Mo Jingyun's face changes slightly. The Golden Horn ape is seriously injured. If you don't treat it again, it's hard to say whether you can recover your original strength in the future.


Mo Jingyun flies over the weak water Tianhe and wants to bypass the weak water Tianhe to cure the Golden Horn ape.

"You still want to save people? Dream

Standing beside the wood saint, the water holy statue stares at Mo Jingyun from afar and waves his hand.

Whoa, whoa.

Weak water Tianhe, condensed out a towering giant palm, locked Mo Jingyun, mercilessly patted in the past!


The place that towering giant palm passes through, send out the sound of roar, the space inch inch fragmentary.

Now, the water saint is really angry, and his anger is to the extreme.

He was supposed to win a battle, except for him, the other three saints were all seriously injured.

Two of them, Jin Shengzun and Tu Shengzun, almost lost their fighting power.

This is a disgrace to their saints!

Seeing the huge palm attack, Mo Jingyun stepped on the void one step, with the help of the anti shock force, suddenly retreated.

Unfortunately, the speed of the giant palm was too fast. In the blink of an eye, it was close to him.

Mo Jingyun only felt that there was an extra mountain on his body. It was extremely heavy, and even it was very difficult to move.

Li Xiyun's face changed.

"Second, hold on, I'll help you!"

Li Xiyun's body moved and turned into a hiding light. He was ready to go to rescue him.

Unfortunately, just after flying three feet away, the water Saint Zun had already blocked him in front of him, and one blow was to blow out!

Li Xiyun did not dare to neglect him, but he also gave a blow.


Li Xiyun flies out.

"It's so strong. Compared with mu Shengzun, it's even more powerful."

Li Xiyun stood firm and took a cold breath.

The water Saint smiles coldly.

"If you dare to go, I'll catch you as a confidant.

Don't worry. Look at the face of 9527 and Gu Xuan, I won't kill Mo Jingyun.

Your lives are very precious. I believe that Gu Xuan would like to exchange them with flowers of two realms! "


Li Xie Yun stares at Mo Jing Yun's direction and roars.


Mo Jingyun was taken by a giant palm, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person fell into the weak water Tianhe, which was submerged by the river, and never got up again.

"I'll go. Is that weak water? It doesn't look good? "

The poor, afraid of the saints, exclaimed in surprise. Until now, he did not react. The water in the sky River in the void is not ordinary water, but weak water!

Li Xiyun's eyes are full of murders, staring at the water saint.

"Take away your weak water Tianhe and release the people inside.

Otherwise, die

Shuishengzun disdained to stare at Li Xiyun, his eyes flashed a dangerous light.

"Arrogant! I'm going to let you go, unless you hand over two realms of flowers.

Otherwise, don't think about it!

However, don't say that I don't give you a chance. Your elder martial brother and your companion are suppressed at the bottom of my weak water Tianhe.

If you want to save them, go down and try it! "

"Do you think I dare not?"

Yang Xiaoxie takes Li Xiyun's arm.

"Evil cloud, don't be impulsive, he is urging you."

The poor and afraid of saints put jiupindan into the mouth of Golden Horn holy ape, and at the same time advised:

"yes, evil cloud, don't be impulsive, enter the weak water Tianhe, and then want to come out, it will be difficult.

Among the three saints, only the water Saint still has fighting power. Let's join hands and fight with him! "

Li Xiyun's red hair fluttered and the rolling energy burst out of his body.

Yang Xiaoxie kept still and gave him a wink.

In fact, there is a hidden method between Li Xie Yun and Yang Xiao Xie.

Before, Li Xie Yun and mu Shengzun fought each other, and Yang Xiaoxie pressed the array on one side. In case of Li Xie Yun's defeat, they immediately put forward the idea of concealment.

However, after Li Xieyun completely broke out the power of blood, he tried his best, and even mu Shengzun was not an opponent, so he gave up.

In this case, the hidden means can be applied to the water saint.

However, there is only one shot.

If you want to hit right, you must find the most suitable opportunity!

"Xiaoxie, I'm going to attract his attention and make flaws.

You wait for the opportunity, but don't be fooled again! "

The voice of Li Xie Yun and Yang Xiao Xie's soul reminds us of this.


He moved around the water saint.

The water Saint turned suddenly."You are faster, but not as fast as I am.

It's a dream to sneak around and attack

The water Saint gave a cold smile and didn't pay any attention to the evil cloud.

"Three thousand weak waters, suppress this tusk for me!"

The water god Zun's hands were sealed, and his body erupted with extremely violent energy. He led the weak water Tianhe, crossed the void, and flew to the Li Xie cloud at a very fast speed!

"No, they are fighting.

I have to help!

Old ape, you are in my space to heal

The poor, afraid of saints' mind, put the Golden Horn ape into the space spirit treasure, and immediately flew in the direction of the evil cloud.

Jin Shengzun sneered.

"It's beyond your ability. You want to fight against the bottom of the water saint's box?"

Jin Shengzun doesn't have much combat power left. Of course, even if he still has combat power, he will not be able to fight.

Because, there's no need.

Under the water saint's weak water Tianhe, even the ancient Xuan here, I'm afraid, has only been suppressed, not to mention this group of people who have no one in the middle level Xuansheng city.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

The weak water Tianhe is overwhelming. We should suppress the strong and evil clouds into the bottom of the water.

With a cold smile, Li Xiyun dodged away at a very fast speed.

At the same time, he stepped on the void and displayed three leg techniques in succession, releasing the most fierce attack and attacking the water Saint from a distance.

Shuishengzun clapped three palms in a row, each of which had the power to suppress the sun and the moon, and completely eliminated Li Xiyun's leg skill.

"The game, let's call it a day."

The water saint is impatient.

In order to maintain the weak Tianhe, his consumption is also great, and he must make a quick decision, otherwise, sooner or later, the biggest flaw will be revealed.

In fact, when the weak water Tianhe is summoned, his own combat power will be greatly affected.

If Gu Xuan had been here to fight him closely, I'm afraid he would have discovered it.

Fortunately, this group of people in front of them do not have the true emperor and God body like Gu Xuan, otherwise, things will become very troublesome.

"Three thousand weak waters, suppress the heavens!"

The water Saint roared, and a torrent of energy flowed out of his body, and disappeared into the weak water Tianhe.

The speed of weak water Tianhe suddenly doubled, and flew to the foot of the evil cloud with lightning speed. It set off huge waves and wanted to shoot him to the bottom of the water.

At this time, the water Saint Zun is determined to deal with Li Xiyun!

Yang Xiaoxie's eyes twinkled, and a cold light, which belonged to tongxuan Lingbao, flashed out of her body.

A sense of extreme danger emanated from her.

Mu Shengzun was staring at Yang Xiaoxie, his face changed slightly.

When he fought with Li Xiyun, he always felt that Yang Xiaoxie seemed to be emitting dangerous breath all the time.

He had always been on guard against it and was distracted. Otherwise, he would not have failed so badly under the shock of Li Xie Yun's blood force, which made him have a shadow in his heart.

Now, seeing that Yang Xiaoxie is ready to take action, he does not hesitate at all, and reminds him:

"water saint, be careful, this little girl is very dangerous!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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