The body of qianzuxuansheng is still suspended in the void, and is trampled on by small lotus root and small green.

It's dead, looks very painful, the whole face is distorted.

However, there are still no scars.

Just on the top of the head, there are still a lot of white paste, which looks very disgusting.

Next to it, there is a small white handprint.

this fingerprint is as like as two peas.

The remaining three fierce beasts of Xuansheng level gathered together and seemed to be discussing countermeasures.

Now, they just want to escape from this field.

Unfortunately, under the joint efforts of the poor and the golden horned ape, they had no chance to escape.

The three headed Xuansheng level fierce beast was in despair.

"You three, can't you take the initiative to rush over?

You're going to die anyway. You're going to die early.

Well, if you take the initiative to rush over, I will reward you for your painless death.

Believe me, I've got a lot of experience with brain tapping now.

You recall, that hob Xuan Sheng, how hard the body.

My hand went in and out of his head, clean and neat, and I couldn't see anything disgusting.

It's perfect! "

Xiao Ou laughs.

Little green followed and laughed.

The laughter is clear and pleasant to hear.

But in the ears of the remaining three fierce beasts, it was the most terrifying and terrifying voice in the world.

Even the poor fear of saints and Golden Horn ape can not help but fight a spirit.

Small lotus root and small green, these two bear children cooperate, that is the devil!

Once the small green manifesting itself, the dragon power is not strong as words, and has a certain deterrent effect on any fierce beast.

Suddenly, he was awed by the dragon power. Without any guard, even the powerful man like qianzuxuansheng would be stunned by the less than 10% of his kung fu.

However, in such a short time, Xiaoou's huntian Ling is enough to bind the enemy.

Then, the heaven and earth circle is like a tight hoop curse, which is set on the top of the enemy's head.

Finally, Xiaoou takes out the enemy's brain through the hollow area of heaven and earth circle.

The simple strategy, however, has been tried and tested, and it is impossible to prevent it.

Poor fear of saints and Golden Horn ape, feel heart piercing.

Neither of them killed a fierce beast of Xuansheng level.

Small lotus root small green two people come, one after another killed seven heads.

Moreover, every one of them died painfully, restlessly and stifled.

He was so bent that he wanted to live, and then he committed suicide.

Anyway, it is also a fierce beast of Xuansheng level. Although it is controlled by the evil eating monster, its strength is still there. Don't you want to face it?

"If you don't come, I'll go."

Small lotus root gives poor fear saint and Golden Horn holy ape a wink.

The two men, knowing each other and displaying their mysterious body methods, attacked the remaining three fierce beasts.

The two of them need to contain the enemy from the front and create opportunities for Xiaoou and Xiaolv.

The remaining three ferocious beasts, seeing that their companions have been taken out of their brains by little lotus root again and again, are already sensitive and fragile, and will not let the little lotus root and small green get close at all.

Otherwise, it is bound to repeat the mistakes of our companions.

Among the three headed Xuansheng level fierce beasts, the strongest one is the cup carving Xuansheng.

It is also one of the top three among the eleven Xuansheng level fierce beasts.

"Be careful, this time, burning Shouyuan will not hesitate to find a chance to escape.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't leave. "

The cup carved Xuansheng preached the voice.

The other two fierce beasts nodded. Only by burning Shouyuan can they have a chance of life.

Just as they were preparing for action, a fierce beast suddenly changed its face. It suddenly bowed its head and cried, "help me, help me!"

Huntian Ling, I don't know when, has already wrapped his feet.

This huntian Ling can't get rid of qianzu Xuansheng and Longbao Xuansheng. After that, they have to wait for death.

Xuansheng's face changed.

"Why are you so careless?"

He quickly shot, the power of the law into a long knife, toward the feet of his companion is cut in the past.


The legs were broken at the same time.

"Thank you. It's OK. It's OK."

The fierce beast, whose legs were cut off, was very happy.

Legs can grow out without legs, but nothing will be lost if life is lost.

Xiao Ou was a little angry: "Damn it, Xuansheng, is he? He's so ugly that he dares to make trouble.

Little green, let's go and kill him in the front

"No problem!"

Little Green's eyes flashed a killing opportunity.

With a flash of body shape, one left and one right, they rushed to Xuansheng.The poor fear of saints and golden horned apes are shocked.

"Don't be impulsive. We'll stop it. You'll attack together."

When Xuansheng's eyes lit up, he fought in front of him. How could Xiaoou and Xiaolv be his opponents?

After killing these two people, it is not easy for them to escape?

It winked at the other two fierce beasts. The other two fierce beasts knew each other, burned Shouyuan directly, and rushed up, blocking the poor and afraid saints and the Golden Horn holy ape.

Xuansheng of the cup carving opens his wings and flies towards Xiaoou and Xiaolv. At the same time, he is also wary of huntian Ling's sneak attack and will never let Xiaoou tie him.

Small green sneers, take the lead is to move.

"Longmen! Smash it

The dragon's gate, which is as high as three Zhangs, thunders at the Xuansheng of the cup carving. The power is rolling, and the space is shaking everywhere.

"What? What is this? "

Not close to small lotus root and small green, cup carving Xuan Sheng is a face change.

This so-called "Dragon Gate" brings great pressure to it.


The dragon's gate fell on Xuansheng.

The Xuansheng of the cup carving flies upside down, but it is powerful. It only withdraws three Zhangs and stabilizes its body.

"Damn it, I will kill you!"

It again toward small lotus root two people rush.

Small lotus root mouth a hook, disdain a smile.

"When our brothers are vegetarians?

In the past, we didn't think we could understand our own strength.

However, after so many deaths, our two brothers found out.

Xuansheng, it's nothing. You can do it as you want to! "

This words, once again severely pierced the heart of the poor fear saint and Golden Horn ape.

Two people a bite teeth, do not like the explosion of life in the body of energy, stepped up the offensive.

We must solve these two fierce beasts of Xuansheng level. Otherwise, people will know that there are eleven Xuansheng level fierce beasts, and the two of them have taken zero killing!

Old face, where to put it!

"Die, old bird!

Look at me

Small lotus root a big drink, unexpectedly really grew out of three heads and six arms, majestic.

His spirit treasure was thrown out without money.

"Eat me Fenghuo wheel, fire point gun, Jiulong Shenhuo shield, yin and Yang double swords, heaven and earth circle, huntian Ling, eight petal ball, gold brick strike!"

The Xuansheng, who was rushing over, had an impulse to vomit blood.

These Lingbao are all Shangpin tongxuan Lingbao!

Every spiritual treasure is rolling with powerful energy. Under this tumbling energy, the whole field seems to be shaking.

This, can't live!

Is guxuan crazy, just a medicine emperor? Do you need to make so many top-grade tongxuan Lingbao to protect his body?

This one, can't fight!

The Xuansheng of the cup carving turned his head and ran away. There was no way. It was Yin and Yin. He just wanted to face it. The other party threw so many top-grade tongxuan Lingbao directly. He was very rich. Only by escaping could he maintain his life like this!

"Two brothers, I will avenge you!"

The Xuansheng of the cup carving flies to the outside of the field. He doesn't want to say anything about the scene.

The two fierce beasts, burning Shouyuan on both sides, were immediately angry and attacked. They vomited a mouthful of blood, and were seized by the poor and scared saints and the golden horned holy ape, and killed one by one.

In their hearts, a big stone finally fell.

After all, it's not easy!

On the other side, Xuansheng, who was just flying to the edge of the field, was smashed back by the dragon's gate.

Do not wait for small lotus root to continue to hand, poor fear saint and Golden Horn holy ape already rushed up!

The second chance is mine! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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