The body of Oriental snow is like a bottomless pit.

No matter how much anger comes in, it will pass quickly.

"It's no use, Gu Xuan.

I performed the great sacrifice technique, sacrificing the power of Shouyuan and the real dragon. It was the real oil exhaustion and the lamp withered.

It is impossible to make up for the sacrifice of Shouyuan.

I'm satisfied to see you before I die. "

Dongfang snow has been gas if gossamer, but there is still a faint smile on his face.

"I'm ancient Xuan, but I'm the first Dan emperor in the ages.

I can cure any kind of patient.

You will not die! Not only will you not die, but I will make you live better than before

The tone of Gu Xuan is firm.

Dongfang Xue opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she couldn't make a sound.

Even though the vitality is constantly added into her body, her vitality is still slowly disappearing.

"Hold on. I'll find a safe place first."

Gu Xuan was holding the Oriental snow and ran in a direction, and soon came to the foot of a mountain.

Gu Xuan released his soul energy and explored around him. He found a deep cave in the middle of the mountain.

The ancient Xuan directly displayed the "instant shadow" and flew to the cave entrance.

This cave is the cave of a group of ferocious beasts at the top of the holy land. They found the ancient Xuan. They all bared their teeth and roared at it.

Gu Xuan didn't even look at the group of fierce animals, but his heart moved and directly summoned Yunxi.

Yunxi smiles coldly, releases the ice spirit cold inflammation, and burns all the fierce beasts into flying ash.

Then, she returned to the ancient metaphysics.

At the same time, Gu Xuan increased the speed of entering Dongfang Xue's body, and at the same time arranged several simple defense arrays at the cave entrance, which put Dongfang Xue on the ground.

"If you eat these 100 pills, you can recover a little energy."

The ancient Xuanxin thought a move, the space ring will have an endless stream of jiupindan, flying toward the mouth of the Oriental snow.

Gu Xuan doesn't care about the efficacy. Anyway, what kind of pill is of little use to Dongfang Xue. What can be added is only a little energy.

One hundred Jiupin pills, Dongfang Xue's current body, is already the limit, otherwise, Gu Xuan doesn't mind and uses more pills.

With the help of Gu Xuan, jiupindan melts at the entrance, and it has become the most pure energy and entered the whole meridians of Dongfang Xue.

Oriental snow finally recovered a little strength, at least, can speak.

"Don't waste pills. No pills can help me.

I'm not injured, and I'm not an ordinary burning Shou yuan.

I sacrificed Shouyuan with the sacrifice of great sacrifice, which is equivalent to making an exchange contract with God.

Ten percent of the contract is invalid.

What's more, I've lost the blood of the real dragon... "

Gu Xuan looked at Dongfang Xue gently and put his right index finger on her lips to stop her from talking.

The sound of snow stopped suddenly.

But soon, she suddenly exclaimed, opened Gu Xuan's hand, and then covered her face.

"Now, I'm always not.

My face is full of wrinkles.

My hair, too, is white.

I am an old woman!

Don't look at me, don't look at me, don't remember what I looked like before I died... "

Dongfang Xue said in the end, her voice was crying.

At last, she sobbed.

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth twitched.

Sure enough, all the women are so unpredictable, even if it is a female dragon, all the same.

This thinking is too out of step.

When is it all about your appearance?

Besides, you are a dragon. What do you care so much about your Terran appearance?

Gu Xuan's heart was full of emotion. However, on his face, he didn't dare to have any expression, so he could only quickly change the topic.

"The blood of the real dragon is gone. It's nothing.

If you want to recover, I will go to the Dragon kingdom with you. Whose blood do you like? I will take it for you.

Even if it's a real dragon king, I'll fight for it.

As for the Shou yuan you exchanged, I don't believe it. With my ancient skills, I can't recover.

Now, I want to know something about the great sacrifice.

Don't resist. Let me have a look at the memory of the great sacrifice. "

Gu Xuan once again stretched out his index finger and pointed it on the center of the Oriental snow eyebrows.

Dongfang Xue nodded.

"True Dragon King, you can't beat it.

What's more, the real dragon king in the Dragon kingdom is all my relatives. Their blood can't be robbed. "Gu Xuan's whole face twitched.

Is that a show off?

Even if it's to show off, we should divide the time. Don't pay too much attention to these details!

Now the most important thing is the great sacrifice!

Dongfang snow also seems to realize that her words did not seem to grasp the point and coughed a little, which was to ease the embarrassment.

"Thanks to you, I got the great sacrifice.

This is the skill hidden in the order of ascension.

At the beginning, several great saints competed for the order of ascension. I'm afraid it was this skill that they valued.

While I'm awake now, I'll share with you all the things that happened there during your absence from the beak colony. "

Dongfang Xue said seriously.


Gu Xuan didn't hesitate. He could help Dongfang Xue strengthen his soul energy by sharing his memory with him.

Without the blood of the real dragon and more than 99% of Shouyuan, the soul of Dongfang snow has become extremely weak.

If not, Gu Xuan would not have bothered to understand the great sacrifice. He would have helped Dongfang Xue to get out of the body, find the body and take over the house.

Today's Oriental snow, even with the help of Gu Xuan, can't bear the consumption of taking over other bodies.

Ancient xuandian in the East snow eyebrow center index finger, exudes the soft light.

He simulated the soul energy of Oriental snow and began to nourish the soul of Oriental snow.

At the same time, Dongfang Xue showed Gu Xuan everything that happened in the tiger beaked bird colony.

A quarter of an hour later.

Gu Xuan and Dongfang Xue opened their eyes at the same time.

"I see. I understand everything.

The evil cloud and the small evil actually got such a set of supernatural treasure.

No wonder shuishengzun is crazy. He always keeps his hands on the people who come down to Longcheng. Otherwise, there is no need to suppress the people of Jianglong city to the bottom of weak water Tianhe.

If you kill them directly, there will be no later things. "

Gu Xuan sighed a little. It was really hard to predict the world.

"The water saint is really wronged this time. I owe him a favor.

Next time we meet, we have to find a way to help him. "

Dongfang Xue looks at Gu Xuan, and seems to want to root his appearance and voice into his soul before he dies, even if he is reincarnated in the next life.

As for what Gu Xuan was saying, she did not pay any attention.

"As for the damage caused by the great sacrifice, there is no way to reverse it.

I'm afraid any pill will be ineffective... "

Gu Xuan's words have not finished, the East snow long sigh, interrupted him.

"I've known my life for a long time. When I use this skill, I will accept my life.

You have to promise me, forget what I am now, just remember what I used to be.

In this way, even if I am dead, I will have no regrets. "

Gu Xuan smiles gently.

"I will remember what you are like now. You can only see it once in your life.

Because your appearance will soon be restored.

I really can't reverse the damage of sacrifice, but I didn't say, there's no way to save you. "

Dongfang snow shivered.

"You're not comforting me? Can you really save me?

Can I really get back to what I used to be? "

Gu Xuan believed: "there is no one who can't be cured.

But before I save you, don't you think I owe you a word? "

Dongfang Xue was stunned and lowered his head, as if he had guessed what Gu Xuan wanted to say.

"What? You say now, the same thing.

If I'm sorry to say it, it doesn't matter It's ok... "

This words, let Gu Xuan also Leng for a while.

"I'm sorry to say, how could it? I'll say it now

Gu Xuan looked at the snow in the East.

"Oriental snow, thank you!"

Oriental Snow's face, originally rare to restore a little blood color, became red up.

After listening to Gu Xuan's words, Dongfang Xue knew that he would be wrong.


Dongfang Xue bit her teeth and seemed to want to say something. When it came to her mouth, it turned into these two words.

Gu Xuan is a Leng again, said well, how to scold people?

Sure enough, the woman heart, the sea needle, still don't care about these details, it's important to save people!

In Gu Xuan's eyes, there was a fine light! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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