked birds are out of the earth.

The battlefield is divided into several parts.

With the strength of Xuansheng realm, Dongfang lie restrained thousands of fierce beasts and evil eating monsters on the top of holy land.

Unfortunately, it's just a matter of containment. It's impossible to kill all the enemies at the top of the Holy Land in a short time.

Dongfang Xue controls Tianhe, joins hands with Mo Jingyun and Ouyang Huadie, and also holds back thousands of enemies.

The rest of the enemy, while waiting for an opportunity to attack, while reserving strength to prepare, but where their own people fall, they immediately add up, let Dongfang Xue and others, even have no chance to breathe.

Fortunately, there are a lot of Jiupin pills and all kinds of tongxuan Lingbao on everyone, so we haven't exhausted our physical strength.

However, in the long run, it is not the way.

They are still waiting for Gu Xuan to come back as soon as possible.

"Damn it, if only Gu Xuan came back!"

In the realm of the poor and afraid of saints, he remembered his voice of sadness and indignation.

He joined hands with the golden horned ape to face up to 11 fierce beasts at the first level of Xuansheng. He was not an opponent at all, and was passively beaten in the whole process.

So far, the two have been seriously injured.

Although they still have the strength of the first World War, their breath has become very disordered, and they can not last long.


There was an explosion.

The poor, afraid of the saints, drove back a fierce beast.

However, at this time, the cry of the Golden Horn ape sounded.

"Be careful of your head! Danger, get out of the way

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