The sharp point of Houtu Shenjian points to Jin Jue Fen.

Jin Jue narrowed his eyes and filled his heart with endless fighting spirit!

He can only make one move, but this move, however, must be hit and hit. Without strong will and self-confidence, it is impossible to do so.

This is a huge challenge!

"Brother Gu, I can still fight!"

The voice of Ouyang flower butterfly comes from behind Jin Jue Fen.

She clenched her teeth, her eyes were full of unwilling color, even a trace of hate.

She hates herself. Why is she so weak?

Why did he want to help Gu Xuan several times, but in the end, he became a protected role?

Jin Jue shook his head.

"Let me do it. Jingyun's danwu is about to be practiced. Go and guard him.

The flowers of two realms must be ours

Ouyang Huadie and yunyun Princess several people, retreat to Mo Jingyun body side, protect him in the middle.

Tu Sheng Zun shook his head.

"You are a genius. Why do you want to fight against the Lord of heaven?

Even if you pick them, can you keep them? "

Jin Jue's mouth is full of a faint smile.

"You don't have to worry about it. Just take it off. I have a hundred ways to keep it."

This is of course Jin Jue's exaggeration.

Gu Xuan had arranged everything for a long time.

One way is enough.

"It's a pity that you can't take it off.

No, it should be said, your people will not have a chance to pick!

After the earth God sword, cut all things

Tu Sheng Zun snapped and pressed his right hand in the void.

After the earth God sword straight down, straight toward Jinjue Fenshen tianlinggai stab!

Jin Jue's eyes suddenly turned black and white.

This is naturally broken false double pupil, only, is a one-time broken false double pupil, can only adhere to less than 10 seconds of time!

However, for him who can only use one move, it is enough!

The moving track of Houtu Shenjian is undoubtedly revealed in Jin Jue Fen's eyes.

He sneered and stepped out. He was so close that he not only avoided the Houtu Shenjian, but also got close to the five Zhangs of the earth saint.


After the earth God sword suddenly changed to chase, still toward the ancient Xuan sky cover stab.

Tu Sheng Zun frowned.

"You want to attack me directly?

Do you think you are faster than my Houtu sword? "

Tu Shengzun's right hand pinched out a sword formula, which controlled the back earth God sword and suddenly increased the speed.

His face was full of sneers.

Although Gu Xuan is only five steps away from him, these five steps are Tianlong!

Jin Jue's body continued to rush towards the earth saint, but only raised his legs, and the back earth God sword had caught up with him.


Jin Jue's body suddenly sideways, avoiding the position of the heavenly cover. The tip of the back earth sword is inserted into the shoulder of Jin Jue's body.

Excitement flashed in Tu Sheng Zun's eyes.

Gu Xuan is dead.

However, just at this time, Jin Jue, who had a sneer on his face, suddenly became banter.

Houtu Shenjian has penetrated into Jinjue's body and almost cut him in half. However, he still looks like a man who has nothing to do.

Even, there is a rolling force of time and space.

The leg that had been raised suddenly fell down, and it was a step in the distance. Jin Jue separated himself and crossed the distance of five Zhang. In the amazement of Tu Sheng Zun, he hugged Tu Sheng Zun.

"What's the matter? What's wrong with your body?

Such a serious injury, even the real emperor, should also become weak and die at any time because of the exhaustion of the divine body.

Why are you all right and still able to move? "

As the sharpest weapon in the world, Tu Sheng Zun roared and shot out of his body.

Jin Jue's body was shot out of countless small holes.

Strangely, not a drop of blood flowed out.

Out, only a wisp of black fog.

Tu Sheng Zun's face changed greatly.

"The power of destruction is so strong.

Lunatic, you want to blow yourself up?

No, you are not flesh and blood, you are not ancient Xuan, the core of your body is the power of destruction!

You are -- a part! The embodiment of Gu Xuan

Jin Jue has been unable to speak, his throat, has only a little skin connected, can only transmit sound.

"You are right. So, I didn't do it.

Because, I can only one move, you will see through.

Therefore, this move, I choose the biggest self explosion of power.As soon as I make a move, someone must die!

Oh no, you won't die, you're not flesh and blood, you can't die.

However, your combat power will consume at least 90%.

At that time, I will be able to abuse the peak of the holy land of dragon city... "


Jin Jue Fen's voice has not yet been transmitted, it can no longer be controlled, a roar, self explosion.

The terrible power of explosion did not affect a wide range, not even Mo Jingyun's Alchemy.

It's just that the air is collapsing so badly that the turbulence of the space is pouring out.

Jin Jue became nihility completely.

There are only fragments left on the ground.

But soon, these fragments, like porcelain, quickly gathered and closed, and finally, they still looked like Earth saints.

Tu Sheng Zun bent his body, shaking, trying to stand firm.

Unfortunately, it is not stable at all.


He fell on his knees.

"Damn it, I was calculated by Gu Xuan.

The real ancient mystery is already in the ninth realm.

We've been fooled by a character.

When I first met him, I should have killed him. "

Tu Sheng Zun's face was very ugly.

"Gold holy, wood holy and water holy, what are you three still grinding?

Come on, I don't have any strength! "

As he tried to recover his energy, he growled in a hoarse voice.

"It's not me. I'm special. I can't make it."

First came the voice of the wood saint.

He was entangled by Li Xie Yun, not only could he not kill Li Xie Yun, but also could not get rid of him several times.

Behind Li Xiyun, there is also a woman, who seems to be called Yang Xiaoxie, who hasn't made a move yet!

Mu Shengzun has a feeling that once this woman hands, his situation will be even worse.

However, the Yang Xiaoxie, especially the peak of the Holy Land!

She is not even Xuansheng!

The face of the water saint is also distorted.

"I can't come either! I'm tied to death, too!

There are two of these monsters who are immortal. How can they not be killed!

There are three real dragons and the medicine emperor. I dare not kill them! "

At the beginning, shuishengzun still wanted to kill one or two as soon as possible, but the more he hit, the more frightened he was.

Xuezu and yueyangshan, who have no background, are both Xiaoqiang who can't fight to death.

No, it's more appropriate to use Xiaoqiang who can be killed and revived.

As for the three real dragons and the emperor of medicine, he had a vague guess of their origins and did not dare to kill them.

Sometimes, too much knowledge is a kind of trouble.

He was sure that even Gu Xuan himself did not know the background of the three real dragons and Emperor Yao.

Trembling with anger, Tu Shengzun glanced in the direction of Jin Shengzun.

This guy, no more talking.

However, there is no sign of Jin Shengzun at all.

A field standing in the void, only 50 Zhang round, covered up the figures of Jin Shengzun, Golden Horn holy ape and poor and afraid saints.

The space inside, all twisted, can't see what happened.

"What's wrong with the world?

The first Xuansheng were all powerful in the field

Tu Sheng Zun was a little desperate.

At this time, a overflowing danxiang, suddenly, spread to all people's noses.

Misty danwu, refining success! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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