Whew! Whew!

The sword made a sound of breaking through the sky. With the momentum of lightning, it still attacked the water invincible.

Water invincible facial expression, very not good-looking.

Gu Xuan's one wave of attack was only slightly resolved by himself, but his second wave of attack had fallen.

"Damn it, it's so mean.

It should have been good for me.

But, my soul, it has just been hit hard.

His soul energy is just like a maggot of tarsal bones. Even if a little bit of it escapes, it will be controlled by him, attacking the wounds and flaws on my soul.

In this way, my wounds and flaws will continue to grow.

At that time, it will take more energy to suppress the injury, and I will consume at least a third faster than him.

If I hold on for half a quarter of an hour at most, I will be at the end of my tether. "

Water invincible heart analysis of their current situation.

This situation is not very good.

But in any case, the most important thing is to block the attack of guxuan.

"Haotian shooting method!"

Water invincible dance by the soul energy condensed into the long gun, to display a very strong gun.

The mighty energy torrent suddenly forms and sweeps around.

The sword can't get close to the water.

At the same time, in the mighty energy torrent, there are spear pointed spears coming from time to time. The power is incomparable and can break the sky of the sun and the moon!

The terrible power, like an invisible arrow, shoots straight at the ancient mystery.

In the limit of defense, water invincible actually squeezed out a little time and gap, and directly began to attack Gu Xuan.

He wanted to find out the opportunity to attack Gu Xuan and hit him hard by surprise.

Even if there is no heavy damage, at least let Gu Xuan's continuous offensive stop, otherwise, he will never have a chance to breathe, let alone kill.

Gu Xuan disdained to smile.

He launched an attack, occupying the absolute upper hand, a pair of eyes, even the water invincible the most subtle changes can see clearly, how can not prevent him to take the opportunity to fight back?

From the moment that the water invincible hands, Gu Xuan has already shot at the same time.

His right hand continued to use the sword move of "immortality and immortality", but his left hand used "Tian Jue palm", which was split with one palm. He was not greedy for merit, but only for defense.

Just a few booms.

Water invincible attack, has been resolved by the ancient Xuan.

"It seems that the pressure I put on you is not enough.

It's my fault to give you a chance to fight back.

Next, I'll fix it a little bit! "

Gu Xuan sneered. His left hand was like a sword, but he used the same sword technique with his right hand.

Suddenly, double the sword, shot at the water invincible, make him more in a hurry.

The water is invincible. It's crazy.

In the eyes of any Xuan sage, Gu Xuan's sword technique was very simple. However, this sword technique played an extraordinary role in Gu Xuan's hands, forcing him to have no counterattack.

"Damn it! You despicable fellow, you remember, no matter what plot you use, I will win in the end.

Don't forget, this is my conscious space, my home!

I have a natural advantage to fight here

Water invincible roars, although the heart is very flustered, but the face does not show.

He threatened Gu Xuan and wanted him to mess up.

Unfortunately, how could Gu Xuan be deceived?

"It's really your space of consciousness, and it's really your home court.

But if you say that before you get hurt, I may be afraid of three points.

Unfortunately, you are late.

Don't treat me like a fool like you, will you?

Our intelligence level line is not the same high, I am several sections higher than you

Gu Xuan looked at the water invincible, a pair of eyes, as if to see through everything.

"The soul has been badly damaged. Even if you are a soul beast, it will be enough for you to drink.

Unfortunately, you insist on pretending to be OK and fight with me.

If I guess well, your poor home advantage has been used to suppress the injury.

otherwise, I can't imagine why you brought me into your consciousness space?

This kind of behavior, but dancing on the tip of a needle, if I had been changed, I would not have taken such a risk.

But you take such a risk, which shows that this is the only way you can suppress the injury, maintain the fighting power and fight with me, right? "

Water invincible's face changed greatly, and his heart was filled with surging waves.

To his surprise, Gu Xuan saw through his last cover.In fact, it is.

Gu Xuan made a surprise attack in his body, which caused him extremely serious trauma. In normal combat, he was no longer his opponent.

Therefore, we will take risks and inhale the ancient Xuan here.

In the space of consciousness, he can use the space of consciousness and a small part of soul energy to completely suppress the injury and maintain the fighting power.

In this way, his soul energy, as in the outside world, is still superior to the ancient metaphysics.

But I never thought that it would be self defeating.

Ancient Xuan's insight is too strong.

The precise control of soul energy is too strong.

If you use the energy properly, you can achieve the effect of four or two strokes.

Gu Xuan, however, can no longer be described as "properly used". He is even more terrible.

Every trace of energy has been used to the utmost by him.

This directly leads to water invincible from the first fight, has been at a disadvantage.

Water invincible stares at the eyes of cruel resentment, staring at Gu Xuan.

"If it goes on like this, I will lose.

But since I dare to get you into my consciousness space, do you think I will have no cards?

You should be glad that you can see me! "

Water invincible suddenly burst into a violent drink, so far, to kill Gu Xuan, you can only use the ultimate means.

As the king of the beasts, he can control thousands of beasts and fight for himself with the power of one man. This is not the ability that comes out of thin air!

"When I was in the middle level of Xuansheng, I used this move to defeat the enemies of Xuansheng's high level!

Finally, the soul of this person was absorbed by me, and I was promoted to the high level of Xuansheng!

, you know as like as two peas, the situation is almost the same as it is now!

The only difference is that the fighting place is not in my sea space!

At that time, I was also forced to a desperate situation.

At that time, I used this move and won!

Now, no exception!

In my sea space, this move will be stronger! "

Water invincible soul body, suddenly, from the chest, there are cracks.

Gu Xuan's face changed slightly, and he took it back directly.


He retreated a hundred feet.

"What's the matter? From the water invincible body, I feel the breath of incomparable danger.

What kind of stunt is he going to use?

Even the injury can not be ignored to continue to suppress, but also to display this move?

It seems, is really ready to go all out!

In this case, it's just that you can spell it, and I'll spell it too!

See who can laugh to the end

With a cold smile, Gu Xuan was ready to fight.

Water invincible chest crack, began to expand.

These wounds are the wounds that he left when he was attacked by Gu Xuan.

Before, has been suppressed, never revealed.

But now that we have decided to go all out and win or lose depends on this move, we should naturally use all our strength to attack.

As for the injury, if you can't defeat Gu Xuan, water invincible is very clear, even his life will be lost, which can also care about the injury?

"Die, Gu Xuan!

It's a magic practice to devour the soul and not die to take the soul! "

The water roared and rushed to the ancient Xuan!

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