After killing two middle level Xuansheng level ghosts and beasts with the sword of killing heaven, Gu Xuan was finally exhausted. He could only watch Dongfang snow and be hit by the tail of a soul beast, even his heart was pierced.

Oriental snow screams, is lost vitality.

"Oriental snow!"

Gu Xuan was filled with grief.

"I will take revenge for you and kill all these beasts!"

Gu Xuan gnawed his teeth, and his eyes almost burst out fire.

With a wave of his right hand, he put the "corpse" of Oriental snow into the space ring.

Under normal circumstances, in the space ring, it is impossible to take the warrior in.

However, at the moment, Dongfang snow is in a state of suspended animation, which can be regarded as an "object", which can be taken in.

Of course, her state of suspended animation is quite different from that of Yueyang mountain.

In fact, there are many flaws in the state of feign death created by Jiupin feigning pill.

The most important thing is that the body should not be destroyed too much.

Especially the Dantian, once the Dantian is broken, it is really broken.

People do not die, Dan Tian broken, a body of strength, will not save one.

As for the rest of the body, as long as the injury is under control, that's fine.

At the moment when the Oriental snow is put into the space ring, the heart of the Oriental snow has been repaired by the ancient Xuan.

Of course, because of the efficacy of Jiupin Feifei pill, Dongfang Xue will not wake up for the time being.

Once you wake up, even if you are a living person, you can't get the space ring.

If you force it in, you'll have to die.

Originally, Gu Xuan wanted to collect the Oriental snow into the ancient house of Yanmo, but on second thought, it was not realistic enough.

If you want to really cheat the king of beasts behind the scenes, you can only get Oriental snow into the space ring.

Dongfang Xue "died", and then it was Gu Xuan's turn.

Gu Xuan angrily fought with the middle level Xuansheng level ghosts and beasts. After killing them to three, it seemed that he finally exhausted his body energy.

He started burning Shouyuan.

Thousands of years of life yuan, he burned out the momentum of longevity yuan, the last three middle level Xuansheng level soul beast, were also killed.

At last, the ancient Xuan was torn to pieces by a primitive Xuansheng level spirit beast, which was dead to death.

"Jie Jie, finally died.

It's worthy of being Gu Xuan. The soul energy is only a little weaker than me.

Almost, my fantasy can't cheat you.

When I devour your remnant soul, my soul energy will reach the peak level of Xuansheng. "

A gloomy voice suddenly rang out.

"The fairyland, it can go away."

The magma disappears at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If you look from the outside, the original volcanoes also disappeared at this time.

Instead, there are just a few ordinary peaks.

The interior of the mountain is not hollow.

What happened before, in fact, is in a separate space.

However, this independent space coincides with the space where the mountain is located.

In a separate space.

All of a sudden, the dense beasts retreated respectfully to both sides and made way for a way.

The soul beast who just tore Gu Xuan into pieces spat all the pieces in his mouth under his body.

The body of ancient Xuan is broken into slag, mixed with blood, and looks miserable.

At the other end of the road, a figure slowly emerged from the void and walked towards the slag of ancient Xuan.

"There is no rule of the nether world to bind your soul, which shows that my space is indeed isolating the perception of the rule of the nether world.

When a person is torn apart by a soul animal, his body will be broken and his soul will be broken into wisps of remnant soul, attached to the broken meat.

Even so, your soul energy will be weakened.

But it's enough for me to be promoted to the peak of Xuansheng. "

Slowly walking figure, from fuzzy to clear.

This is a man.

At least, on the surface, it does.

However, he gives people a very uncomfortable feeling.

He is very beautiful, but there is a kind of yin and evil Qi everywhere. His voice is not in harmony with his appearance.

It's hard to imagine that a young man in his twenties would have the same gloomy voice as an old man at dusk.

If only listen to the voice, I'm afraid anyone will think that this is an old man.

The young man went to the debris before, licked his lips, a force of soul is swept towards the feet.

In the blink of an eye, the remains of Gu Xuan's body had disappeared, and all of them were sucked into the body by the young man.

But, just then, his pupil shrinks abruptly."How could it be? Your soul, not with the fragmentation of the body and become a wisp of ghost?

Your soul is complete

The young man's face changed greatly, and finally realized that something was wrong.

"Oh, I've been cheated!

Damn Gu Xuan, you dare to calculate me!

If you dare to enter my body, you are looking for yourself... "

Before the young man finished his words, his body suddenly trembled, and his soul was greatly impacted.


A mouthful of blood, out of his mouth.

"Tut, I attack your soul, but you vomit blood.

In other words, your soul and body are still the same, both prosperous and damaged.

You look like a person, but in fact, you are not.

King of beasts, am I right?

I'm curious. You seem to know me well?

Actually aimed at me, set up a fantasy, really almost let me overturn the boat, to tell you the truth, I really admire you.

However, it seems that I have never seen you before. You have no hatred or resentment, but you have come to deal with me. Why do you suffer? "

Gu Xuan's teasing voice rings from the young man's body.

"Damn it! Gu Xuan, get out of my body

The young man roared, his whole body burst out, a circle of energy, around him as the center, swing around.

The spirits and beasts around were lifted out directly.

"Tut, good, strong, worthy of being the king of ghosts and beasts at the high level of Xuansheng!

Unfortunately, no matter how strong you are, I now, even the body and soul, are in you.

The blow I just made your whole soul suffer a heavy blow. You can't bring it back without 3578 years.

Now, you're not my opponent at all, so be honest and answer my questions

Gu Xuan's voice, again from the young man's body.

Young men are even more angry.

"You really think I can't do anything about you?

I will kill you now

The young man gave a sneer, his hands made a series of Dharma Seals, and his soul energy burst out suddenly.

There was a whirlpool in his chest.

As the whirlpool expanded, his whole being sucked into it.

Then he entered a void.

At this time, the ancient mystery, which had been hidden perfectly in the young man's body, suddenly had a feeling of whirling.

In an instant, Gu Xuan was surprised to find that he and the young man were standing in a void space at the same time.

Gu Xuan looked at his hands.

"I'm worthy of being the king among the spirits and beasts. I can't believe it.

If I'm right, this is your space of consciousness, right?

Even my soul has been pulled into here by you. It's amazing. "

The corner of Gu Xuan's mouth aroused a faint smile.

It seems that the young man wants to make a settlement with him here.

The young man stares at Gu Xuan with a pair of eyes full of bitterness and bitterness.

"Here, not only my space of consciousness, but also your grave!

You want to know why I want to kill you and why I know you so well. I'll tell you before you die! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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