Water invincible, completely flustered.

In fact, if he tries to resist and tear up the invisible film that exudes the breath of ancient mysterious soul on his body, it is not without a fight.

However, after seeing such means as Gu Xuan, he was already in despair.

A person who can imitate your soul breath and turn your soul breath into his soul breath. How can you win him?

This man is the natural enemy of the beast!

And still can't beat that kind of natural enemy forever!

Unfortunately, things have come to this point, how can Gu Xuan stop?


The soul sword in Gu Xuan's hand pierced shuiwudi's chest.

Ancient Xuan's soul energy, directly in the water invincible body rampant spread away.

Water invincible howled miserably, and his eyes were full of despair.

But in despair, he suddenly began to laugh.

"Ha ha ha, Gu Xuan, you damned dog!

Although I was defeated this time, before you, in my dreamland, in order to lead me out, you burned ten thousand years old yuan.

You are a warrior of human race, dare to burn ten thousand years old yuan. I'm afraid you have hurt the origin?

If you hurt the origin, you will be trapped in the present state forever.

You must be in pain, aren't you?

My life is worth the pain of the rest of your life

Water invincible eyes once again full of vicious color.

Gu Xuan looked at the water like an idiot.

"Now that I know, I'm trying to lead you out?

That means everything is fake.

Do you think I'm really going to burn ten thousand years?

It's stupid to die.

As a matter of fact, I just burned the thousand years old yuan, but I made the momentum of burning ten thousand years old yuan.

Thousand years old yuan, to me, is not worth mentioning.

What's more, even if I really burned 10000 yuan? So what?

Don't say 10000 years, that is 20000 years, 30000 years, also can't hurt my fundamental.

You know me so well. You should know that I am the first Dandi in the land of burning heaven. I have many ways to recuperate and replenish Shouyuan.

You'd better go at ease. "

Water invincible glared at Gu Xuan and roared: "no, you lied to me. What you said is not true.

You want me to die, don't you?

I won't be fooled! You don't want to cheat me!

No one can cheat me! "

Boom! Boom!

Dense chain, bombarded in the water invincible body.

Water invincible body, also under the bombardment of this dense chain, completely disintegrated and turned into idle soul energy.

Gu Xuan's eyes sparkled and he couldn't help licking his lips.

Water invincible wants to devour his soul energy, why doesn't he want to devour the soul energy of water invincible?

Once the mouth of the ancient Xuan was opened, the huge suction was produced from the mouth.

Water invincible that wisps of soul, was all swallowed into the mouth of the ancient Xuan.

That one has not yet exploded the soul chain, also was sucked into the mouth of Gu Xuan.


At this time, the whole sea space, suddenly occurred a violent explosion.

This sea space, after all, belongs to water invincible. Now, water invincible has completely fallen. Even if Gu Xuan continues to imitate the soul breath of water invincible, it has no effect.

To be able to delay until he can absorb all the remaining souls of water invincible is the maximum.

"It's time to get out. Water invincible spirit, has been absorbed by me.

Although it is less than half of his own soul energy, it is enough to let my soul power rise to the level of Xuansheng.

After I went out, I immediately began to refine and improve myself. "

Gu Xuan made a decision, and his mind moved. He found a gap in the collapsing sea space and flew out.

As soon as he came out, Gu Xuan returned to his invincible body.

Water invincible body, although lost the soul, but has not begun to collapse.

Soon, a drop of blood, from the water invincible body fly out.

At this time, the water invincible body, turned into powder, fluttered to the ground.

Dongfang Xue looked at the blood floating in front of her body and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The final winner is Gu Xuan.

The blood quickly grew large, grew out of the eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and then restored to the appearance of ancient Xuan.

"Your soul is weak."

Dongfang Xue looks at Gu Xuan and is worried. She immediately wants to go forward and hold him.

Gu Xuan waved his hand.

"Don't help me. My soul is consumed.However, it doesn't matter. I've swallowed up the ghost of the king of the soul beast. As long as I refine it, I can not only recover, but also make further progress.

Although this space is dark, it is safe to be promoted here.

Two days at most. Just stay here with me. "

Gu Xuan smiles.

Dongfang Xue nodded.

"But if you want to be promoted, do you want to get rid of these beasts first?

Just now, they have been eyeing around.

Now, their king is dead. Look at their appearance, they seem to want to rush up and fight hard! "

Gu Xuan glanced at the ghosts and beasts around him, disdaining to smile.

It quickly refined a wisp of water invincible ghost, and as the core, released the majestic soul energy, and went towards the surrounding ghosts and beasts.

The fierce and vicious color in the eyes of the ghosts and beasts instantly turned into the color of panic. They retreated one after another and did not dare to get close to the ancient Xuanbai Zhang.

"Why? Your soul energy, can suppress them? "

East snow surprised way.

Gu Xuan said with a smile: "I can't rely on my soul energy alone.

They only listen to the orc king.

And now I'm the king of them.

Well, you help me protect the Dharma, and I'll be promoted immediately. "

Gu Xuan hung in the void and closed his eyes.

Dongfang Xue skimmed his mouth. He still had many questions to ask Gu Xuan, but now he can only give up for the time being.

She guarded around and began to protect the ancient Xuanfa.

Two days passed in a hurry.

The spirit of ancient Xuan is more and more profound.

Finally, he reached the critical point, the level of soul energy, there was a qualitative change.

A breath of soul belonging to the peak Xuansheng was released from the ancient Xuan.

Dongfang Xue used to protect the Dharma from ten Zhang away from the ancient Xuan's body, but in this pressure, she had to retreat to 50 Zhang away.

That group of ghosts and beasts is even worse.

From a hundred feet away, they retreated to two hundred feet away, and then they stopped trembling.

But in their eyes, in addition to fear, there is excitement.

At present, the "new king" seems to be more powerful than the "old king".

This is definitely a good thing for the beasts.

There is a strong king, which means that the development of their ethnic groups will be more beneficial.

As for who the king of beasts is, they don't care.

With their intelligence, they can't give birth to the idea of "care".


Gu Xuan took a breath and opened his eyes.

A series of fine hairs burst out of his eyes.

"Promotion, very smooth.

My soul power, even if compared with the most top peak Xuansheng, will not be inferior

Gu Xuan stood up in the void with a satisfied smile on his face.

"But since I was promoted, my hunch seems to be stronger.

I always feel that in the outside world, it seems that many people are calculating me. "

The snow in the East is white.

Isn't that nonsense?

You are the first one in the list of burning heaven. I'm afraid everyone is calculating you except yourself!

Is it still premonitory?

Blind people can see it!

When Gu Xuan saw the white eyes of Dongfang snow, she immediately guessed what she was thinking.

I have to say, I just had a hunch, it's really useless.

It's really embarrassing.

"Cough, I don't want that.

Dongfang Xue, you know that the king of beasts is invincible. Why do you hate me so much?

Why do you know me so well?

It's still a sad and beautiful love story! "

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